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Well here goes nothing. Anyhow i hang out with two old high school friends of mine almost everyday. Now these two guys snort cocaine everyday. I have snorted cocaine in the past but I mostly smoke marijuana. The problem is that these guys come over and offer me coke and I take it. Now after a few weeks of this I have been telling myself that im going to refuse their offers of cocaine. However as they keep coming to my house and offering me coke, I keep taking it. I have told these guys that I dont want to sniff anymore but they laugh it off as if Im not capable of quitting. Now I dont go out and blow all my money on it, I snort it when they bring it here (which is about everyday). Im beginning to get real disgusted with myself and am thinking about cutting these guys off. I feel theyre just bringing me down with them. Any suggestions?

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If you want to stop, you are just going to have to stick to being firm when you say no. So what if they laugh it off, of course they will if you still take it every time they offer even after you say no!


I think you are going to need to be more firm and confident in saying no to your friends.


Sounds like you are also addicted at this point, and blaming your friends for not being able to say no, when really it's also an addiction you are developing. It will be hard to stop, it may be better not to hang around these guys for a while to avoid the temptation and the triggers. Just like alchoholics can't be around other heavy drinks for a while, or other addicts need to make new friends without the habits, etc.

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First, you gotta be strong enough and dump your friends. Why is that so difficult to do? Because you like their company better than taking care of yourself? Is it worth it? Your "friends" dont care about you. They want to bring you down with them. Have a backbone and dump them. I guarantee these "friends" wont be around anymore when you become addicted and lose everything you worked hard for.

I know people (ex friends) that have ruined their lives over cocaine and ended up living on the streets. My brother-in-laws sister just filed for divorce from her cocaine-addicted husband, and now their child is left with a broken home. Like you, he was just dabbling in it and never thought it would destroy his life and family.

What do you see in the future for yourself? Living as a loser or doing something worthwhile with your life?

If you can't say no to peer pressure now at your age, I feel sorry for you because your life is screwed. You need some growing up to do and you need to get a spine.

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Dude you're crazy!


I've done my fair share of illegal substances when I was a student... When I look back I realize how fortunate I am to have come out ok.


Everyone of my friends ended up in a rehab and one of them died. My best friend that is like a brother to me is in a Rehab for the next year and a half...


He, just like you started with weed and then gradually worked his way up to heroin... If his friends and family hadn't caught him out he'd be dead by now. The doctors said that if he had carried on like that he would have been dead within a month.


Believe me you don't want to end up like him, he's thrown away so much and he has nothing to show for it.


He's lost out on a promising career as a lawyer. He's never allowed to come back to my city again since it would be too much of a temptation to hook-up with his old "friends". They even forced him to change his first name so that that connection with the past is completely destroyed. He lost his fiancé, of all the friends he's made throughout his life he is only allowed to have contact with myself when he leaves the rehab.


Do you really want a future like this..? Don't think that it couldn't happen to you, it could. When we were younger my buddy and I would always discuss how stupid some people were for using heroin, since its an instant addiction... All it took was for him to hook-up with the wrong people...


Get out now while you can and drop your lousy "friends" they're only trying to drag you down with them.

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My brother had a drug problem. Part of it was the addiction. Part of it was that he didn't know how to say no when others offered. And part of it was him using it to deal with other issues.


You are feeling guilty. This is a sign you know you want to stop. But you don't know how. You need to admit there is a problem. Even if you aren't blowing all your money on it, that doesn't mean its ok. My brother could go months and not get into it. But then he would go back to it and he did end up blowing money and even stealing from his family. It hurt him physically, and it hurt him personally. You don't want to go through that and its best to deal with it now before things get worse.


One thing is to not hang out with these friends. My brother had to get away from the area because he knew where to go and get it. The temptation wasn't good for him. If these guys are going to bring you that stuff, it is tempting you and you don't want to be faced with that kind of pressure. Furthermore, if they were real friends, they wouldn't be offering you something that could mess you up like this.

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