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Do men generally carry around condoms?

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If she's single - why would she be on birth control?

To sleep with men?

If so, does she get tested after every time?


I am on birth control when I am single too, and have been on it since I started it 10 years ago without break.


Doctors don't suggest you start and stop it, as it can cause havoc on your body with the hormones, and for many women, birth control can regulate irregular periods, or ease many PMS symptoms like bad cramps, or aid in easing endiometrosis among other things by reducing the amount of lining your body creates. I know many on it because of severe acne - it clears it up. It also decreases risk of ovarian cancer as a "side effect", and though there are small risks in other areas (like a very small risk of increased breast cancer risk) the gains are often substantial for many women. It also takes time to be effective, so it does not make sense to stop it for months, then start it again and wait for it to work again in most cases. There is little benefit to stopping it for most women. It was only in the old days with the higher dose ones they recommended "breaks" but now they no longer do.


It does not mean one is "easy" since there are many other medical reasons someone may be on it other then "in case of sex".

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Oh well.

I'm not a huge fan of birth control.

Abnormally increasing the levels of hormones in your body can't be any good for the pituatory gland. It would just confuse it.

Hence, why so many women find that after long periods of time on BC - they cannot, or find it hard, to have children.

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Oh well.

I'm not a huge fan of birth control.

Abnormally increasing the levels of hormones in your body can't be any good for the pituatory gland. It would just confuse it.

Hence, why so many women find that after long periods of time on BC - they cannot, or find it hard, to have children.


Well, thats fine to say, unless you have ever actually dealt with the absolutely horrendous periods or endiometrosis some women endure, and which can be eased greatly with hormonal birth control. I had a coworker once whom had to get surgery every few months for endometriosis and was in great great pain every month...she went on the pill, and has not had to have surgery for years, and a Midol basically takes care of the cramping every month now. Her quality of life is greatly improved. Some women's NATURAL hormones are far worse for their body then "tricking them".


All it does essentially is trick your body into thinking it is already pregnant.


Hormones are not all bad, there are many hormonal chemo treatments for example that are used to treat early breast cancer. And they are used for many other treatments like those I mentioned before.


And the only ones I know whom have had a hard time conceiving after birth control use, was those who did Depo, as it takes a year to go back to regular. When you stop the pill or something similar it generally takes a month or two to regulate again. Your cycle will go back to what it was BEFORE you starting on birth control, if you were irregular before, or infertile before, you will remain so after you stop - which really skews the stats on conceiving after. It does not actually impact your long term fertility or basic ability to reproduce (which is why it IS quite easy to get pregnant if you miss a pill or something...ask avman about his daughter!). Plus many stop when they are aging and their cycles are changing anyway, it cannot be blamed on birth control alone.


There are also many people due to health issues should and cannot get pregnant, so hormonal birth control can help minimize the risk pregnancy would bring to them.


It's a personal choice, and there are pros and cons to using it, or to not using it. But the pill of recent years is nothing like the pill of the past, and the only thing I know of that truly impacts fertility as you described these days is the Depo as it can remain in system for a year after..the pill is cleared as soon as you stop taking it. It's just like being pregnant, and after you give birth, your hormones take some time to regulate again and return to your natural cycle, but it does happen. The pill operates the same way by mimicking pregnancy, and your body needing time to "readjust" when those "pregnancy hormones" are gone again.

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Well, thats fine to say, unless you have ever actually dealt with the absolutely horrendous periods or endiometrosis some women endure, and which can be eased greatly with hormonal birth control. I had a coworker once whom had to get surgery every few months for endometriosis and was in great great pain every month...she went on the pill, and has not had to have surgery for years, and a Midol basically takes care of the cramping every month now. Her quality of life is greatly improved. Some women's NATURAL hormones are far worse for their body then "tricking them".

I can't say I ever have had anything like that - and I agree, it is a good measure for a woman in that situation to be using BC - if the benefits outweigh the potential risks.


All it does essentially is trick your body into thinking it is already pregnant.


Hormones are not all bad, there are many hormonal chemo treatments for example that are used to treat early breast cancer. And they are used for many other treatments like those I mentioned before.



And the only ones I know whom have had a hard time conceiving after birth control use, was those who did Depo, as it takes a year to go back to regular. When you stop the pill or something similar it generally takes a month or two to regulate again. Your cycle will go back to what it was BEFORE you starting on birth control, if you were irregular before, or infertile before, you will remain so after you stop - which really skews the stats on conceiving after. It does not actually impact your long term fertility or basic ability to reproduce (which is why it IS quite easy to get pregnant if you miss a pill or something...ask avman about his daughter!). Plus many stop when they are aging and their cycles are changing anyway, it cannot be blamed on birth control alone.

Progesterone and eostrogen are the hormones in question.

It works by a mechanism called 'negative feedback'. Essentially, once there is a high level of progesterone - the pituatory gland will kill off the corpus litium (sp) and start making eostrogen.

You sound as if you know all of this - so I'll save you the scientific mumbo-jumbo.


Widely used BC artificially increases levels of eostrogen.

The pituatory gland then thinks that eostrogen and progesterone are not needed - and cease to release these hormones.


The problem arises when someone has been using BC for very long periods of time. The pituatory gland can cease to produce these hormones completely, thus making the woman sterile.


There are also many people due to health issues should and cannot get pregnant, so hormonal birth control can help minimize the risk pregnancy would bring to them.


It's a personal choice, and there are pros and cons to using it, or to not using it. But the pill of recent years is nothing like the pill of the past, and the only thing I know of that truly impacts fertility as you described these days is the Depo as it can remain in system for a year after..the pill is cleared as soon as you stop taking it. It's just like being pregnant, and after you give birth, your hormones take some time to regulate again and return to your natural cycle, but it does happen. The pill operates the same way by mimicking pregnancy, and your body needing time to "readjust" when those "pregnancy hormones" are gone again.

Agreed. It is a personal choice.

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haha i never carry a condom but i've got my own stash at every house i've ever been in that has parties every nite don't risk stds or bein a dad for being a wuss

Spermacide, condoms, birth control, femidomes and whatever other form of 'protection' you can find - is neither 100% effective at stopping pregnancy or STDs.

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No.. Both long term relationships I've had, one was on it when she was young. She had horrible periods, and started at 10.. She was on it for that..


My girlfriend now, is on it simply because she again, has horrible periods, cramps and pains, and some other medically originated reasons, not just sex.


She's on the patch, and only has 4 periods a year, it's great for her..

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Seems to me that a guy needing to carry a condom on him indicates a lack of control on his part. Honestly, in how many circumstances are you going to have sex with someone when you are out? You can't wait until you get back to your place? Just consider the extra time as time for foreplay and to increase the sexual energy in the atmosphere.

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Seems to me that a guy needing to carry a condom on him indicates a lack of control on his part. Honestly, in how many circumstances are you going to have sex with someone when you are out? You can't wait until you get back to your place? Just consider the extra time as time for foreplay and to increase the sexual energy in the atmosphere.


Sometimes it is not possible to do it at his or her place. As you may have unwanted company so you just got to do it somewhere else.


Also I found it adds to the danger and thrill of the sex, the thought you could get court is even more of a turn on.


BUT if your doing it with someone you don't have strong feelings for I understand what your on about.

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Also I found it adds to the danger and thrill of the sex, the thought you could get court is even more of a turn on.


Court? Hmm... I think you meant caught but court is an even more interesting word. Planning on doing something really dangerous are we? The kind of kinky stuff that could land you in front of a judge?


Just playing with you. I understand what you are saying, but my tastes aren't into the exhibitionist or dangerous aspects. I'm more into the passionate and emotional thrills you can get just from sex period. Don't need to add more to it, I get excited just being with someone I love.

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Just playing with you. I understand what you are saying, but my tastes aren't into the exhibitionist or dangerous aspects. I'm more into the passionate and emotional thrills you can get just from sex period. Don't need to add more to it, I get excited just being with someone I love.


Well yer obviousely I like that. But there is no harm in spicing up a sex life to more than sharing of pation and love. And yer never been an exhibitionist lol.


Court? Hmm... I think you meant caught but court

Hey I oly just passed the test to say I wasn't dislexic (if thats even how you spll it lol)

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