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Redheads Are Beautiful!

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I just read the article on this website relating to what women find attractive in men and how men can make themselves more attractive to women. The author concluded that a "sad fact of life" for most redheaded men is that "most women are not attracted to them." The author then suggests that redheaded men should dye their hair and shave off all their red hair throughout various parts of their bodies. The author says that red hair is the least attractive of all hair colors and that redheaded men aren't like men with blonde or brunette hair.


Excuse me, but the woman who wrote such an article is not only rude and hateful, but she is also inaccurate. I am a 29-year old man with deep red hair, brown eyes, broad shoulders, 6'1", and 185 lbs. Women come up to me all the time, compliment me on my hair, ask if my hair color is natural, tell me that they would pay to have my hair color, give double takes, smile, and flirt with me. I have had no trouble with women and it isn't even because they get to know me; it's when they first see me.


I find it unfathomable that someone could write that a person is "unattractive" just because of his hair color!??? It's like saying that brunettes are ugly or blondes are ugly just because they are blonde or brunette. Everyone knows that it isn't the hair color that usually makes someone attractive; rather, it is the cumulative features in a person (face, eyes, build, personality, smile, etc.). If you look throughout the rest of the animal world, often, it is the animals who have the brightest colors (look at peacocks, for example) who women desire. That is why male peacocks have so many colors. I have read somewhere that the number of redheads in society is actually increasing. Maybe that shows that redheads are being sexually selected because they are so attractive. So take that!

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I actually know a LOT of girls who say they aren't attracted or don't like red hair.


I've always thought I stood out. I love red hair! I have blonde hair, and always have, but I've ALWAYs wanted to have red hair. And I don't think the colour of a persons hair makes them any less attractive, unless it doesn't suit their complexion...(me with red hair :S)


I've seen a lot of guys who have red hair that have made my head turn. I think the fact that red hair is so rare makes it more interesting as well.

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I would certainly not let what this woman wrote get to you at all!


I am a redhead too, and while I am female, I still grew up with being teased for my redhair, freckles, and pale skin...and once was turned down as I was "not blonde" (sheesh), but I truly love who I am AND my beautiful red hair! I used to be sooooo self conscious of my freckles and red hair, I felt so different...but now I feel proud of that uniqueness


And it seems a LOT of people are dying their own hair to be redheads these days....I have to convince people mine is natural..lol.


Other bonuses - we tend to have less hair on our bodies, it is finer and paler where we do, and we tend to not go grey either as we age - hair colour fades, but rarely goes white/grey.


I hope my children inherit the red locks, but it's not a dominant gene, so we'll see!


My boyfriend is not a redhead, but I have known redheaded men whom I was attracted to in the past. And well, my boyfriend loves my redhair.


My siblings are redheads too, and one of them is male - he had no problem attracting partners, and is now in a wonderful relationship, with a blonde.

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I come from a family with several redheads, and my hair was red when I was a toddler. Now it's light blond in summer and strawberry blond in winter. I love it, and I have sure never had any complaints


My cousin (male) has long, red hair with waves. Whenever I showed family pics to my classmates in highschool, they'd all drool over him. I can't imagine if the generalization in this article (please, give me the link!) is sustained by any valid research.



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I think it depends on the colour. Some people's hair that is red is that bright, orangy, carroty colour that just doesn't look good in any light. Maybe that was what the article was referring to.


By definition, I have "red" hair. But it looks a lot closer to a brownish red, so it's a lot darker than the typical shade normally is. I believe it is called auburn. My hair's like a medium shade of auburn. I've received nothing but compliments on my hair... in fact, a lot of people have actually thought that I dye it because it is such a rare colour. I'm usually flattered when I get that kind of response, especially how much disbelief people give me when I tell them it's natural.


As for girls, they're rare... but the one current girl I really like has almost the same colour hair as I. It's really cool. She's probably the best looking redhead I've ever seen in my life!

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Personally, red hair has been my favourite hair colour since I becme aware of guys. My decision wasn't influenced by any specific person, I've just always thought it was soo attractive. That's not to say I don't like other colours of hair beacsue I do. It's just that is my personal poreferance. I do know of people who can't stand red hair, which I think is sort of stupid. Oh well, just know that red hair is the greatest thing and if people can't get over something so completley superifical, then they are far too shallow to deserve someone with red hair! lol, just kidding. LOVE THE RED HEADS!

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I read some of this article.

Would anyone remanufacture their manners and appearance out of a book without feeling a bit artificial? Is this just to catch a mate so you can then relax and be yourself?


I had a red beard until it turned gray. Shaving it took years off my mug.

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Dako: thanks for finding the article. I have brought it under the attention of the administrators. As far as I have read it, I agree with you (and with Oceanspray for that matter )


Haha I love it when men have a red beard but no red hair on the head. I find that a magnificent trick of nature.



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Haha I love it when men have a red beard but no red hair on the head. I find that a magnificent trick of nature.




This is freaky, but 3 of my long term partners ALL have had red beards..no red head, but red beards and/or sideburns. And I never knew it at first as they were all clean shaven (maybe some primal instinct??? hehe)


J is the same way...maybe those redheaded children will happen after all! His facial hair has a lot of red flecks in it at least.

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RayKay- you're so lucky


There is this girl I see in my school who has the most gorgeous naturally red hair and I always stare at it in envy. It's so unique.


And everyone always asks her if she dyes it at well. Red is in


When I was in Cuba last year with my family, people were OBSESSED with our red hair, always always asking about it and touching it - very jealous!

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I am a red head, hazel eyes, and pale skin. My freckles only come out in the summer. I was teased all the time growing up. Not only did I have red hair but I was the tallest girl in my class, and also had full lips. Perhaps that is why I have such a rotten outlook on myself. I do remember a neighbor lady telling me when I was a young girl that women will be paying for my hair color and they are. They also are injecting their lips with anything to puff them up. I have come to embrace my red hair but growing up with it was a hard one. One of my ex's had red hair and he was handsome. He took my breath away.


I read a book about the history of red hair and it takes more anethesia for a redhead then with a blond, brunette, or black hair. Also red hair is a mutated brown and blond hair gene. Women with redhair are usually categorized and a sultry sex pot (Rita Hayworth, Maureen O'Hara) or a goof ball (Sandra Bernhardt, Bette Midler, Lucille Ball)

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In a recent study, they also found redheads had a higher pain tolerance, as something in the gene linked to redhair was also related to the tolerance for pain...weird, isn't it? Especially as I was always a very SENSITIVE emotional person, and could cry forever if I was emotionally hurt - I had always wondered why for some reason I would not even shed a tear when I would injure myself....I still love riding mountain bikes, and running and other such things, and still have that high tolerance for pain/discomfort.


My freckles too fade over winter, not a lot as I still am in sun a lot, but wow, do they ever come out in the summer months!

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Hahaha, Dako you made me fall off my chair!


And Ray... how many more times to say that sometimes it's like we are the same person. Argh!


I am very very sensitive at the emotional level, but I can endure pain to the point that doctors will say 'hell, how could you work with this in your mouth' (ooops, a wisdomtooth seemed to have infected my complete jaw and ooops, that time I fell in the barn, I kinda broke two toes... hmmm).


Seems like my red genes are still very active!

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In the book they said for redheads to take with the anthesiologist about the amount you will need some red heads have woken up during surgery. YIKES!

I do feel I have a high tolerance for pain. If I have a headache it has to be excrutiating before I take anything. However my feelings that is another story I am very sensitive as well. Although I do have the infamous redhead temper.

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Hahaha, Dako you made me fall off my chair!


And Ray... how many more times to say that sometimes it's like we are the same person. Argh!


I am very very sensitive at the emotional level, but I can endure pain to the point that doctors will say 'hell, how could you work with this in your mouth' (ooops, a wisdomtooth seemed to have infected my complete jaw and ooops, that time I fell in the barn, I kinda broke two toes... hmmm).


Seems like my red genes are still very active!


That was like me in the tattooist's chair...he kept asking if I was REALLY okay as I was smiling and talking....and he also compared my skin to "smooth and pale like silken tofu"...best skin he ever tattooed on...lol.


I also walked around with a broken toe not even mentioning it...lol.

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Everyone is beautiful and pysically attractive in their own way. No one is more attractive or less attractive then anyone else, regardless of hair color or any other body feature. If a person is going to be so superficial as to judge you and whether or not they are attracted to you based upon appearance, then they aren't the right person for you.


When you find real love, that love stems from what really makes us beautiful, who we are on the inside. And our personality traits can't be determined by something like hair color. So don't worry about appearance. Just be you. Someone will find you attractive on the outside, and more importantly, attractive on the inside. Be happy with who you are and what you have. Don't change yourself to suit what is viewed as "more attractive" to the masses. Don't think any less of yourself because you don't meet those traits. All of these things add up to making you the unique individual that you are.

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By publishing excerpts from published works on relationships eNotalone provided an information platform, environment for informational purposes. The act of publishing just gives an author to express their point on the subject.


Discussions like this are what make the best stand out from all the others and in many ways to me a discussion like this is the ultimate judge for a book. So you read something you think is helpful please do post what are your thoughts and why you found it useful. In the same way just like oceanspray when you read something that you think is not accurate, is wrong please post your points.


eNotAlone just makes information in relationship books available, but it is you that is going to conclude how useful that information is.

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