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Who do you fantasize about?

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I get the impression that this question has more to it than meets the eye....Are you trying to figure whether there is a chance that your SO is thinking about someone else when he makes love to you?....Cause thats what I get from reading your post.


Do YOU fanatasize about being with someone else while making love to YOUR SO?


With my ex, I did occasionally ( and when I mean occasionally I mean a couple of times) think of being with someone else...So is that considered cheating in your book?...or is that a healthy fantasy?


With my new g/f... there is no reason to think of someone else cause she F's my brains out the way I my body desires it.

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I am interested in the 'real' meaning behind this post, too... What is the true question being asked?? Are you asking because YOU think about others, and your BF doesn't maybe?? Did you guys have a fight about it?


For the record, I tried thinking about someone else once, but my mind quickly returned to the woman I was making love with... I was way too busy enjoying her to think of anyone else...

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No, there is nothing more to it, just a thought I had!! My mind has 'wondered' a few times but as Monkey1 put it, I'm usually trying to focus on the pleasure part of it and no one in particular. One poster made the comment that her husband would think of his girl friend while making love to her and just use her for her body.


I wondered how many people really do that?

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No, there is nothing more to it, just a thought I had!! My mind has 'wondered' a few times but as Monkey1 put it, I'm usually trying to focus on the pleasure part of it and no one in particular. One poster made the comment that her husband would think of his girl friend while making love to her and just use her for her body.


I wondered how many people really do that?


Word. Yeah, I'm just trying to make the most of the whole pleasure part of it. I want to it to be good as possible and for me, it takes a lot of focus to be "in the moment"


As for thinking about an ex, if my boyfriend did that, I'd be like don't even tell me that or I'd be kinda upset. Stuff like that, I'd rather he just keep it to himself ... that is unless he screams her name out during sex!

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Word. Yeah, I'm just trying to make the most of the whole pleasure part of it. I want to it to be good as possible and for me, it takes a lot of focus to be "in the moment"


As for thinking about an ex, if my boyfriend did that, I'd be like don't even tell me that or I'd be kinda upset. Stuff like that, I'd rather he just keep it to himself ... that is unless he screams her name out during sex!

Word!! LOL ....I thought that I was the only one who had to really focus when it comes to that..My SO told that I'm a hard one HA HA At that point I don't think of anything else except " come on, cooommmmee onnn"


HA HA HA. I would never want to be told he is thinking of someone other than me. The poster that made the comment that her husband was thinking of the g/f was really hurt and felt used, ohhhh man!

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I don't fantasize during sex unless it is a mutual, talking fantasy with my partner. To get each other super riled up.


Before sex and during the day, I have my fantasies.


Sometimes during sex a random ridiculous thought or image will pop up. That's different though. I don't run with it. I like focusing on the now of what is happening best.

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  • 1 month later...
No, there is nothing more to it, just a thought I had!! My mind has 'wondered' a few times but as Monkey1 put it, I'm usually trying to focus on the pleasure part of it and no one in particular. One poster made the comment that her husband would think of his girl friend while making love to her and just use her for her body.


I wondered how many people really do that?


Mine used to do that. He was thinking about a girl he met on the net. But he doesn't do it anymore. HAsn't for a while now.


As to the question, when I fantacize, I usually think about scenerios more then spacific people. Like everyone has seen some movie with a really good sex scene that turned you on... That is the stuff I think about.

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When I kiss my girl, I always think about her. Everything on my mind disappears, and it's just her. Just last week, I was spending some time with her and forgot I had to be home nearly three hours ago. The farthest thing I've thought about from her while we kiss would probably be of my/her hands exploring her/my body.

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  • 3 months later...

Sometimes It can take a really long time for me to cum, and sometimes when it gets ridicules and we pass and hour and a half. I sometimes close my eyes and think of someone else and stuff that would turn me on.. But thats the only time I would fee lthe need to do it, and its not really helping when I do it anyway

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When you are having sex/making love with you bf/SO who are you fantasizing about? Your SO, someone you have seen on the street, An actor/actress? Who is it that you visualize?


I was with this guy for nearly 5 years.


At the beginning of the relationship, all I could think of was him. Heck, even in my day dream fantasies. But at the time passed, I started slowly to fantasize about other people as well (celebrities, actors).


By year 4 and 5 (when things began going to hell) I definitely just closed my eyes and thought I was riding someone else (Goran Visnjic or however the hell you spell it -for example-, he plays Dr. Luka Kovac from ER , he's hot).


I think my mind works as it follows: if I'm completely and crazy in love or at least infatuated, all I can think of, is the person I'm with. But as the initial rush passes and reality kicks in, I get cynical and start getting aroused in my mind with other people.

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