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is kissing someone else cheating?

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hello. i got into a huge fight with my bf. he hasn't been very supportive and isn't really there for me. i went out with a friend and met this really nice guy. i like the guy alot and at the end of the night we ended up kissing. i really wanted to take it further but didn't because i'm hoping for a relationship with this guy. but when we were kissing i got weirded out because i kept thinking about my bf. i don't know why but maybe i was just pissed off at my bf at the time and felt vulnerable to the other guy. now i like the other guy alot and want to break things off with my bf. i don't feel like kissing him was really cheating but i know i want to see him again and if i do things will probaly go alot farther then kissing. is if wrong for me to like both guys?

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It isn't wrong to like two people. It is classed as cheating though if you kissed another guy while your still with your boyfriend. If he found out I'm sure he's be very hurt and upset.


I suggest if your not happy with your boyfriend then you should end it and be with someone who your happy with.


good luck,


Miya xx

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No, it is not wrong to like two people at the same time. We are human, we cannot control the way we feel but we can certainly can control how we BEHAVE or ACT.


If things are terrible with your current boyfriend, he treats you bad, and you are not happy with him, it makes sense to end the relationship...regardless of the guy you kissed. Good luck and take care.

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Its not wrong of you to LIKE both guys, but I think if you are going to pursue things with the new guy you definitely need to break it off with your boyfriend. Personally I do think kissing someone else is cheating, but I'm not condemning you for doing so. I don't think you would feel to happy if your boyfriend kissed someone else. That being said, I am in the EXACT same situation as you. My boyfriend has been so distant and unattentive towards me, he won't even drive half an hour accross the city to come visit me, so I went out with a friend and we ended up kissing at the end of the night. I didn't even feel guilty. So I know where you are at. I decided the relationship with my boyfriend is obviously not that great if I would do something like that behind his back so I'm going to break it off with him.

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I disagree with the others.


it is wrong when you create a situation where you end up being confused with liking 2 guys. You created a situation that compromised a relationship between 2 ppl by introducing a 3rd.

I believe in self control and moving away from situation that may comproise a relationship.


But i may be wrong.

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It's ok to have crushes on more than one person, but yes kissing is consider cheating to most people. Anything dealing with something your partner would never approve or get hurt that you have to hide it then yes, it's cheating. I would suggest if you're not happy with your b/f, then break up and go for the other guy you kiss.

Then again, if you're planning to stay with your current b/f, just don't do it again and never tell him about the kiss, telling would be time waste.

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generally 3 above my post.

If you take the posters' post into context, a situation of falling "in like" with another person can be controlled.

I suppose if am attached and a women comes up to me that would threaten my relationship i would control the situation where i would not fall "in like" with the person. I dont feel it is ok to be torn between 2 people.


I maybe talking crap.. but my excuse is that it is 2am in the morning

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Yes kissing someone else while still in a exclusive/committed relationship with your current bf is cheating.


You handled the situation all wrong. If you are unhappy with your relationship with your current bf, you should end things before starting another relationship with this new guy or anything physical such as kissing. Or you could've have a mature discussion about how you are feeling and could possibly work some things out. Its normal to have small crushes, cuz we are only human, but you should never act on them. Some people may think that you needed to kiss this guy to test your feelings for your current bf but i think that is completel bull crap. If you have to resort to kissing another person to see how you feel about your current SO, then how strong is your current relationship really?


On the other hand...if you started liking this new guy months ago...but never acted on it, but still continued to spend time with him meanwhile stringing your bf along...that is just plain wrong. Why put yourself in a situation where you are most likely going to cheat? Have some self control and have respect to end something before starting a new one.

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"I dont feel it is ok to be torn between 2 people"


It has been said if one has a hard time choosing between two people, it is best not to choose either.


I agree with you whole hearted, but why create this situation?

End the first one before you start another. It is all about self control.

I feel it is weak and selfish when this situation arises.

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Once you have feelings for someone else i think the relationshop should be ended emediatly. I know that if my boyfriend had a "crush" on someone i would be CRUSHED. If you still havent broken up with your current boyfriend then I do in fact things this is wrong.

What you did is concidered cheating, just think of how sad your boyfriend would be if he found out. I hate the thought of people being hurt and sad. Please break up with your boyfriend because even if he hasn't been the best boyfriend he doesn't deserve to be cheated on and lied to.

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I don't think it's to the same degree as having sex with someone else, but yeah, I think it can be cheating, i kind of did that one time, not just any kiss either, and i felt kind of guilty about it, and my boyfriend somehow found out and that made things worse. The circumstances were pretty mitigating though. The other guy liked me and I knew it, and probably shouldn't have gone off with him, but he didn't want me to go back with my boyfriend because he saw bruises all over my arms (he didn't see the rest), which were caused by my boyfriend the night before. I was just really confused at the time. And i agree with others, sometimes situations are not that cut and dry, and it's harder to know what to do.

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I agree with iamteddybearfeelmecuddle, it is hard to know what to do because when your in a bad relationship you start to look for something more. I find cheating completely wrong, but sometimes its tricky to know what the right decision is and get caught up in the moment.

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I agree with iamteddybearfeelmecuddle, it is hard to know what to do because when your in a bad relationship you start to look for something more. I find cheating completely wrong, but sometimes its tricky to know what the right decision is and get caught up in the moment.


The is just an excuse. WHen you start to look for something better you should have ended the relationship. it is just self explainatory.


basically you do not love the person, you are only staying round till someting better comes along. It is wrong not for the relationship but for yourself too.

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The is just an excuse. WHen you start to look for something better you should have ended the relationship. it is just self explainatory.


Actually, Skippy, to correct you, I wasn't looking for anything better, although I certainly should have been. Had you read my post you might have realized that I loved my boyfriend, and was with the other guy only because he was trying to rescue me from being beaten again; and that since I'd just been beaten by the man I loved, I was just a tad confused.


And to further correct you, the time I should have ended the relationship was: when my boyfriend began to beat me. Thanks though for your opinion, albeit an uninformed one.

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Actually, i was quoting thegirl_20's statement when i said it was an excuse. It had no reference to you and your statement. The simple fact that when you start to look for something better you should have ended the relationship you are in because it isnt forfilling you.


Now as for you, i have no idea about your situation, you didnt state that you were looking for something better. (though i think you should IF someone is abusing you) but again i say, i dont know your situation.


We should however get back to the point of not hijacking this post.

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I disagree with the others.


it is wrong when you create a situation where you end up being confused with liking 2 guys. You created a situation that compromised a relationship between 2 ppl by introducing a 3rd.

I believe in self control and moving away from situation that may comproise a relationship.


But i may be wrong.



100% agree.


i figure dont get into a relationship if your not willing to try to stay faithful and make things work.

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I disagree with the others.


it is wrong when you create a situation where you end up being confused with liking 2 guys. You created a situation that compromised a relationship between 2 ppl by introducing a 3rd.

I believe in self control and moving away from situation that may comproise a relationship.


But i may be wrong.


yeah.. i agree as even if you were arguing with your bf or not .. straight after you left him to go uit with a friend.. you shouldnt go and find someone else or end up kissing someone else.. thats just saying that your an easy person to get with.

Also you can always patch things up wiv your bf so there was no reason to go and kiss some other guy.. yeah i no u were pissed off with him but am sure wouldnt like it if he did that to you!


wel thats my opinion anywayz!

thanks luv frankee x x x


p.s. i no i sound like a * * * * * but im just trying to help!

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