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The Value of experience

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I know that everyone has a first time for anything and everything. And I've read some other posts related to this issue. Basically, I'm 19 and a half, still a virgin and totally cool with that. I would never dream of having a one night stand. I have never kissed a girl and think parly because I may over romanticize what that first kiss will be like. I used to think I would have my first kiss with a girl who was having her first kis..with me..I've grown out of that sort of but here's the thing. I've heard driffent opinions from a lot of people. I've heard that it is important to get experience with women now while Im in college so that I know how to do things right when I get out. Im not going to race out to find a girl to sleep with, but ..and I'm interested in girls' opinions here..what's your take on the value of experience. I know it is important. I just dont want to rush out there just to gain experience. Although on the same note, I do want to know some stuff before I graduate in 3 years time.

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To me... the experience is not an issue. If I found someone who had never been with anyone else at all... and wanted to be with me at some point in the relationship... that would mean the world to me.

Like with my g/f... we were both new to the lesbian relationships... but she had never done anything but kissed a guy... and I love that. It made me feel so special... and it would be the same if I were the first anything for a guy. so... i agree dont go rushing to find some random girl to get experience.

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First kisses are special, but think of it this way: No matter who you're with, the very first time you kiss each other, is the "first kiss" you both share together. This first kiss isn't made any more or less special by the kisses you've shared or not shared with others, but by the moment it takes place and the person you're sharing it with.


It'd be nice if we could all kiss the first person we've ever fallen in love with, but life's rarely that logical or neat. Long story short, don't worry about it. When the right girl comes along, you'll know and she won't care how experienced you are. She'll just want to be with you and your lips!

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hey. well just a quick point...to be honest i dont look at first kisses that way. the first kiss...the first first first kiss lol is something more special than anything. i mean okay all first kisses are special, hey all kisses are. but theres something about that first one. and okay at my age i feel i would definitely want to have sex with someone who is also a virgin. i mean my first kiss was at 16 (considered pretty late) and it was the firs kiss for the guy. and that made me really happy. and honeslty later on i doubt im going to care about experience, the only thing experience does to my head is make me think about std's. lol. but again im young...maybe later ill feel like i want an experienced lover but i doubt it. its all the same. the only thing i like about an unexperienced person is the whole idea of std's and thinking that its special for them.

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At your age I was the same... But I found the hard way that experience doesn't mean much. When it comes to kissing and sex... it's based and run on your feelings. Those go first... then the rest follows suite. You'll see.


Its not like school work, the more you do it, wont have anything to do with how you treat other women.


My ex boyfriend was extrememly "experienced" with sleeping with women (*sighs* dont I know it!) and he STILL sucked in bed

I really think you've got to use sex as a way of showing your love. If done with feeling it will always be a success.

It doesnt really matter how much you do it. Its about asking questions, learning, and especially learning how to pleasure YOUR partner best. Everyone has different tastes... it's best to learn through your partner and grow together mentally and physically through experiementation.

Its fun too ^_^

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Hey I think its cool that you dont want the "one night stand" - but... I'd say don't set too many scenarios and rules up in your head... Live in moment and go from there....


My first kiss was nothing special... Try firing up some 'spin' the bottle! lol

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Ya im really glad to hear a lot of girls saying that the value of experience isnt as great as what people say.Cause personally i have never held a girls hand in a loving way or been in a relationship and im 18 so that might be a lil bad.So it makes me happy that i can still maybe be good at things in a relationship even if i havent done them.Nice post really encouraging.

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I would like to say that all your help has been really encourahing. Thanks very much. It is unfortunate how experience is portrayed as really important in the media but it is nice to know that there are lots of people out there who know otherwise


"Cause personally i have never held a girls hand in a loving way or been in a relationship and im 18 so that might be a lil bad.So it makes me happy that i can still maybe be good at things in a relationship even if i havent done them"


My sentiments exactly.



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hey well you know waht the media causes alot of stress for both sexes. you know i used to think a big chest was really imp and now im learning guys dont ACTUALLY care. okay sure itll draw attention and it might be a plus but its not that important. same goes with experience for guys or the big penis thing the media makes both sexes feel like crap. its always better to get the opinions of enotalone ppl lol

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I think its all about perspective when you are asking if experience is important or not. There are some people who dont mind teaching and others have expectations. Its just going to be the luck of the draw with the women you get. As you get older experience seems to become more of an issue because most people have had enough sex so that they are pretty familiar and the idea of having to teach a person can seem boring. I think think you have to be a person of loose morals but I think experience and knowledge will be benificial to you in the future.

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hey well you know waht the media causes alot of stress for both sexes. you know i used to think a big chest was really imp and now im learning guys dont ACTUALLY care. okay sure itll draw attention and it might be a plus but its not that important. same goes with experience for guys or the big penis thing the media makes both sexes feel like crap. its always better to get the opinions of enotalone ppl lol


Hey, everyone likes something different. I actually prefer Big B to Small C... anything else is not right for me.

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  • 11 months later...

Sexual experience is far less important and probably counterproductive to gaining experience in love and learning about women. If you are sexually active you will not be spending time with other women and will not be building a loving relationship with the woman you are with. If you are really interested in learning about sex the web has tons of information on it and you will probably know more than most sexually active people.

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