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im a little scared. my girlfriend an i had sex 2 nights ago (prom night) and we use the withdrawal method, because she doesnt like condoms. (but now... if she wants to do it again im gonna freakin make her). so anyway.. last week on.. thursday she told me her vagina was itching a lot. ( i might add that before we met, we were both virgins, and started about 2 months ago. so anyway, i didnt pay much attention, because she said it was probably just irritated. but on that night, we dry humped for a while, and then i inserted. so fast forward to 2 days later... the head of my penis is itching. and it cant be from the dry humping because its itching on the opposite side that i rubbed with. i also noticed a light redness from half way on the head and to the bottom.


nobody better tell me not to worry... because i am... a lot. i asked her about it, and she started getting weird and telling me not to get pissed off (which im wasnt) but she said she doesnt have any idea what it could be. HEEEEEEEELLP!!!!!

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Look, if you are really worried then the best advice you can get is to see a doctor. It could just be irritation caused by friction or it could be more but the only way you will get an absolute diagnosis is to see a doctor.

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Could just be thrush!?


This does sound quite likely. I mean, it could be many things. The first thing I would do would be see the doctor.


I was convinced I had herpes once, turns out I just had a skin infection that was nothing to do with sex and more to do with stress and antibiotics I had been taking.

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im a little scared. my girlfriend an i had sex 2 nights ago (prom night) and we use the withdrawal method, because she doesnt like condoms.


Dude, you DO know how rediculous this sounds, right? She is willing to put herself at risk, both for pregnancy and an STD because "she doesn't like condoms"? Heck, while we're at it, she's putting YOU at risk. You can be a virgin and have an STD from touching, oral sex, rubbing, etc.


Once you go to a doctor and get it checked out, because we are NOT doctors and cannot RESPONSIBLY diagnose you, pop a rubber on and put your mind at ease.

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but she didnt have sex before she met me.. so she had no reason to have an STD, and this is definitely not the first, or.. roughest weve had, and ive been irritated, but nothing like this, ever, and like i said before, its itching on the opposite side that i rubbed with.

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and also, i turned 18 6 months ago.. so im not covered under my parents, so i really cant see a doctor. and if my parents find out, im 100% screwed, because they are the crazy hardcore christian types.


also, i am well aware of the different ways to get STD's, i have had some education in regardes to it, but it just doesnt make sure why she'd, it just doesnt make sense why she'd have anything.

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I'm pretty sure the states must be the same as here in NZ, there are annonymous STD clinics in nearly every hospital here where u can be tested for free and without going to see your family doctor.


Having said that, I'm always brutally honest with my doctor. After all, I pay him good money to here my sob stories and look at my private parts! He didn't get a taxpayer subsidised education just to sit there and have it easy!


I don't think anyone here can really convince you and your girlfriend to do anything in particulary. But realise that the withdrawl method is very ineffective at stopping pregnancy. It only takes one of those little fellas to get out early (and yeah, they can come out very early in the whole gambit) and there goes the whole ball-game.


If it is thrush or some sort of infection that isn't an STD, you will still need to go to the doctor to get a prescription. Same if it is an STD. The doctor can also give you some good practical advice about condoms or other forms of birth control and STD protection. You could always give you family doctor a call, you never know, he may be able to do a cheap appointment for you so as to avoid your parents knowledge.

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but she didnt have sex before she met me.. so she had no reason to have an STD, and this is definitely not the first, or.. roughest weve had, and ive been irritated, but nothing like this, ever, and like i said before, its itching on the opposite side that i rubbed with.


Some STI's are also spread by "intimate contact", so while even if your girlfriend has not had actual penetration before, she may have had close contact with someone infected, or if someone performed oral sex on her with and STI some are spread that way as well.


You really should see a doctor.

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im a little scared. my girlfriend an i had sex 2 nights ago (prom night) and we use the withdrawal method, because she doesnt like condoms.



OK, that tops the list of the worse excuses not to use condoms...



Man, sex is fun, and I can't imagine living without it. But lets face it, better safe than sorry, and sorry you'll be if she gets pregnant (for at least the next 18 years of your life). So get into your head to use a condom, make that part of your nature, make it a reflect.


Fact is, as much fun as it is, consequences can be really, REALLY bad.

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That is one of the most ridiculous reasons to not use condoms/birth control I have heard.


If she thinks condoms are uncomfortable, wait until she is pushing a 7 lb baby through there, going through a cervical pre-cancer scare or dealing with genital warts.


And, she CAN get pregnant with withdrawal.


There are many STI's transmitted through other means then penetration.


You are playing with fire.


That being said, it sounds like it MAY be a yeast infection, and you BOTH need to go to the doctor. Call a Planned Parenthood.


If you are having sex, you absolutely must be protecting yourself, and be ready for the consequences - including going to the doctor!

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i looked around online and found a place to go get us both checked. im gonna go tomorrow. im not happy about it.. but im anxious to know whats going on. thanks again


also... i had the condom talk with her.... and it freakin pisses me off, but she said shed rather just not do it anymore.... * * *!!!!! i dont thiiink soo!

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If that is her attitude honestly...I would say it's time to move on. Do NOT have unprotected sex with her again.


Did you realize the failure rate is 20% to 27%? In PERFECT use it may get down to 5%, but that would require your girlfriend charting her cylces including examing her cervical mucous, taking her temperature every morning and following her cycle for months to find a pattern. Not only do most teenagers not have the patience or desire to do this, their cycles can be very irregular to begin with. So in other words, you are not the PERFECT use couple, you are the TYPICAL use couple meaning your failure rate is 20%+.


I guarantee your girlfriend will end up pregnant or with any number of STI's at a very young age as she continues this path - so make sure you are NOT the one whom is the one helping that happen. She is being very careless, as are you, so at least you can change our part of it.

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I'd put some hydrocortisone cream on, that should help. If it doesn't eliminate the itch or redness, then see a doc. You might just be over-reacting to the bad decision you made. Also... I'm not judging your girlfriend... but I would not trust 100% when a girl tells you she's only been with 1... or 2... or none... Bottom line is protect yourself.

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Any Girl who does not care about herself or you enough to want to protect both of you by using a condom is not someone you want to be sleeping with. I hope that if she sticks to her answer of no sex unless it's unprotected, you send her packing. That is just ignorant and foolish.


In response to your question about her "picking something up 9 months ago and it showing up now", if you are saying that she had intimate contact with someone 9 months ago and you are wondering if something could just show up now, it's not likely, but it is possible. She may have had a mild flareup at that point and thought little of it and here it is back again and now that she is having sex and you are both affected she's thinking it's new.


I'm glad you are going to get checked out today, let us know what happens. And I hope you will use continued good judgement and if your gf pulls this lame trip on you about not using condoms- give her the boot. If she loved you and cared about her own well being she would not have even considered having unprotected sex without being tested first.

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yeah, that is pretty ignorant of both of us. but i did mention it before. i wasnt straightforward and tough on the subject as i should have been, but i did talk about it. and i just remembered something. she said she found condoms in her parents room once, so if she knows her parents are using them, why would she have a problem with it??

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