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I just cut myself, and I don't even know why. I felt like I hadn't done it in so long...I am afraid I am addicted to it. It's just so great right now, and I know it isn't good for me, but I just can't stop. I don't want to go to a therapist, but my dad might make me go again. Any tips on how to quit without seeking professional help? please help!

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i felt the same way when i was cutting, i didn't want to go to therapy, cuz i honestly didn't think there was anything wrong with it...but i kept trying to hide it. for me, when i cut it was my release when i needed to cry but i couldn't, when i had high anxiety, and when i was angry and didn't know how to express it....it all goes into why you cut yourself to begin with, and go from there, try not fall into those same patterns of feelings and actions before cutting. i get out of the house when i can't handle it, i cry, i call someone to talk to, i try letting people know that i'm having problems with stopping myself. i still have problems with wanting to cut, but i hate my scars from it more, i hate the questions asked at track practice when they are noticeable....i didn't want the attention from it, so i had to stop. it wasn't healthy, so i had to stop. it hurt my friends, and family, so i wanted to stop. if you truly want to stop you need to tell your loved ones this, and tell them how you want to go about doing it, if you don't want to go therapy you don't have to, the therapist will tell you if you aren't willing to go through with it, they won't help. i suggest just to start taking the things you use to cut and getting them out of your room, give them to someone for safe keeping so they know or just throw them out. if you need anything else just pm me or something.....i'm always happy to help.

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Honestly, I don't care if it is weird to you. That just shows that you are oblivious to the fact that it is a disorder, and you are very ignorant when it comes to the pressing issues of teen self-mutilation. Some people do it, and some don't. I acknowledge the fact that it is wrong, but that doesn't mean you have to post this insulting reply.

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Honestly, I don't care if it is weird to you. That just shows that you are oblivious to the fact that it is a disorder, and you are very ignorant when it comes to the pressing issues of teen self-mutilation. Some people do it, and some don't. I acknowledge the fact that it is wrong, but that doesn't mean you have to post this insulting reply.


My apology. No offence intended. When I first read your post, my first impression from the way the post was worded was that you were cutting yourself "just for the heck of it", not realising that it was a disorder on your part. I hope it will disappear soon.

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I'm sorry you cut yourself again!!!!!!!! I posted some of the thing my daughter's Dr. suggested to her which were using the rubber band, use a red felt tipped pen to mark where your wanting to cut or write down what you are feeling when you are needing to do this to yourself.


I also understand you not wanting to get professional help for this, but as a parent I didn't know how to help my daughter so we had to find someone who did. I didn't leave her to talk to her doctor til she told me it was okay, because I promised her that I wouldn't leave her if she would just give it a try. I also told her that if she didn't like this Dr. that we would keep looking til we found one that she did like. She really enjoys talking to him because he doesn't even talk about her cutting because what is causing this need in her (you) is what is important. If you don't like one Dr. find another one!!!!


NEVER give up on yourself or finding a solution for this problem.

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I have only ever cut myself a few times, maximum 4times. But i know what you mean when you say you cant stop. I was able to stop myself before I got too addicted to it and even now i still go to do it then think about it again, and i stop and call a friend. Find a friend that knows about it... is he/she comfortable talking about it with you? If so, together try to work out why you were/are doing it. A doctor/therapist/whatever else you could go to only tries to get the reason you are doing it out of you and tries to help you find the cause and fix the cause. Friends can do the same thing. Ask them if you can call them or go see them whenever you feel like doing it. Im sure they dont want you doing it either so they will help. Even if they need to talk you out of it.

Let us all know how your going.



Love SxcLady.

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