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It hurts and I need advice.

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Hello to all! I am sorry if I am bothering you again, good people. 

Some of you know about my story, as I posted several topics about it. It is about a woman with who I chatted online and we talked over the phone and with cameras daily and for months. We used to talk as friends at first, but then things escalated and we started talking in a loving/romance way and flirting. I confessed my feelings towards her around Christmas and then we did plans to see each other, but she distanced herself from me and basically cut me of just a week before me going to see her. She didn't gave me any real explanation, just that she needs space off me and time for herself.

Now it has been a month and a half since then and we talked on cameras again, she explained everything. She met a new guy in the begining of January. 

I confessed before she met that guy, but my point is that she told me she doesn't want relationships now and she is always bad towards the guys she dates, like she wants to just use them and thats it. But her feelings for me were pure, real, genuine and etc. She also told me that when we see each other she wants to kiss me everywhere and that I can kiss her "down" there and having an intimacy. Then she told me how she can't wait to see me, how she can't wait to hug me and kiss me and how we will keep our friendship and love (her words). But I guess 3,4 days later she went on that date, with her female friend and that guy and then her friend left them to be together and she liked him a lot and yeah..

What I can't undertand is how she could be talking to me in loving/romance way like that and in the same time going out with that guy, then being with him obviously and still continued to talking to me in a love manner for a week more, then she distanced fully and unexpectedly

That was really bad from her and really hurtful for me. As I was thinking how we will meet each other, about our connection and in the same time she was already with that guy.

I want/wanted to be her friend, but its really hard now. I mean I know my romantic/love feelings towards her will fade with the time and I do like her as a person and it would be good to have her in my life, but it will be so painful for me. And I don't know how I can forget her and also, because she texts me more now and even today we also talked on WhatsApp with cameras and she told me more things about him, but I don't want to listen to that. I want her to be in my life, I want to see her someday, but it will be really painful for me to go through this..

And yeah, I forgot to tell that she told me that this guy has two or three hotels and a lot of money.. And before when we talked as friends at first, she told me about her ex boyfriends and all of them had a lot of money.. And I am just a regular, hard working guy sadly..

Sorry all for bothering you..

I want to tell that all of you on here that are trying to help other people - you are amazing! If there were more people like you in this world - it would have been a better place!

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18 minutes ago, Mitkoo0 said:

 she told me that this guy has two or three hotels and a lot of money.. , she told me about her ex boyfriends and all of them had a lot of money.. 

Please delete and block her. The more you describe, the more this woman sounds like an escort or sugar baby. You never met and unfortunately you were scammed. Please let go. 

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1 hour ago, Mitkoo0 said:

I want to tell that all of you on here that are trying to help other people - you are amazing! If there were more people like you in this world - it would have been a better place!

Well, I don't understand why you're posting again when you didn't take any of the advice given on your previous posts. This has all gotten so much worse, and yet still, you want to retain a connection with her. 

Can you not have the foresight of knowing that if you began dating a wonderful local lady, that when she found out you were in contact with a woman you were crazy about and actually flew out to try to see, that the local woman would make a quick exit from you?

You'll sacrifice your happiness in life for someone who teases you and then pulls it all away just as fast? There are so many negatives, it's just too exhausting to type it all.

Do you remember when the "Great Wizard of Oz" had the curtain pulled away, revealing he was a mere man using trickery to dupe everyone? Same situation, so why are you sticking around after the revelation happened? When you act like a doormat, that's exactly how you'll be used.

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None of us can tell you what you don't already know. The woman admits to using men, and the only way to do that is to lie to men. Yet you're willing to believe that she wouldn't lie to you?

Nothing can help you unless you're willing to shut her down. Otherwise, you're the only one who holds the answers to your own misery.

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6 hours ago, Mitkoo0 said:

And I am just a regular, hard working guy sadly..

Well, not really. You work abroad. That means that you are well above some Bulgarian taxi driver(just an example lol). You maybe dont own Hotels, but perception about you is not the same as some local guy without a money. Quite the contrary, they would think you do have a lot of money. So that you could at least buy them gifts. Just saying what her perception might be.

Anyway, when they tell you who they are, believe them. If you cant resist not to message her, block her on everything. "No contact" is good for that kind of stuff. You floating around thinking she would want you isnt really good for you. 

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So you got caught up in some fantasy. This girl was in it for attention to boost her ego. You can see this will never become anything. Please just let it go. Next time stop investing yourself in chat buddies on line. get out there and meet people. Go out and do things with friends, go to parties, have a social life. Doing those things will take the desperation out of looking for someone.

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