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Hello people, It's been a long time since I have'nt posted here but then I guess I was happy with myself for not having to share anything on here. But then again, when you are happy with yourself you become "attractive" and then you get what you deserve : they come to you with a smile and a sparkle of desire in their eyes . But as things never turn out well for the hopeless romantic that I am I end up with a broken heart and many questios on my mind... here is my story...


Since i'm a DJ in club I always end up talking/meeting new people. As I am not a "flirty" type of person I get used to watch girls from afar and feel something quitely unilateral for someone who does not care for me. But then lately a girl caught my wandering gaze and ended up interested in me. One of our mutual friend (i did not knew the girl but i knew her friend) came to me telling me that this special person was interested in knowing me better. 1 year and a half of celibacy is quite comforting, you do not live in uncertainty. So i became nervous and quite shy. But then she came anyway and we talked the whole night. The club closed so she asked me if we could walk home together (her plan was to call a taxi at my home and then sleep in her own bed). But then the taxis were all busy so I told her she could sleep at my home (i'm not the I-do-you-on-the-first-day person anyway), in my bed and then I would sleep on the couch. But then she told me I could sleep with her... and that was quite ok with me So we talked and hugged all night, laughing and talking about ourselves, our dreams, our lives... We spent the other day in each other arms (we never kissed during that time) sharing moments of pure and intense sweetness...

She had to go later (at 4:00 PM your parents usually want to know where you have been) so she took a taxi (i gave her money so that she could pay) and went back home asking me to call her back on monday (it happenned on a sunday). My monday was too long... I'm a bit obsessive on these things so I spent the day thinking about when I would call her... But then when I called her she was already away... So I tried to call her twice on that week. She is busy, going to college in another town every morning and working on the week-ends. But then when I finally caught her on the phone (last sunday) she seemed cold. She told me she was'nt ready to go into a relationship (i dont have that much experience with women but to me it means : i am not really interested in you) since she had seen her ex lately and discovered it still hurted her to see him with someone else and such. I told her it was ok, but then i did not want her as a friend since i do have plenty of people who love me for what I am and that I needed more than plain friendship... She told me that she would come to give me back my money and I told her to keep it since I dont really care about it... Now she came at the club on wednesday, acting as if I do not exist, avoiding my eyes and even not smiling or saying "hi!". Now I feel quite bad because she seems to feel bad about it, quite hard to sleep for me since I always think about her and the time we spent together... So here is my question : should I go and talk to her asking why she acts like that ? Should I tell her that I'm still interested and that If she needs time I am a patient dude ? If any ladies could give advices on that it would be great, guys can too but i heard the let go advice too many time to care about it...


P.S. I'm a french speaker so my english may be hard to understand, please forgive me...

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  • 4 months later...

Your English is better then a lot of what i've seen from natives. Anyway you got to ride the crystal ship, fun and pleasure but in the end no love so that's where you get off.


You already told what you want, its senseless to repeat yourself, the ball is in her court, if she is ready for a relationship and wants to make a move on you, she'll do it. Don't give in, show that you aren't clingy and have a life of your own to live. Show confidence in everything you do, and don't be tempted by her presense to talk to her, and basically don't wait for her either, try to date with other people in the meantime, and not putting your life on hold for her. No time to waste. So , if she wants she'll come to you herself, you can't decide that free will decision for her, so for now its time to retreat and head back to base until she makes a move.

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Bless ya sweetie! You sound sweet! Anyway i don't think it's a good idea if you say that your still interested and you will wait around. SHe has told you that she isn't over her ex yet. I mean do you want her to go out with you and think her ex NO. Maybe it's not a good idea and it doesn't sound like she is over her ex yet. I would just leave it sugar and i'm so sure you will find someone who wants to be with you and only thinks of you. Don't you agree?


Good luck xxx

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You are cursed, you say.


She too, I say.


I assume she does not have/date another mate.


You connected well, you could spend the night and next day in a loving manner.


When she went home she thinking about many things just like you. Thinking how to handle a relationship. Thinking about her past pains. Thinking, thinking and eventualy giving up. Thus she was cold when you called her.


If you want her, you have to spend time talking to her and take it from there.


You have one edge, which is your first night.

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