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Emotional support group Covid19


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I've been keeping an eye on what Trudeau was saying recently. "Many more weeks". So I'm going to put my money on maybe late summer. It really sucks. I'm so used to having all of my loved ones within driving distance whenever I want. Heck, I go to Canada on day trips and it's so weird to not be able to just go over


Whenever I see my family, we do a "grocery exchange". I buy them goods that they can't get in Canada (not illegal, just things that they can't get up there) and vice versa for me. I look forward to doing that again.


One day trips are easy for us too because we are only 1.5 hours from the border.


Yup , it will be a long while before we open up.

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I hope she is ok!!


I hope so too but she hasn’t left her house since March 14, literally. They have a personal shopper who gets all their groceries they wash it outside before it goes in the house. The few days a week her husband is working right now he has to immediately go and shower and put his clothes in the washing machine. Doctor at the hospital is pretty sure she doesn’t have it. He said he would be surprised.

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I know I haven't regularly posted on this site or anything. Hope everyone's doing OK. My husband's brother who works in a halfway house just came home because everyone at his work had to be tested for COVID-19, it was mandatory. He doesn't seem to know why but says it is because someone at his work had a cold or something. Are they testing a lot more readily now or would they really only have tested him if someone at his work was for sure positive?... He is treating it like no big deal and is coming right up to me and my husband to talk to us. He has OCD so I'm surprised he's treating it so lightly and he was kind of upset with me when I expressed my concerns.

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I know I haven't regularly posted on this site or anything. Hope everyone's doing OK. My husband's brother who works in a halfway house just came home because everyone at his work had to be tested for COVID-19, it was mandatory. He doesn't seem to know why but says it is because someone at his work had a cold or something. Are they testing a lot more readily now or would they really only have tested him if someone at his work was for sure positive?... He is treating it like no big deal and is coming right up to me and my husband to talk to us. He has OCD so I'm surprised he's treating it so lightly and he was kind of upset with me when I expressed my concerns.

Depending upon where you are he can now not leave where he lives for 14 days or until he gets a negative result. Which means now until he gets the negative results or a positive result depending you guys can no longer leave your home.


My neighbour was tested two days ago she’s not allowed to leave her bedroom and no one in her house is even allowed out their front door until they get the all clear.

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I thought it was that way here too (midwest US) but he told us depending on which hospital does the testing, there's no need for him to do anything different at all. All his coworkers apparently stayed at work for the day but he used a different hospital and they sent him home. It's just strange. He doesn't work with a particularly physically vulnerable population as far as I know. I am not sure why they would have had mandatory testing but then treat it like it is no big deal. I have no cause to leave the house anyway so hopefully his results come back soon.

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I thought it was that way here too (midwest US) but he told us depending on which hospital does the testing, there's no need for him to do anything different at all. All his coworkers apparently stayed at work for the day but he used a different hospital and they sent him home. It's just strange. He doesn't work with a particularly physically vulnerable population as far as I know. I am not sure why they would have had mandatory testing but then treat it like it is no big deal. I have no cause to leave the house anyway so hopefully his results come back soon.

Well, I am Canadian . You get tested you stay home for your result you don’t even leave your home or your room segregated away from your family. My neighbour can’t even have her children in her room while she waits for her result. None of her family members are even allowed out of their home for any reason until they get the all clear. And that is by the public health authority.

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I so envy those who are going about their business not even nervous, stressed or anxious. My immediate coworkers are totally comfortable ordering takeout, using their phones out on the production floor after touching things, handing things back and forth, bringing their personal belongings into the building...and I am...NOT.


I am getting better about my obsessiveness. No more freaking out because my knuckle brushed up against my hair. I wash my hands and still sterilize things that have left the house or are coming in, and I practice social distancing but that's it.


Although I did have a freakout yesterday...I was in my car in the parking lot at work. A truck pulled in next to me. I had backed in to the parking space and the guy driving the truck parked it facing forward. His window was down and he was smoking a cigarette. So that meant I would have to go within a couple of feet of him to get out of my car. I needed to get into the building, but couldn't figure out how to completely avoid him. I was wearing a mask, so I just waited until he was between exhaling and rushed out of my car holding my breath. I know that smoking involves exhaling from the lungs and that there were most certainly droplets in his exhale so that upset me. I was like, WHY do people have to smoke!!!!??? And do it two feet from me???!!! Ugh!


I hope that guy is healthy!


My location is being more diligent about enforcing the guidelines sent by the corporate office regarding social distancing and mask enforcement after getting yelled at by senior leadership for being lax. So there will be more enforcement and that's a good thing!


It's a pretty day outside, quite windy but sunny and clear. I slept most of the day after working overnight but plan some outside time tomorrow even if it's just a drive. My zip code has many, many cases so if I go for a walk it will be in another neighborhood!

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Boltnrun -how is it that your coworkers feel ok acting "typically" in light of the virus? It just sounds so strange! Granted I haven't been to the office since early March but neither have most of my coworkers -we have one or two essential workers who go in once or twice a week and a few of my coworkers go in but we have our own offices and they keep their distance.

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Boltnrun -how is it that your coworkers feel ok acting "typically" in light of the virus? It just sounds so strange! Granted I haven't been to the office since early March but neither have most of my coworkers -we have one or two essential workers who go in once or twice a week and a few of my coworkers go in but we have our own offices and they keep their distance.


I asked a coworker last night. She was eating takeout in the conference room. I mentioned that I will not order takeout because I have no idea if the person preparing or packaging the food was sick and she said it was probably fine and she doesn't worry about it. They don't worry about things like the virus getting on their phones, backpacks, pens, etc. and they get beverages from a communal area and don't wipe them down. It baffles me, but they are just not worried about it! My particular location has no reported cases (although there are 10 people who are currently under quarantine for possible exposure/infection) but many other locations have several cases, most likely people who were exposed outside of work.


For me it has nothing to do with "trust" because trust doesn't prevent anyone from getting infected. So I will not order or eat takeout. And "probably" is not good enough for me.


We have over 100 people in the building all at one time. My current location got into trouble from Corporate for not enforcing the guidelines the corporate office put into place. So they are suddenly all about enforcement. It's very difficult for this type of business to keep people apart because the work itself requires multiple people at every step. So, it's kind of inevitable that people will be infected.


All I can do is protect myself the best I can.

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Meh, I see no issue with takeout if you sanitize/wipe down the containers. There are no recorded or suspected food transmissions of the virus according to CDC. It's through droplets/contact that it is spread and not felt to be a food borne illness.


I think if you wear a mask diligently and wash your hands regularly and stay away from people, I do think you'll be okay.


What is stressing me out these days is less worry that I'll get sick (because I know I'm doing all of the right things) but more just the insanity/hassle that going out has now become. Lines into stores, people still FLIPPING and trying to hoard, people walking too close to each other.


I've gotten very good at giving death glares for someone who doesn't keep enough feet away and I'll clear my throat/make sniffling noses with my nose for the obtuse. People tend to leave you alone when they think you're ill.


I have to go out tomorrow and I'm dreading it already.

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We're still getting take out, sadly my fiance has to drive to the take away and order delivery to the car. We had pizza last night.


I'm relieved I've had baby now, (thank you everyone for the well wishes both for my daughter and passing off grandma). It means I no longer have to go into shops as I can eat normal food again so fiance doesn't need help working out what I can and can't eat lol.


We're enjoying parenthood so far, baby sleeps well.. in a way the worst time to have a baby, but at same time a great time, as there's less pressure for visits, the world is going slower in general. Working from home so have that extra support when paternity is up etc.

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We're still getting take out, sadly my fiance has to drive to the take away and order delivery to the car. We had pizza last night.


I'm relieved I've had baby now, (thank you everyone for the well wishes both for my daughter and passing off grandma). It means I no longer have to go into shops as I can eat normal food again so fiance doesn't need help working out what I can and can't eat lol.


We're enjoying parenthood so far, baby sleeps well.. in a way the worst time to have a baby, but at same time a great time, as there's less pressure for visits, the world is going slower in general. Working from home so have that extra support when paternity is up etc.

Did your blood sugars go back to normal?

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Meh, I see no issue with takeout if you sanitize/wipe down the containers. There are no recorded or suspected food transmissions of the virus according to CDC. It's through droplets/contact that it is spread and not felt to be a food borne illness.


I think if you wear a mask diligently and wash your hands regularly and stay away from people, I do think you'll be okay.


What is stressing me out these days is less worry that I'll get sick (because I know I'm doing all of the right things) but more just the insanity/hassle that going out has now become. Lines into stores, people still FLIPPING and trying to hoard, people walking too close to each other.


I've gotten very good at giving death glares for someone who doesn't keep enough feet away and I'll clear my throat/make sniffling noses with my nose for the obtuse. People tend to leave you alone when they think you're ill.


I have to go out tomorrow and I'm dreading it already.


I don't wipe down containers -I handle them with a barrier and remove the food, either putting on a plate or re-packaging in my own supplies. Or I leave it for a few days untouched like the box of frozen mickey mouse waffles I'm now buying for my son as a consolation prize during this time LOL. (Actually i'm cruel as I put jam in the "ears" so it looks like he has bloodshot eyes in the morning - my son loves it!)

I'm not concerned about getting it from ingesting food based on the science and especially since I only buy from places I trust. If I thought my food would be sneezed on I wouldn't be going there in normal times either. I've gotten food poisoning/ill from takeout and at restaurants but never got a cold or respiratory illness from eating anything as far as I know. In February I refused to take the sandwiches at my regular Subway shop because she kept coughing while she was making the food and insisted she wasn't sick but - nope -and the manager chose not to remake them without being upset with me at all -I think he was worried too.


But it's all up to the individual comfort level of course Boltnrun -I get it! I am not at all judging because I won't do things others will - like to food delivery or let my child go to any public places yet (walk outdoors with one of us, fine, and I want him to do that -but no stores which some are doing even if it's unnecessary - just to get out of the house).

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My state has only recorded 1 new case in the last three days. Our active cases is reducing significantly now as people are recovering from the virus.


Elective surgeries are going to be resumed and it looks like some restrictions are going to be loosened a little in the near future. Looks like the state and national borders will be closed for a much longer term, which I think is a wise mood. There's little evidence of community spread, at least symptomatic cases. The recorded cases have been contact traced and the vast majority have an obvious source i.e know someone directly that has been overseas or has tested positive.


I'd be keen for us to maintain the measures in place for longer but it is going to become a harder sell to destroy people's livelihoods, disruption to people's lives and the social problems that lock downs potentially cause if we continue to have no new cases.

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My dr is going to call me for my appointment today. Should I bring up my bad anxiety in this situation? Or just try and deal with it on my own.


I'd bring it up. I've had to go up on my medication because of COVID. I am feeling better as a result (although not 100%) and I think a lot of people are in the same boat.


If you feel that you are having trouble dealing with your anxiety on your current regimen, then it's worth bringing up

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I'd bring it up. I've had to go up on my medication because of COVID. I am feeling better as a result (although not 100%) and I think a lot of people are in the same boat.


If you feel that you are having trouble dealing with your anxiety on your current regimen, then it's worth bringing up


PM’d you.



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The number of Coronavirus cases in our state is about .1% of the population. I think we are going to be one of the first states to reopen but who knows when that will be.


With numerous protests going on it's clear many are growing impatient.

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I know you can't contract the virus from food, but these coworkers are getting food delivery or going thru a drive thru and not wiping down anything at all. They just grab the food bag, take the container out, open it up and go to town! No hand washing, no hand sanitizing, just open up the container and start eating! I presume that is just fine but it's not for me. I'd rather bring my own food in my own containers because I know that no one has handled them but me.


Paranoid? Probably. But if it makes me feel better then I'll do it.


I was able to stay up until 3:00 am on my own last night, so I am adjusting to the schedule change. I slept a LOT this morning, from 3:00 am until about 12:30 pm. Probably because I don't go back to work until Sunday so there is no work anxiety. I planned to grocery shop today but emotionally I just can't handle it. Not today. I'll go tomorrow. I am not up to the whole regimen today. And I used to love grocery shopping!


The idiot mayor of my city just embarrassed herself on CNN. Many people thought the mayor was drunk. I don't know about drunk, but her offering to use the people of my city as a "control" group to see if ending social distancing will result in a new surge of cases or not was just...appalling. And when asked if she would go out to the casinos she said no because she has a family. Well, don't the casino workers have families???


I'm here for one more month and then moving to a state where the leadership isn't wanting to use the people as lab rats.

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