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Feeling drowned out(sorry its long)


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Why does he want you to stop working and isolate you as a quasi-housewife but with zero benefits? No one had a gun to your head to move in and quit working. That was your decision. Your boredom and frustration are magnified by the isolation, dependence and unemployment. Add to this very poor compatibility, communication and affection. It seems neither of you are interested in improving things. He's happy with the status quo and apparently you are fine just living there doing housework and taking care of the pets.

hes the one that pushed for it
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+1 to what everyone is saying...


You are bored. Since you are bored, you are looking to him to be your sole source of human interaction and entertainment. That’s FAR too much to ask of anybody. It ends up feeling very clingy. So - the more you ask, the more he will pull away. The more he pulls away, the more desperate you probably feel and the more you want. It’s a vicious circle.


The only way out of this, IMO, is for you to get things going in your own life. You need a job and a car and friends or hobbies. The more you have going on, the less all the rest of it will bother you (because you are so busy), the less demanding you will be, and he may start to miss you more and want to spend more time with you.


I think all of this is normal. It’s not natural to be a “stay at home mom” without kids. At least with kids you have interaction with other kids and parents and a full schedule on your plate. Right now, all you have is the dogs and housework. It’s no wonder you are bored...


... and I agree with the others... if that is your only contribution to the household - that IS your job. I would not expect him to cook or clean or do laundry. That is your agreement. You’ve agreed to take this on in exchange for not working.

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