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Sharp, shooting chest pain

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Hey guys;


Can anyone tell me what may cause a sharp, isolated shotting pain in the right side of my chest? It is sporadic, and I have had this since I was a child, but it seems to be getting more painful and sharper with age. I'm only 27, and I know it isnt a heart attack, but it hurts like hell!


Has anyone experienced this before and have any clue as to what it is? I smoke, drink lots of beer, and don't get alot of excersise other than at work (I get alot at work). I'm not overweight (athletic looking in fact), and otherwise pretty healthy.



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Go to the doctor!! heart attacks CAN be like that. they're not just huge attacks where people pass out! they can be exactly what you described. whatever it is...if it's getting worse then you NEED to get checked out. especially with smoking and drinking alot. those cause heart disease and will only make things worse. Good luck!!

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Hmm, I get a similar kind of thing randomly sometimes, only for a second, but on the side of my heart. And I'm only 16! It's kind of a clenching pain, and it only lasts for a very short time, but it's enough to make me flinch.

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Im not sure what it is, but i've also had it since being a kid. Like a stabbing pain in your chest. it doesnt last long, but hurts like hell, and use to make me very worried. But i have heard others say they get it so it doenst bother me now. Im still not sure what it is though.

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There are soooooo many different things it could be. Without knowing your complete medical history and not being a doctor, no one here could really tell you. So here's another vote for going to the doctor.


I had a similar pain a couple of months ago, but that only started after I had been carrying around a very heavy pack for a day. It went away after two weeks. Probably muscular.

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You are 27? It is not acid reflux (heart burn). "Heart burn" is not your heart burning. It's digestive chemicals that come up into your throat. You are experiencing angina, which is just a term for general chest pain. At worst, this is a sign of a future heart attack. My advice? See a doctor for a CT scan, x-rays, and blood tests. Quit smoking death sticks. This may be what's causing you pain. Change your diet, and lose some weight. Watch out for signs of MCI (heart attack). Your heart is on the left side of your chest, but pain can also be on the right side. An intense crushing pain, often radiating into your neck, shoulders, arms and back.

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