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Condom problem..

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My boyfriend and I talked about having sex. But the the thing is, he wants me to go in and buy the condoms. There's only one store in walking distance that sells them, and his best friend used to work there, so he was in there a lot, and the people know him there. Also, the people who work there know his mom.. So if he goes in, they know they'll tell his mom. I'm very afraid to buy them. I'm nervous as heck, and am afraid the person there is going to think bad about me. One of my friends told me to just buy a few things, like a bag of chips and a soda, or something, so it won't be like your JUST buying condoms.. Well, i'd like to know.. any suggestions on how to calm my nerves about this? And any suggestions on which ones to buy? I'd appreciate anything.

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Most of all-- make sure you're really ready to have sex.


All anyone can really say to a girl buying condoms is "at least she's being smart and using protection."

It doesn't matter what you do while buying them but DON'T try to hide them and be all bashful because that just draws attention to it and it looks silly. I've seen so many teenagers being all bashful and hiding behind people... if you're going to buy them, just buy them. Don't go buying things you don't need just to cover it up either unless you really need other things. Go in during a time the store is most quiet.

And Trojans are good. Many 36 pack boxes over the years and never once have they broken.

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YIKES... I'd like to tell you NOT to have sex yet...and WAIT..

But.... hey... you'll do what you want to anyway...


AM glad you are using precaution...


I'm still embarrassed to buy them..and I'm... well.. I could be your mother.


ok.. going in and buying a bunch of stuff works for me. Yes...


And your boyfriend really should learn to buy them on his own... tell me he's paying for them.... at least give him some responsibility.


OK... and is there a PLANNED PARENTHOOD near-by... look for it. They can help you with Contraceptives... or help you with anything you need information wise...and YES... its very confidential.


I walked into Planned Parenthood..and nearly died when one of my GF mothers worked there. And here.. I came in and used an ALIAS...a different name..and she knew. BUt..she called me by what I told her..and was very nice..and caring.. its her job to help provide support and help.


So do not be embarrassed to protect yourself..and to look for information.


And... do consider waitng.. its sooooo much nicer when you are more mature..and ready mind, body and spirit. It will mean more to you if you lose your virginity to someone who loves you and is caring...and has a little bit of finesse. The first time.. is.. somewhat scary..and uncomfortable... and really... don't lose your virginity.. in the back seat of someones car... or somewhere like that...it should be special.. you'll remember it for the rest of your life... no matter how good or how bad it turns out.

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Heh...the first time I bought condoms was nerdwracking....I bought it at a supermarket and I also bought a huge bag of chips and hair gel to cover it up. I put my condoms and stuff right beside a womans in front of me and i put the bar thing behind mine and I didnt notice so the woman kept on staring at it and I'm like oops? and I put the bar thing inbetween our stuff...kind of embarrassing but I'm gonna have to do it agian sometime for my 2nd pack

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I tried to ask my friends to buy them.. but they were all to afraid. Even my closest friends didn't feel right doing it. I also tried ordering them offline, but I don't have a credit card, so that didn't work too well.. But, I think i'll just go right in there, grab them.. maybe get a soda or something, and just get it over with.. Don't hide it, and don't even think about what they're thinking. I mean, I can't be the ONLY person to go in there and buy them, so why am I freaking out?


Thanks for your help everyone. =)


Any more suggestions, i'm still open for.. Because i'm still nervous as heck.

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How about doing what I used to do. You put the paper money on the top of them so they're hidden when you hand them over. It's not as embarrassing.


My sister used to embarrass me. She would go to the counter and stand for ages looking at all the different kinds. She then would work out which packet was the best value in money. Personally, I went in, grabbed a box and got out of the shop as quickly as possible!

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Hehe... I guess I'm one of the few that find this a humorous situation mainly because the two are responsible enough to have sex (apparently) yet are too embarrassed to let their parents know I guess that would be your conscience talking to you to tell you not to do this, but I just find the humor in this whole "Mission Impossible" way of getting condoms.


What I'm trying to say is that if you're too scared, embarrassed, or worried of getting "caught" in even the assumption of sex then you're definitely not ready to have it.

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Haha, I bought condoms about 6 monthes ago just for the hell of it. It was funny to me, and it wasn't a big deal. Actually, my girlfriend and I walked around asking various people where the condoms were located. (And no, we never had sex) about a week later she went back in and one of the clerks made a comment like "put those things to good use?". It was fun.


Just chill out about it. It is -not- a big deal. No one's going to say anything about it. Don't be embarrased. Walk in, find out where they are, grab a box, go to the clerk, toss them on the counter, and pay for them. It's as easy as that. You get a little discreet bag for them too.


PS: You may avoid comments if you just act mature about it when you're buying them.

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Hehe... I guess I'm one of the few that find this a humorous situation mainly because the two are responsible enough to have sex (apparently) yet are too embarrassed to let their parents know I guess that would be your conscience talking to you to tell you not to do this, but I just find the humor in this whole "Mission Impossible" way of getting condoms.


What I'm trying to say is that if you're too scared, embarrassed, or worried of getting "caught" in even the assumption of sex then you're definitely not ready to have it.


im 19, a legal "adult" and theres still no f'ing way id ever tell my parents or my gf would tell her mom. In my family we NEVER talk about sex or cuss, its rare i ever say "crap" infront of my parents. I still live at home and it would be VERY uncomfortable for me if they knew. So ya..

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DarknHandsome I never told my mother about me losing my viginity at 22, buying condoms or being on the pill.


I went away (I was 22) for a long weekend with my fiance and left a note saying where I'd gone. When I got home I was a SL*T!


That really hurt me!

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I feel bad for the people who are frowned upon by their parents when they'd buy condoms (and/or have sex, for that matter) and they'd find out. That's so evil, imo. Really, buying condoms is a SMART thing. I'll repeat: SMART THING, to do. Of course, I don't volunteer that kind of information with my parents either. But I'm pretty sure they'd be happy to know I'm responsible enough to buy 'em. (And glad I found someone to be with, too, probably)


Sure, when I first bought 'em, I was kinda freaking out. So I quickly picked a box from the shelf, so nobody would really notice. And OMG, what would the clerk think of me?!! But really, nobody cares. Now, after about 2 years or so, I finally bought a new pack (with only 3 condoms.. I don't use 'em that often ;P ). I first took my time picking something I wanted, and then I just went up to the counter and paid for it. Not a problem anymore.

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since someone erased my post... (thanks a lot avman for letting me try to help and erasing it) i don't think you should have to buy the condoms. i think he is immoral and a coward for making you do it. i would just forget him.


from avman: you're welcome. follow our rules and your posts won't get deleted just like I already told you.

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You should never feel bad/embarrassed/judged about buying condoms. It's the right thing to do when you are sexually active and don't want to become pregnant.


Get your boyfriend to get them himself. It's for his use too.


Or rotate who buys them; i.e. You get them one week, he gets them the other.


Never feel ashamed about using precautions.

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