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In my case, it was everything. I cant pin point one or two things that lead to me falling in love. I guess from the moment I first met her.. it just seemed EVERYTHING was right.


When nothing else mattered and we were consumed with eachother, i knew. Two weeks after we met, we drove 23 hours to the east coast on a long weekend for a Lobster dinner. Thats when I knew I loved her..

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Well it sounds like you are in that stage of love that we all hope will last forever. Little advice.. dont take him or let him take you for granted. Find a way to always remind eachother of just how great, being with eachother feels.


too late for me, but i'll never forget those memories of bliss.

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Good Topic. For us, it was communication. From the start we could always talk about things. I could get him to open up and tell me things he wouldn't talk about with anyone. Granted, we have our problems just like any other couple. Recently looking back on our relationship(going on 3 years), I knew I loved him but didn't realize how much. It's just that feeling of comfort and security. I can see us in our late 30's watching our son graduate, and then growing old together. Going to places all over again like we did when we were younger. Him and our son just fit in my life so perfectly that I can definitely say I'm already satisfied. Which is a wonder feeling. It's what helps push through disagreements and gives us more fun times to look forward to.

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My boyfriend is funny, thats something I love in a guy coz I like a good laugh, and we can joke about things and find it hilarious, and also It feels so right, I feel very comfortable with him, and I haven't with any of my other bfs. We just clicked. He's gone away up North for a while to look for a place to live for us and a job for himself, but he hasnt found a job yet its been nearly a week and I am SOOO missing him right now lol. He said if he doesnt find anything within the next 2 weeks he's coming home coz he misses me.

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I loved the way we talked. We had an LDr for two years so we really had to communicate. He was so funny, and smart, and deep, and very very witty! And he cares a lot about our life together. I can't stand guys who seem apathetic towards their relationship. My husband puts a lot into us.

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One weekend me and my BF decided that we did not want to go out and were just going to hang out on Friday night. We were both worried about how it work out, there would just be us and no other distractions.


Ended up spending 3 wonderful days together talking, watchign movies and hanging out, and never had the desire to part. That is when I knew I was in love.

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From the day I met him, whenever I looked n his eyes, the world spun, so I knew there was something special about him.


Fell in love awhile later when we sat up all night and he read me his entire journal from when he lived in Italy and travelled europe and I showed him pictures of when I went to New York City. We discovered that night that we shared very similar dreams and that what we wanted from life was exactly the same. It was a simple thing I guess, but to us, it was very profound.

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I love him emotionally, physically, mentally... I love who he is, what he did to get there, what he went through and overcame and what he will become in the future. I love his strength, his passion, his commitment, his honesty, his trust, his giving, his selflessness, his dreams, his hopes, his aspirations... above all, I love all the things that make him unique (some refer to them as flaws.. I see it as a part of who he is).


I love absolutely everything about him and I wouldn't want him to change a thing.


I can talk about anything with him and be myself around him and never feel judged or looked down upon. The way he touches me inside and out and the way he and I share the same sense of humour, came from the same family background and both went through the same struggles in life... I know he is the one for me. He makes me want to be a better person.

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