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losing someone you love for the first time

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yesterday we were told that my granddad, who is in a hospis, has roughly two days left to live. he has prostate cancer, and is now so big that his bladder and kidneys aren't working. this is the first time anyone that i know has died, and i don't know how to handle it. we are all very close to him, it is my 18th birthday next week and i wish he could see me turn 18. my gran, his wife, also has breast cancer and had chemotherapy yesterday, she is amazing and is coping with it brilliantly, i don't know how she does it. my parents, auntie and uncle and my gran have all gone in this afternoon after getting a call that they needed to be there urgently, im afraid that he will die this afternoon. i didnt feel that i could cope with going to see him, as he is no longer responsive and i don't think i could handle seeing him like that, and i don't want to remember him like that. i just don't know how to handle this type of situation, and how to be there for the rest of my family, my dad and sister especially, who are not coping very well. thank you xxx

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Hello! I'm sorry to hear about your GF. I'm not sure If I'll be much help but I'll try. When my GF passed I was only ten years old and I delt with it by having faith that he was in a much better place and his suffering was now over. I remember all the wonderful times we had spent together. I think just being around to offer support to your family through hugs and such. Listening to your family and sharing you feelings with them. Well, I'm not very good at this but I hope I helped ya out a bit!

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I lost my gd 2 years ago, it was very hard, my insides had felt like they'd been scraped out, and I cried like a baby, it will be hard, but it will get easier, and it help to remember how they are living now and that this is no quality of life for them. I am sorry for you, it will be a hard time, but it will pass

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