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Well heres an update on my situation.


The ex and I continued to sleep with each other (i know i know it was a bad idea.)


Tonight she called me and told me that we had to talk, I kinda knew what was coming. Then she laid it on me, shes dating the guy she left me for.


I feel absolutely crushed. I know what you're going to say, and I did know it was coming but either way it still hurts a lot more than I thought it would.


Anyways I told her I'm going to think about what I want to do tonight and get back to her later. I don't think I'll be able to handle being around her while shes dating another guy right off the bat. I think I'm going to take a long time alone and heal myself from this.


I feel so crushed by this, I still want to see her all the time but I know its going to kill me not to be able to touch her and kiss her etc.


I feel like crap....


Just an update

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ugh, I'm sorry! I know it's painful, but I know you will feel better. You are absolutely right!: the best thing to do at this point is to stear clear of her and let yourself heal! I wish you all the luck and believe me when I say you will find someone better than her! You are so young and have soooo much time!

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I would go straight away into NC... if she has already left you once for someone else then it's not worth the time, nor is it a nice feeling to be "backup".


It is a good idea to have NC so you have a chance to heal and get over her...


Even if she told you that she didn't want to let you go...well, she still did... if she had wanted to be with you that badly she wouldn't have let you go in the first place, in my opinion... then again, as the saying goes, you never miss your water...

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I know I'll find someone else eventually.


It was just really hard to let her go when I saw in her eyes that she really didn't want to let us go (she told me aswell.)


But I guess its for the best.



You saw it in her eyes? Wait, are you sure you weren't consumed with madness and maybe looking in the mirror? WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING?


She told you there is someone else. She is dating someone. You know what that means? She is probably sleeping with him too! You know that that means? She has probably been sleeping with him too! YES, that's two times to make sure you got it. Not only has she been sleeping with him, but she has been sleeping with you.


Now, get off the self pity train and realize what a fool you are. You are still pining after this beast who has been using you for sexual gratification while seeing someone else who she is also more than likely sleeping with too. GET A GRIP! This girl is not worth a pot to piss in. SHE IS USED BATHWATER. Water filled with stench and bodily secretions from the other guy she is sleeping with. Now, are you still so in love with her that you want to drink the bathwater of this creature you find so heavenly? I DID'T THINK SO!


Now, focus on the pain she has caused and her evil deceptive nature. See her ugliness and imagine her with this new guy. That's what it's going to take. No more sleeping with her! YoU GET IT? Unless of course you don't mind dipping your pen in filthy ink..... STOP NOW!

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