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Found photos of my best friend in boyfriend’s phone


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I made the huge mistake of going through my boyfriends phone one night and of course found some hurtful things. In his deleted photos album, there were screenshotted photos of girls he was with before. Not even revealing ones, photos of their faces, normal photos. I then came across numerous photos of my best friend. Cropped to be just photos of her. In the past, he had opened his computer with me and on the screen was a folder with his exes nudes. He swore he hadn’t done anything with them. I eventually just asked him to please delete them and I moved on. Then after finding those photos on his phone a while later, I confronted him and he admitted he used  the photos to masturbate. He said it was only the girls he was with before but the photos of my friend he had screenshotted to show his friend who had mentioned he thought she was attractive. He claimed he hadn’t used those ones but that he had screenshotted to show his friend who mentioned he thought she was attractive. The photos of my friend would be the breaking point for me but I don’t know what to believe or do.

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3 minutes ago, Someoneidk57 said:

The photos of my friend would be the breaking point for me but I don’t know what to believe or do.

Is is the breaking point, then? 

It doesn't seem to be if you're still there. Personally, I would have dropped him the moment I found out he was keeping exes' photos specifically to pleasure himself with. How crass. 

Aim for higher-quality men, OP. 

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1 hour ago, Someoneidk57 said:

he admitted he used  the photos to masturbate


I would've left right there. Wth, he doesn't respect his exes and so he doesn't respect you OP. Guess where your nude photos will be later.... AND you found your best friend in there. I would lose my mind over this, get angry at him, and tell him to go masturbate in hell.

Just break up with him and block him. Delete any pictures of you if possible. I'd personally also delete the pics of his exes if I could because women power-but that might a be a stretch.

Aim for real gentlemen. This man is sick.

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1 hour ago, Someoneidk57 said:

  The photos of my friend would be the breaking point for me but I don’t know what to believe or do.

Sorry this is happening. How long have you been dating? How old is he? How does he know your friends well enough to have pics of them on his devices?

You can't tell him what to do with his devices or the content on them or what to masturbate to.

It's sad you're snooping and policing.  End it. When you start acting like the mother of a naughty horny 13 year old boy, monitoring his online activity and reprimanding him, it's beyond repair.

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3 hours ago, Someoneidk57 said:

He claimed he hadn’t used those ones but that he had screenshotted to show his friend who mentioned he thought she was attractive.

He doesnt need numerous photos to show his friend. He could just show her IG or Facebook. So he was definitely master-baited thinking of her. It makes sense knowing that he also keeps photos of his exes as a material for that purpose. So, he definitely did that.

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Obviously you shouldn't be invading his privacy. 

But it is pretty sick behaviour. You wouldn't have a second thought about breaking up with him if he was having sex with his exes or your best friend. And there is not a massive difference. It is a form of cheating because these are real people he is masturbating over not some kind of porn star or celebrity fantasy. And definitely do not allow him to take any nude photos of you!


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