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obsessed with my boobs being too small

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i have recently become obsessed with the idea that my boobs are too small. i'm still young, only 19, and i know my mother's were a completely regular (maybe.. full B?) size when she stopped growing, but that doesn't change anything. i feel like everything about them is unappealing.


one of my (ex)boyfriend's friends, who liked him, went after him, blah blah, had really big boobs, and i've become intimidated. not by her, necessarily, but the idea that i can't measure up. i know he was/is (all of that's a mess on its own!) with me, and has never been with a girl with big boobs.. but i still feel unattractive. it's not about him, but he's a good external example.


i feel absolutely ugly. i know i can't just "love my body the way it is" or anything.. because i've thought of that. does anyone else feel this way? that their boobs are too small, their waist is too wide, their legs are too flabby.. and no matter what anyone says, you feel ugly to men because of one certain thing? i also know that everyone will say not to think about men but to feel good for myself, and that's a great theory, but it's hard when you go to a college with all beautiful, perfectly well-kempt girls walking around all the time (damn the old south!).


i don't know. i feel fat and repulsive and i can't make it go away. help.


ALSO, i would like to know if there's anyone who didn't finish growing until later.. like 19 or past. i've heard of girls having small boobs until around 20 or 21, and then they magically appear. is this just a fairy tale??

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When I was about 13 till i was 17 I hated my body. I used to hide beneath layers and layers of clothing which just made me look bigger. I was wearing padded bras ... Because i had absolutely nothing. Im a dancer and I was so flat then, but so fat. As a 13 year old I weighed in at about 72kilos. And i was short. When i turned 17 ... well not long after, i stopped dancing and amazingly, I lost weight, was able to turn some of it into muscle, and I actually started to grow some breasts. In two years ive gone from a 72 to a 65 And ive gone from a AA to a C cup. I hated my entire body before. But now I dont hate it as much. I mean ... eh! My legs need to have some weight fall off them, And I want to lose a bit from my stomach, but My body will get rid of the fat in time or turn to muscle. One or the other please. But really, you need to be happy with at least one part of your body. If you do like atleast one part of your body, and by this i mean, your shoulders, your waist ... and so forth, make that area the highlight of your outfits. Sorry personal question but What size bra are you in?

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I think nearly all women and girls go through phases like this. I certainly did. As I've gotten older, I've gotten more and more comfortable with my body the way it is. We only get one, might as well love it.


I 'matured' early on and was jealous of the girls with reasonable sized breasts in high school. When I played sports, they bounced, and the older guys would hoot and holler at me and call me names like 'hooters'. It wasn't fun.

Also, big boobs are a big pain in the back. They get saggy faster (think of those with big boobs when they are 50, hun!). Meanwhile, you'll still be kickin' it and not worrying about that.

You can wear a shirt without a bra if you want; and not look and feel badly.


Don't forget that as far as guys are concerned - all breasts are great!

Truly, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.


Oh, one more thing - when you have really big boobs guys tend to look at your chest and rarely at your face.

It is demeaning and very annoying.


Hope that helps.

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I think everyone dislikes SOMEthing about their bodies.


I have small boobs. I had almost nothing until just a few months ago when I filled up a B. I'm 21.


I was very self conscious about my chest for a long time. And then I realized that small boobs rock! They don't sag, you don't get back problems, they stay perky, you can wear pretty much ANYthing, and a guy just doesn't care how big they are once he's in there.


If a guy sees a girl for her chest, ONLY her chest, he's not worth holding onto.


Hope this helps at least a little bit.

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Everyone has different tastes. Breasts aren't the end all be all of female sexuality. Case in point: link removed. That woman is H - O - T hot. And her breasts are small. Sure she's an extreme, but extremes are good at making points. She doesn't meet the stereotypical form for what society tells us is supposed to be beautiful, but she is. You may not have big breasts, but that doesn't mean you're not beautiful.

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I can never figure this one out. I find women with small breast very attractive and I am totally turned off by fake breast. The love of my life was essentially flat chested. It NEVER bothered me. I always saw it as a positive.


You may not find them attractive, but someone will. Trust me on that. Do you want someone to be attracted to you as you are, or as someone else?

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I was just reading an article and it said that only 98% percent of women are happy with their bodies in the UK. So its not just you, and i bet you that most of the things you worry about are not even of significance to other people (ie men). I went through a phase wherein I was OBSSESED also with my body and diets, constantly thinking "shall I eat it...shall I not" and trying to come up with new diet plans etc. etc. Anyway, now I'm really happy with myself and don't think about it as much and try to make the most of myself. I do a lot of exercise etc. and eat well so I don't gain weight. But I think the most key thing, is to make the most of yourself: go out and buy a load of clothes that really flatter you, and hide parts of you don't like. This boosts your confidence so much. As for the boob thing, I totally have had/STILL HAVE this problem, I always stress about guys being turned off. But I made a mistake and started wearing padded bras all the time, I still do it because I can't just STOP wearing them! lol, its a bad idea, because once you start wearing them you have to wear them all the time, and also when you get with a guy, its so embarressing and such an anti-climax! But it's true, a lot of guys don't care unless they are REALLY SHALLOW and you wouldn't want to be with a guy whos like that anyway. And this is more common than you think, some of the hottest women have small boobs: gwen stefani, kate hudson and others. Just try to accept yourself and be grateful for what you do have X

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Try turning it around the other way. If you really liked a guy, he was cute, funny, intelligent and witty, but he had an average or slightly less than average penis, would you completely dismiss him? How much would that matter to you in light of all the other qualities he had to offer you?


Your boyfriend is with you because he loves YOU- the entire package. Buns, breasts, legs, and all.


I think with the media and supermodels that we have to compare ourselves to, there are not many women you will find who are 100% satisfied with their bodies.


Did you know the average sized women is a size 12??


Supermodels are a size 0-2!

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I think with the media and supermodels that we have to compare ourselves to, there are not many women you will find who are 100% satisfied with their bodies.


Yeah, the media pushing this one narrow view of beauty is a real problem. I'm a concierge at an upscale condominum in Manhattan, and there are several super models who live here. When I met one of them I wasn't aware she was a model. I thought she was average looking, not really beautiful at all. Then one of my coworkers mentioned she was a model. I googled her name, and sure enough there were pictures of her on the catwalk....

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I'm sorry, but I have to say it.


Small boobs are a blessing! I'm 16, and I'm not the most fit person (I'm not fat, but I could do with a couple lost pounds) and my boobs are a DD cup. It's extremely irritating to go to the store to buy bras, and most definitely embarrassing to do sports and other physical activities in public.


I decided not to join the track team again this year because last year, my boobs slowed me down; I had to hold them down with one arm or they would flop all over the place.


Everyone's insecure about something. I feel like my boobs are WAY too big (but my boyfriend argues otherwise) and my calves are too muscle-y.


I agree with the previous posters who said: Accept yourself as you are and love yourself, regardless of what you have/don't have!


Did you know the average sized women is a size 12??

Supermodels are a size 0-2!


I'd like to add that I think the most attractive (and healthiest) size is a size 9. One of my girlfriends is a size 9 (I'm a 13) and I think she's perfect!

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GS is right, there are some blessings to having smaller breasts!


I am a C cup but my mom is a EE cup, and she pays 35-50$ for a good supportive bra, some stores don't even have her size! She can't sleep on her stomach, go ANYWHERE without a bra, wear cut strappy tops or go braless in a strapless dress....I pay 12$ for a comfortable bra, and can sleep on my stomach and go without a bra if I have a cute top that doesn't go well with one.


As GS mentioned it's also harder to participate in athletic sports with cumbersome large breasts. My friend who is 26 now has already had a reduction, she had similar problems as GS did with running at the gym.


Just some things to think about.

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right now i'm a (very?) small B. my boobs have been fluctuating a lot lately.. to where they'll turn into a full B almost overnight, and then a few days later i can barely fill out my bras. it makes no sense. i am pretty sure that they haven't stopped growing though.. they're still a certain shape that i read means it's like the.. second to last stage. sooo, i'm hoping.. but that doesn't change anything right now..

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I admit it's hard not to be at least a little jealous of those girls with bigger boobs, but you know, there are other parts of a woman's body that make her physically appealing/attractive besides boobs. I read in a magazine the other day, Sandra Bullock said, "if you don't have the boobs, go for the butt". So, I guess you could go for the butt, to keep your mind off your boobs...but I hope that wouldn't be like replacing one thing with another.


Also, on a similar note to what you first mentioned, if all women have insecurities about their body then this even includes the women "blessed with a chest". So, even if you did suddenly magically sprout boobs, do you really think that would be what makes you happy?

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I feel exactly the same... I go to school with two of my boyfriends ex girlfriends. Both of them have massive boobs. My best friends are sisters and have inherited that gene too; one of them's a D, the others a C. While here I am, only just managing to fill a B... I used to feel pretty intimidated.

But you've got to focus on the positives - like people said, think of those big breasted girls when they're 50! And my big boobed friends actually said they're jealous of me because mine are so perky and don't sag like theirs; I can wear clothes which require strapless bras (or no bra) and look fine. They tell me they wont even let their boyfriend see them in only a bra (let alone with nothing!!) because they 'sag' so much, meanwhile I dont have enough *to* sag, HAHAHAH.

And if you think about it, in the end... Once they see you bra and t-shirt-less, it doesnt matter if you have small breasts or massive knockers; the expression on all the guys faces once they see them will be like the holy gates just opened infront of their eyes. Hahaha.

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Neo, i feel bad for you! my boobs are between an A and a B, depending on the time of the month and the bra manufacturer. But I am unusually small person, so they actually look pretty decent sized on me! I have always been quite happy with my boob size and in fact at certain times (like just before my period), I think their a bit cartoonishly big compared to the rest of my small body. So you should not worry! Do you know that with smaller boobs, you do not have to worry as much about them sagging? believe me when you are in your thirties, you will be so very thankful for that!! Also, you can wear cute summer dresses and halter tops without needing a bra!


Don't worry about that other girl. I personally would not and never have wanted my boobs one bit bigger, I like them just like they are.

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Did you know the average sized women is a size 12??

Supermodels are a size 0-2!


I'd like to add that I think the most attractive (and healthiest) size is a size 9. One of my girlfriends is a size 9 (I'm a 13) and I think she's perfect!


Actually, I am a perfect size zero, and I'm (according to the American Medical Assiation, and my Physician) at the ideal weight for my height, which is 5'1" and 3/4. So it depends on one's height, as to what size they should be wearing. At my height, a size 12 or 14, might put me into clinically overweight or even obese.

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