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How can I get to know this person? Should I?


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I live in a mid sized town where lots of people in my social circle overlap with the friends of my mother. A few weeks ago my mother was at a party and met a guy around my age who she hit it off with and whose details (phone number/email) she took because she thought "he'd be great" for me. He's 32 apparently, I'm 30. I've never met him. There's also an assumption here that he is both a)single and b)heterosexual. Anyway, in an idle moment of boredom the other day, after a particularly disastrous date with someone else who I will not be seeing again I looked up on Facebook the guy my mother mentioned. He's not bad looking, seems well dressed and well educated with some similar interests in terms of music and hobbies to me. He has a good job and seems fun, he knows around 10 or so of my mutual friends. On one hand this feels weird and inappropriate and on the other he seems nice. Of course, this is via the carefully curated persona we all have on social media. I'm aware that maybe he's not like this at all and that there's a certain amount of hopeful projection on my part. The quandary I have is how weird would it be for me to add him? And how could I get to know him? Should I? Is this a step too far?

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