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I've been going out with this girl for about a month now. My shyness has taken her by a bit of surprise I guess you could say. She has dropped many hints that I can move faster. The problem is I am dead shy. It was terrifying the first time I kissed my last GF. It took 2 months. It's so hard for me to "make a move" because I am insecure.


She leaves for a 3 week trip in a couple of days and I've set the goal for myself that I at least kiss her before she goes. Last night I tried hard but just couldn't get over my shyness.


The thing that at least comforts me is she has been understanding. She knows I am extremely nervous and shy at times and totally looks past it. It's not that I don't want to kiss her it's just that it is so hard for me. She told me yesterday that she is extremely comfortable around me and doesn't want me to be so nervous because it makes her nervous. We really connect but I just don't know what to do.


What should I do? I feel like I will never get over my shyness. I fear that it might start hurting the relationship.



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Don't think about it, just do it.


I had the same problem with a girl. Try as I might, I couldn't bring myself to say what needed to be said or do what needed to be done. I would look at her and want to kiss her so bad, but I couldn't do it. After awhile the hope of a relationship ended. Don't let that happen. You want to kiss her, she wants it, so kiss her.

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Friend, it's ok. You'll be alright. We can only encourage you to do what you already know you want to do. Some people will say "just do it" but that kind of advice usually doesn't solve the problem. If you could "just do it", you wouldn't be posting here in the first place, right? Here are some things you could do though, don't put so much pressure on yourself. Lots of people have problems with shyness, some are so shy they can't even get a girlfriend. At least you're not that shy! lol. Your girlfriend sounds really understanding so I don't sense any pressure from her either, so no pressure from anyone. Should start to feel relaxing knowing all this. She likes the natural you so you should feel better about yourself. Just keep being as natural as possible and you don't need to set goals to do anything with her as well. Let it happen naturally. When you're ready to kiss her, you will.

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Sit her down next to you(chair, couch, hell even a car or something lol), and look her in the eyes...stroke her hair from the side, and slowly move in....stop thinking and ACT!!! The more you think about this, you will wimp out and not do it, just DO IT!

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Never let the shy overcome the guy. that is bad. lol just think of it this way. she wants you. she prolly wants you more then youll ever know. you are to shy to do that. so a kiss is enough, if she wants more then that..youll know in her kiss..if not then well she will let you know some other way. dude she wants it BAD. just give it to her. you wanna be known as the guy who can satisfy a girl by only a kiss lol just close your eyes think of something far off and meet in the middle...what im saying is....






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You can also take comfort in the fact that there are alot of other people like you who find things like this difficult. The first kiss will seem the hardest but once you have kissed her once you will want to kiss her again and again and it will come so naturally to you.

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