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I called CPS on my friends :(

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You did the right thing ultimately. I was talking to a friend who has 15 years of law enforcement  dealing with exploited children ,in a large US city. Her only comment was that law enforcement should have been contacted before CPS, as they tend to look for other abuse and criminal activity than just that of the child. Which could have led to the seperation of the abuser from the victim(s), but she's a little biased against CPS as they bungled a trafficking ring case.

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I have to completely agree with you OP.

How the boy reacted when you asked him actually speaks volumes... he can't say? How suspicious. How terrible! It's awful. 

If my children (ages 5, nearly 4 and nearly 2) had a bruise on their arm, and someone asked them about it, they would either be casual and distracted and probably be like oh! Don't remember! Or they would matter of fact say "I fell off my bike and I was trying to go really really fast and ugh I hit this bump I got a plaster" etc etc not this guarded, heart breaking response you got.

I say, trust your instincts on this kinda stuff. I really do. 

If the parents are innocent, and great parents, they have nothing to worry about. If someone decided to call a service or the police on me, me and my husband have absolutely no reason for it in the first place but secondly, absolutely nothing to hide - and would want to help. 

The child's wellbeing and safety is the most top priority above everything and anything, above potentially being wrong, potentially jumping the gun, potentially angering parents or causing awkwardness - above anything. 

You did the right thing. My heart hurts for this boy. Someone grabbed him, that is obvious, and one incident like this - it's never the first or the last, it really isn't. At the very least, at least authorities know.

I would keep your eye out as well. If you can still in some way be in contact with the kids, just to keep a warm and loving watch over them from a distance, that's better than nothing. 

You hear horror stories about how there were signs and nothing was done and things were ignored. You definitely, in my opinion, did the right thing.


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  • 4 weeks later...

You did do the right thing. 

Staying out of it would be worse you knowing what's going then you may hear the child in hospital or even dead.

I say that because my ex friend situation been going on for 7-8 years now.

I recently called and reported both these parents but it's too late them kids are very damaged from what happened to them. They were removed and then moved around from foster carers to family. To then be back with their mother and to me hearing they back involved investigating again is not good

Sitting on something like that you can't just keep out of it. 

She will thank you later.



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I have had someone called CPS on us.  My kids ran to their bus stop without dad one time because they thought they saw it driving by.  24 hours later, one of my neighbors decided to lie to CPS claiming one of my kids were hit by cars a few times.  First of all, if that happened, the police would be filing a report.  The look on their face when they came to the house, and saw him in perfect condition, and them apologizing for wasting our time.  I cannot confirm which of my neighbors did it, but I welcomed CPS with open arms.  It sure is a waste of time, but if you have nothing to hide, it's not an issue.

That little kid is not safe there. You did the right thing. The abuser will fill her head with nonsense.  Just say, I know you are mad at me, but please let me know if you need anything. My door is open for you and your son.

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