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Uh-Oh!!! Just made a HUGE mistake! Was meant to text a friend that i've not spoke to for ages and by mistake i sent it to the ex! This means i've broken NC!


Argh! What am i going to do. I doubt he'll reply...i know he's busy. What if he does, do i reply back?


Whyyyyyyyyyyyy did i make this stupid mistake!!

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Let it go.. don't play all these tricks on your mind about what he might be thinking, or not thinking about you mistakenly sending a text, it doesn't MATTER WHAT HE THINKS, you take care of YOU for today, leave it alone, and remember he should NOT reply, there's no reason for him to reply, I know you are hurting, but just let this go..like it never happened, it doesn't matter, it just "makes you feel" something, it doesn't mean this "feeling" about wanting to talk to him is something you should ACT on... let it goooo, this too shall pass... YOU will be okay.

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