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Suggestion for Christmas Escapade to Single Guy?

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hi everybody, I am not whinning here but figured this xmas will be very hard for a loner. Really don't want to stuck in my house and crying all day long. So anyone got any suggestions for a single lonely guy? Except get a girlfriend because it is not going to happen in three weeks ;-)


thanks yall

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Look in your area for some of those big seasonal single parties, there usually are a few around depending on your town/city.


Or, how about you find another single buddy and do your own thing - go on a short ski trip for example around the holidays sometime.


Charities are another great idea - get involved with a christmas hamper organization, or a shelter, or community kitchen.


Find new traditions to do as a single guy, that are not just what you would do with a partner, minus the partner. It really helps to create NEW memories, rather then dwell on old ones. If they never did those things with you, you won't be pining over them.

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Volunteer work.

That would be my best suggestion.

Remember that Christmas is not about receiving presents, eating food until you puke, etc.

It is supposed to be about compassion.


Depeding on where you live, I'm sure you can find a few organisations which could use your help over the festive period.

Plus, it's a good way to meet new people.


Happy Holidays.

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Why not? Why would you say that when you can learn how to get girls anytime you want? I'll pm you some sites to help you with this because it's a skill you can learn like any other.


man you're always pming people your websites LOL


hey man, I'm kind of in the same boat as you as I don't want to sit around and do nothing for a month and a half before school starts up again. I'm unsure of what to do, and I really want to hang out with friends and even meet some women.


I think I'll have to look into the volunteer suggestions. I might even take up temp jobs or something, maybe try that if you aren't working.

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