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Paranormal Sensitivity!?

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Does anyone believe in people being sensitive to ghosts?

I have had a few strange experiences in the middle of the night where I've see 'someone', and I know I definitely wasn't dreaming!

Also, when I was a little boy (about 4) my uncle died but they told me he'd gone on holiday. But every so often I would say I could hear music and then I used to see him (usually stood behind my mum pulling faces at her!) I don't really remember but that's what they tell me used to happen! It really used to freak them out!

And there have been a few times that I've been going to do stuff like leave my younger sister in the house on her own whilst I went to the shop but as I was about to go I'd hear 'NO' shouted in my ear! It always seems to happen in the same room as well (unfortunately my bedroom!)

What do people think? Sound at all familiar to anyone, or you just think I'm crazy!?


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There are a lot of things that science cannot explain or disprove. I do believe in ghosts as my family has some really crazy stories about ghosts. I myself have had a paranormal experience when I was 13 and no I was not alone because my mom hear the same thing. My dog was put to sleep on a Monday that week and it was summer time. We were waiting for my brother to come home when from the back screen door we heard our dog bark. There was no denying it was her because it was her bark and it was at our screen door plus we were the only family on the block that let their dog out in the yard at the time.


That's my experience and I do believe there are more than meets the eye when it comes to the paranormal. Until someone can disprove scientifically then I say believe what your heart and mind tell you.

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I don't believe you are mentally ill. Many people experience "super natural phenomenon".


There are skeptics and I never was one. I don't always believe the bologna they show on TV about ghosts and things, but I do believe what I see, feel, and hear. I've seen things, I've felt things and I've heard things. I've had an incident where me and my friend both heard something. And my mom believes in ghosts to. When I was little she would never admit it to me, but once I was 17 or 18 she had told me ghost stories from when I was a baby. Supposedly the house we were living in was haunted and my parents, and the neighbors (it was a duplex) used to hear things all the time, such as a baby's cry when me and my sister were both clearly visable and neither crying. Also in one of the last house I was in, we had a nice experience where the doorbell kept ringing at all hours of the day. We thought it was kids playing pranks, but when it kept happening we blamed faulty wiring or something and my parents took the doorbell right out of the wall and placed it on the kitchen table. That night, the doorbell rang! People can believe what they want, but we believed we weren't welcome and left the house shortly after.

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I am not sure what I believe in on the thing about ghosts. I have definitely experience a few strange things similar to seeing something that you cant really explain.

I have heard many people that I know telling of seeing ghosts. I have a long time friend that swears after many years after her grandmothers death, that she and her brother both walked in to their grandma's house and smell the scent of pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie was their grandma's favorite dessert to cook. They both swear upon seeing her in the kitchen, in a somewhat transparent form and then she faded away. All I know is what I was told.

I have had some weird or strange things occur when I was in my house alone, that I couldnt explain.

Once many many years ago I had an occasion when my dog was barking in a weird tone. I was in my living room and got up to take a peek out the blinds to see if any one was out there. I live in the country and I have a huge oak tree about 50 yards from my house. When I took a look through the blinds on the window, I clearly saw what looked like middle aged old time cowboy sitting on a horse under the tree. I did that " double take" that you do when you are not sure of something you see, and then it was gone. It was like a split second thing ,that in the blink of an eye, that whatever I saw had vanished.

So I dont know if my eyes were playing tricks on me or what. I dont know of anyone that has horses, or any one that would be dressed like an old time cowboy, and no one that would tresspass in to the woods by my house as I live in a quite secluded location . I just kind of laughed it off as a trick my eyes were playing on me. So Ghosts,,I dont know ? I have surely experienced some unexplainable things. And no, I have no mental illness, I dont hear voices, no family history of mental illness, dont take any drugs or medications, dont drink, or use anything that would alter my mind or my thoughts.

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No, your far from being looney tunes my dear! I once thought I too was crackin up but now I knwo that I have just realized my gifts of the spirit! I'm somewhat clairvoyant and am a medium and have done a few channeled writtings before. Believe me, I thought I was just making it up or seeing things or feeling odd things cuz I couldnt explain what it was I was feeling or sensing without sounding off my rocker! It wasn't until I mustered the courage to actually say something to an online friend about what I was sensing and then it just flowed so naturaly and as it turns out, I was right on target! I still cant believe some fo the stuff I get and relay to other people from loved ones that have departed this plane! Call it what you will but I do know that I'm a child of Gods and He dont make mistakes! Take comfort in knowing that you're not going bonkers hun, and research it if ya want to even!

In love with the Light...angelbaby

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I can tell you what this is but you may not be willing to hear the truth. Be careful. You are not mad. If your uncle died he is now resting in peace and this may seem to be him but be careful to accept that. All my life up until 1998 I saw heard and even felt creatures/people or if you like ghosts. Now when you are dealing with something from the spiritual realm you must be aware that this is an extremely powerful thing that you cannot deal with in your own strength and it is only an over zealous egomaniac that believes that they can. For many years I saw visions and heard them speak and this was real, the whole household experienced this and we were not all insane and this happened in many locations over different time frames. You need to be aware that if a spiritual presense does not contain glory and the beauty of God it has come from the pit of hell and is there to decieve seduce tempt defile or corrupt you. I am sick of staying silent about this in fear of being taken as a religious crackpot. It is true that only one thing can remove the power of satan and that is the blood of jesus. If you want satan to rein in your life and have his demons come to you and torment you then you can either glamorise the event and think you have some paranormal gift or wake up to the games and lies of the devil and tell him (not in your own strenght for he is an extremely powerful being) to begone in the name of Jesus. No other name and by nothing else can you be free.

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  • 1 year later...

I believe. I have seen both dark figures that made my hair stand up and other's, mostly sad, that did not feel threatenting, but it seems like they make me feel their sadness and fear. Sometimes I just feel the energy coming at me from everywhere. I do believe now, but for a long time thought I was going crazy which depressed me.

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I have had one strange encounter. When I was maybe 13 or so, my cousin and I were outside late at night on her front porch. There was nothing out there at all, no cars going by, no people outside, nothing. We were talking a lot of nonsense, joking about things that weren't very nice. And we BOTH heard someone right in front of us say, "shhhhhhhhhh". And we looked at each other, both in complete horror, and ran inside tripping over ourselves. (Think George Castanza when he thought the building was on fire.) There was a very old graveyard directly behind her house.

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I don't officialy believe in ghosts, but i think i saw one (an invention of the mind probably). I was playing in my street, i was running down the road because we were playing some game in the street, and i tripped and skidded along the road on my knees (miraculously not injuring myself even though it made holes in my trousers). I was looking infront of me, the game was continuing behind me, i saw a man slowly walking accross the road up to my house, i couldn't take my eyes off him because he was a strange looking man, he was quite short and plump and japanese, he was wearing a long purple gown with a swirling pattern on it, i'm pretty sure he also had a moustache that curved up on each side. He certainly looked like he came from a different age. I could hardly believe my eyes, so when my view was blocked as he walked behind a van (and up towards my drive) i ran over to look, and there was nobody there, there was nowhere else he could have gone. I told people about it straight away so that it wouldn't automatically lose credibility. I think it must have been an invention of my mind in the shock of falling (although he walked at a slow pace accross the road so i viewed him for a little while, very conscious not to take my eyes off him in case he disappeared), i don't know. I've dreamt about him before, i've never consciously called upon him. There was one dream where i was in a boat in a swamp full of snakes and my boat was sinking. Just in time i saw this ancient looking boat (which also had a small sail) coming towards me, when i looked to see who was in the boat it was him. I went in the boat with him, perhaps he is my minds idea of a guardian now, perhaps he is real.

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I'd like to recommend a program for all you ghost fans. It's called A Haunting on Discovery Channel. I had never heard of it, but I bought a DVD set with seasons one and two recently at Best Buy. Just happened to have a coupon for a $20 discount so I only paid $5 for this. I didn't really expect much, but this is some of the best stuff I've ever watched in my life, and I see at least one per night, sometimes two.


My favorite story so far is Summerwind, which is located on the shores of West Bay Lake in Wisconsin. If this won't scare you, nothing will.

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All humans are sensitive to paranormal activity. Like the movie, we have a

6th sense. And since you're young, you have a positive energy (heard that somewhere), and spirits are attracted to that kind, so they attach themselves to you.


The reason you see, hear, or feel things at night is because you are more open to it. During the day, you are either busy running around at school or work, or what ever your daily routine may be. At night, you are calm, about to go to sleep, you are relaxed. Thus being, you will experience more phenomena.


Spirits are constantly around you, you just have to be relaxed and open to them in order to see them.


Hope I helped

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I personally have never experienced this, per se. However, the house my family used to live in was a house on which my father built an extension off of the old foundation. The portion of the house that was older always gave me an uneasy, cold feeling. My sister had some strange experiences there. One in particular...


When she was in high school she had to do a creative writing assignment about a "special place/location." So she chose to sit herself in our unfinished, cement basement (from the old foundation) in absolute darkness. While down there she wrote up her observations/thoughts about it and while down there she did see lights flashing accross the room. Odd, because there was no source for light to get in there. So anyway, after a half hour or so of this she finally came back upstairs - pretty weirded out of course - and went to her room (in the newer section of the house) to type up her paper. She finished the composition and set the printer to go (one of those old printers, with the perforated edges that took forever to print and made a lot of noise.) She left the printer to do its thing, and no one was in that part of the house while it printed. When she came back to get what she'd printed, the computer screen showed her composition all typed up, but the printed page only said "F the lights". SO WEIRD. I was glad when my fam finally moved out of that house and back into the one I grew up in!

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All humans are sensitive to paranormal activity. Like the movie, we have a

6th sense. And since you're young, you have a positive energy (heard that somewhere), and spirits are attracted to that kind, so they attach themselves to you.


The reason you see, hear, or feel things at night is because you are more open to it. During the day, you are either busy running around at school or work, or what ever your daily routine may be. At night, you are calm, about to go to sleep, you are relaxed. Thus being, you will experience more phenomena.


Spirits are constantly around you, you just have to be relaxed and open to them in order to see them.


Hope I helped



Very interesting! It makes sense...

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I'm a believer. I used to manage an old recreation centre and all kinds of weird things used to happen and the reports came from all kinds of people who had no idea of what the employees would see and hear and these people had no idea that we thought the place was haunted. We had children as young as four years old say they would see a lady standing on the downstairs steps, people would hear laughing late at night when they were working alone, doorknobs would rattle, lights would turn on by themselves, stuff would move around. All kinds of creepy stuff.


Most of it centred around one particular area of the building. One night a writer was in the building for a Tai Chi class, he had written two books about ghosts and I mentioned to him that he should check the place out as we thought it was haunted, and he went right to the spot. Another time we brought in a psychic and she also went to the same spot. Neither of them had any way of knowing the history of what we had experienced. We had brought the psychic in to do readings for some of the staff and she taped them for us....you could hear banging on the tapes that couldn't be heard when the readings were going on. Alot of other things happened, but this would be a very long post if i went into it.

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well the human body runs off electrical currents. so do ghosts.


i totally believe in paranormal stuff. sometimes i'll be flipping through the channels and catch ghost hunters on tv. the show with the company called 'taps' investigating stories. then i get glued to it and forget about the movie i was watching on another channel.

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