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friend of mine always wanting to die..please help

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my female friend, has always told me that sometimes she wants to kill her self, and doesnt see any reason to live. She says sometimes she feels as if part of her body gives out, or her boyfriend sometimes wants to have time alone, and the only person she can talk to is me. She is a very attractive female, but yet she says she always feel over weight and ugly...it hurts me like hell that she is pushing her self to these limits. I would do anything for her. If anyone can give me any advice, to cheer her up and to lessen her ideals to commit suicide..and to not be so depressed all the time, it would be much appreciated, this girl has so much potential and such a great personality to just let go to waste..

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Tell her she's beautiful? That can flatter her. If you have the guts to do it. You said you'd do "anything".


Well tell her that when she's telling herself she's ugly, obese, etc.



You could explain to her how great she is and everything...just don't make it to the extent of *** kissing.


I guess you could tell her your feelings, though there's usually NEVER a good time to tell a girl your feelings unless she herself is interested in you, but she needs some enlightenement so telling her your feelings if you like her I think is alright.

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heh, thanks for the advice. But i crossed that road months ago. It was straight from my heart how i told her she is beutiful and it vexes me how she could say she is ugly and needs to loose weight. Ive straight making up phrases to help her and, ive tried to convince her everything happens for a reason. But in the end, it always comes back to her saying she is unhealthy,ugly, she thinks her family despises her.. If only she could see her potential, and how good of a person she really is.

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So she has family problems? That's pretty rough. I mean, people tend to believe what they've heard growing up.


Maybe you could make her a card and list all the great things about her. Put in there specific examples, so she can BELIEVE they're true. Like, "You're nice - you helped me with my homework." Stuff like that.


You might try to get her to talk about her family. Why do they despise her? Maybe she needs some moral support there.

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