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I been tading my boyfriend for 2.5 yrs now. To me it seems one side relationship and what i mean by that is i am the one who tries everything to make him happy. I cant get anywhere with him and am tired of trying. I been thinking about breaking up a lot but dont know how. I am 34 yrs old and he is my only serious relationship i had. We have different personalities yet, i am not a needy woman. I am very layback active person and for the last two yrs i been watching him coming back ftom work always tired and all what he wants to do either watch TV or play video games. The house is a mess all the time and when i say something he would reply by this is his place. I dont live with him but i am in his place sll the time. He leaves mess everywhere yet when i clean up it is never clean enough for him. I really dont know what to do. I am tired of him whinning all the tired. I csll hom drama queen as he complains all the time. If we do things together which is very rare, it had to be his wsy cause he knows it all. If any tweek in the plan happens he gets pissed

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Well, I'm sure if you were 24, you would probably be willing to put up with this kind of behavior, but as a 34-year-old woman, his lack of romance and interest in keeping up his side of the relationship is wearing on you. I'm sure you would like to get married at some point, maybe even have a child or two, but he doesn't seem to be husband or dad material. He's still living like he's in his college dorm. So you have to make a decision pretty soon. Do you see yourself married to this guy? Do you really want to move in together with him? Or do you deserve someone better rather than settling for this tired, video game playing boyfriend? I think you know what you have to do. You should start to move on.

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Unfortunately it sounds like you are incompatible. Stop staying at his place. He's right, it's his place and if it's too messy for you, stop hanging out there. You have no right telling other's how to live in their own spaces.


What's wrong with you place? :upset:


If he's a lazy messy couch potato stop complaining and break up so you can find a more suitable compatible guy. You can't fix or change people.

watching him coming back ftom work always tired and all what he wants to do either watch TV or play video games. The house is a mess all the time and when i say something he would reply by this is his place. I dont live with him but i am in his place sll the time. He leaves mess everywhere yet when i clean up it is never clean enough for him.
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