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Is it wrong to have sex with your GF's clone?


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Hi all,


I was wondering if you thought it was wrong to have a sexual relationship with a clone of your GF?


I mean since they are the same person, DNA speaking, it's not really cheating is it? And it's not like I'm thinking of someone else because it's her, just another version of her...


So what do you all think? Is it wrong? Would you do it?

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You have ACTUALLY cloned your GF? Or are we talking hyperthetically?


I'm fairly certain we're talking hypothetically.


Having sex with a clone, to me, is the same as having sex with an idetical twin. Both are genetically the same. And it's not like it's the SAME person. The clone still needs to grow from embryo, and how it is raised will make it a unique individual.


I think I would still consider it cheating. I would, however, have to give my boyfriend kudos to seduce both myself AND my clone

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Lol! What made you think of this. Were you sitting around and were like: hmmmmmmm....sex with my girlfriend's clone - could be fun!


Yeah, I agree with orgasmictofu...


Also, think of it this way....while you're having sex with your gf's clone-- what's your gf doing? Do you think she'd want to watch that...naw, she'd probably want to be the girl.

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Well, what if she was busy at work? Or wanted to go out with her friends? That way I'd always have one around to enjoy.


But lets say for arguments sake, that memories are just electrical pathways in the brain, and that we have developed a way to reproduce those pathways and thereforeeee reproduce memories and personality? So what we really have is two complete copies?

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Yea, that would be still cheating. If you're with the real and only person, then he/she's one of a kind, not to be replace. Having sex with a clone is the same as doing it with someone else while in a relation, cuz you're not being with the girl you first met and promise loyalty to her.

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First, LOL to Jorus. Funny stuff.


I think that you pose a very interesting question. To consider it fully, you should put yourself in your girlfriend's shoes. How would you feel if she had a sexual relationship with a clone of you?


My personal thoughts on the issue are that it would detract from the relationship and it would be "cheating" in a sense of the word.


What makes you desire this?


Are there inhibitions that you have that you are too afraid to show your girlfriend or ask for? Do you think that having a clone of her would give you the freedom to explore your fantasies without the risk of going too far and ruining your relationship?


If that is the case, then you wouldn't be sharing this experience with her and GROWING with her because of it. You would be denying her the choice to see a new side of you and perhaps gain a new perspective on your relationship. You would be engaging in intimacy WITHOUT her, which is not a compromise.


If your reasons for desiring this clone are just that you want sex whenever you want it and if she is at the store, on the phone, in a bad mood, or whatever, and you want sex from the clone- Well then that is just plain selfish! She is a human being with human emotions, and her clone would be the same ( I think...) You should love your girlfriend for her heart and her soul... not just for her body. Using an exact replica of her body for physical pleasure says a lot about how much you value your girlfriend as a person, and I would double-think this issue if I were you.

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