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Is he serious about me? He barely text me

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-We used to talk in beginning and Skype 1 hour daily


-Since his new job, he only texts me 1-4 times a day maybe. Sometimes he goes 2 days without texting 


-On his days off, he prefer going out with his new guy friends and partying instead of talk to me 


-When I don’t reply back to his text, he gets angry and says insults me 


-If I breakup with him or just suggest to be friends with benefits, he’s even more angry


-He keeps asking me to come live with him forever/be his wife. I already visited him twice and we spent a month together 


-We have known each other LDR 10 months 


-Last time I visited him I saw a weird article on his computer entitled “How to make her crazy for you by ignoring her”

-I’ve already met his friends. They were very interested in me. One of his friends bought me some purple flowers and kept trying to flirt with me in front of my bf. And my bf didn’t say anything, he just smirked. It was creepy

-He is from Saudi Arabia and I’m from Florida, however he is working out of his county at a low paying job and struggles

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21 minutes ago, pinkvelvetz said:

 I already visited him twice and we spent a month together 

He is from Saudi Arabia and I’m from Florida.

 How did you meet? How old is he?

You're wasting your time on this. Delete and block him from all your social media and messaging apps.

"Forever wife" means he wanted sex when you visited him. He will eventually marry a local woman of the same religion and culture.

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You know how women are regarded in Saudi Arabia, right?  It's not only distance but culture that isn't compatible here.  This man believes he can behave however he likes and that you are not allowed a voice.  You've mentioned visiting him but he hasn't visited you.  It will continue to be you making all the effort while he carries on like a single guy.  Get rid of him and date someone local who will give you equal time and respect.

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Sounds like he is playing mind games with you and trying to gain control in whatever way he can. The sporadic communication is a tactic to manipulate you and the article you found on his computer confirms that his intentions are to control you rather than have an open, honest and trusting relationship. From what you've described I would not trust this guy at all and would recommend that you end the relationship ASAP before he takes any more control.

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20 minutes ago, Kerry237 said:

Sounds like he is playing mind games with you and trying to gain control in whatever way he can. The sporadic communication is a tactic to manipulate you and the article you found on his computer confirms that his intentions are to control you rather than have an open, honest and trusting relationship. From what you've described I would not trust this guy at all and would recommend that you end the relationship ASAP before he takes any more control.


Yes, I thought this was a little weird. He is also an alcoholic and drinks every few nights with friends.

Even though he displays acts of anger, he seems pretty calm in person but annoyed with everything.

Regarding sex, we’ve already done that. In the middle of it, I told him to stop because it was too painful and he ignored me and kept going.

I’m considering leaving him on account of all this. 




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Considering? Not actually leaving? He was hurting you and didn’t care. He insults you and plays mind games — he is using you as an experiment. Please dump him and get some help to figure out why you would have anything to do with someone like this before you get in another relationship. He is  a creep. 

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7 hours ago, pinkvelvetz said:

-When I don’t reply back to his text, he gets angry and says insults me 


-If I breakup with him or just suggest to be friends with benefits, he’s even more angry

Why are you even with this guy lol?

I dunno if its a culture or him in general, but he doesnt respect you. Nore he ever would. Heck by what you said he might as well view you as property that can be borrowed to his friend lol. Get away while you still can and you are not bound by marriage or kids.

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10 hours ago, pinkvelvetz said:

-If I breakup with him or just suggest to be friends with benefits, he’s even more angry

Let him be angry, that's his problem not yours.  As to suggesting to be FWBs, why would you demote yourself to that level?

 As it is, he lacks any form of respect for you, therefore that would be giving him the greenlight to drag you down even further. It's time to respect yourrself and walk away from this Bozo.

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On 8/9/2022 at 3:58 AM, pinkvelvetz said:


Yes, I thought this was a little weird. He is also an alcoholic and drinks every few nights with friends.

Even though he displays acts of anger, he seems pretty calm in person but annoyed with everything.

Regarding sex, we’ve already done that. In the middle of it, I told him to stop because it was too painful and he ignored me and kept going.

I’m considering leaving him on account of all this. 




Why are you settling for this situation? Are you desperate? 

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A woman with a healthy self esteem would've been gone eons ago.

I guarantee you that boosting your self worth will result in romantic happiness far sooner, because you will quickly cut bait whenever you see loser behavior, freeing you to keep fishing until you find the keeper.

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On 8/9/2022 at 2:13 AM, pinkvelvetz said:

he gets angry and says insults me 

Deliberate insults aren't something I'd put up with from anyone, much less a long distance guy.

I'd tell him to keep that, and he wouldn't hear from me again.

Relationships are for building one another UP. If someone tries to tear you down, they are not a partner, they are your adversary.

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