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hi everyone,

I havent posted in a long time but im in a sticky situation.


OK, my bf tried to have sex with me the other day, i mean like he pulled down my pants and tried enerting me from behind. He apologised and siad he went out of control. I broke up with him.

He is really depressed and keeps calling me, i told him to leave me alone but he wont, he gets his lil brother to call and tell me that me n his brother belong together.

Its annyoing me, I feel so disgusted at him, i hate him, i dont want to talk to him. what on earth do i do??

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Ok, that's a threat and you can go to the police and ask for a restraining order. Your boyfriend has commited attempted rape and his younger brother has threatened you, which has you fearing for your safety. No matter how much you like this guy, go to the police. They can help.


Has your relationship with him been ok in the past? Has anything like this ever happened before?



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Right now getting into trouble from your parents is probably the least of your worries sweetheart. If you don't go to the police the situation could possibly become quite bad.


Which is worse? Grovelling to your parents? Or ending up in trouble with your now ex?


Please get some help from the authorities



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I wouldn't let a stranger grope me, and I certainly wouldn't stand my bloke attempting to rape me.


No way. He's sorry now, that's only because of the way you reacted. if you'd gone along with it he would have probably done it again.


I'm the same age as you, and I'll tell you, nothing scares me more than the thought of being raped. Most rape victims are raped by someone they know.


I think I'd probably consider reporting him to the police, what if this isn't the first time he's done that?


No contact with any of his family, or him. Cut him out of your life honey, you don't need that kind of person around you.

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thanxs, im really scared though, when his brother called me he said 'i'l stab you if you dont get abck with him'

Wow! Here in Virginia this is a Class One Misdemeanor. It's a year in jail. How do I know?


Because some nut job sent me a threat last week.


I filed a police report. The cop was very cool. It is VERY important that you file a report. If you don't, and something does happen, YOU will be to blame for not reporting it.


Tell your parents right now. Yes, you're going to get in trouble, but point out that he tried to rape you and they need to be on YOUR side - even if it's just for once. Take any punishment they give you with pride - know that you did the right thing. You need to be an adult because this is an adult situation.


I would strongly recommend saying NOTHING to the BF or his brother. Hang up if they call. Say nothing - not one single word - if you see them in person. If they harass you that is also illegal.


Laws are made for a reason - it is so evil people cannot get away with harming nice, gentle, understanding people. But if you let evil people take advantage of your understanding, then you are no better than them.




I've hired a lawyer and am also filing charges where this guy lives and with his service provider to get him shut off because of the harassment. It's scary, but it's a fight that I have told myself I am going to win at all costs. He started it, I'm going to end it.


You can too. Stand up straight and start fighting back. Make him sorry for treating you like a piece of meat. Do everything legally that you can to punish him.

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