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7 months since the end of my somewhat abusive 5 year relationship.

I always lacked in self esteem before the relationship, and during the relationship I struggled with self hatred issues. My ex was very judgememtal towards me...

But since the breakup, my self hatred is present that somedays I cant even enjoy life because I feel pathetic. I feel so much shame and guilt.. My perception of myself is so distorted that there are days I dont know who I am.

I struggle with depression, take meds and do therapy, so Im already trying to work on these issues.... but i would like to know if anyone else has been through this...

Have you experienced this? Did you heal from that sting of self hatred eventually? How long i did it take?

Sorry about my english

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Sorry to hear this. It sounds like you are doing the right things on your road to recovery. In addition to medical help and therapy, join some LGBT support groups to help you feel less alone and get involved with other people who aren't as judgmental as your ex and can be more accepting and understanding.

My ex was very judgememtal towards me... I struggle with depression, take meds and do therapy, so Im already trying to work on these issues.
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Challenge yourself and do it well. The reward for a job well done gives one self satisfaction and builds self esteem.

The definition of `esteem' is respect and admiration. Self esteem would be self love. Make decisions for yourself in a loving way. Treat yourself how you would want someone to treat you. It begins with you.


If you have a habit of negative self talk, you work at breaking that habit. Habits are sometimes difficult to break. When you find yourself in that cycle, catch yourself, stop and replace it something else. Talking kindly to yourself when you are not accustomed to it seems strange to begin with but it's one of those things that you `fake it until you make it'


Give to others. Help others. Volunteer.


Edit: I just reread your last response. . so I won't rewrite my response and you can edit it to assume that I did all the above things when I wasn't in a good place. In time it turned things around for me.

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