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Blown my chance or not


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I matched with a girl on a popular dating app, this happened 4 days ago. We talked back and forth and i managed to get her number.


We continued messaging each other but suddenly she has stopped replying to me. It's been 1 day. We've sent each other about 1 to 2 messages per day between us. My conversation with her has been respectful and genuine. I haven't bombarded with her texts or harrased her in any shape or form.


I don't know if following interaction caused it or she's playing a game:

Her: What are you doing tonight? x

Me: I'm going to a bar with my friends and watch a football game then we're grabbing some food after. What about you? x

Her: Oh cool! Have fun. I'm getting ready to go out and party with my best friend x

Me: Awesome, you too! x

Her: all ready x

Me:: You look amazing! x


i left it at that and let her enjoy her evening and I carried on with enjoying my evening with my friends.


I then messaged her the next day and asked her how was her day going and how was her night. But I didn't get a response.


I'd like to give her a call and ask her out but I feel if I do it too soon it push her further away.


Have i blown my chance or am i looking too much into this?


Has anyone experienced this before where someone you like just goes MIA?

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I have spoken to some before. But if interest fades, communication does not continue.


If anything, maybe try once more in the next day or two.. but it can go both ways.. and you have contacted her.

Why she never answered.. i dont know? But you think if she was interested, she would answer.

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I matched with a girl on a popular dating app, this happened 4 days ago. We talked back and forth and i managed to get her number.


We continued messaging each other but suddenly she has stopped replying to me. It's been 1 day. We've sent each other about 1 to 2 messages per day between us. My conversation with her has been respectful and genuine. I haven't bombarded with her texts or harrased her in any shape or form.


I don't know if following interaction caused it or she's playing a game:

Her: What are you doing tonight? x

Me: I'm going to a bar with my friends and watch a football game then we're grabbing some food after. What about you? x

Her: Oh cool! Have fun. I'm getting ready to go out and party with my best friend x

Me: Awesome, you too! x

Her: all ready x

Me:: You look amazing! x


i left it at that and let her enjoy her evening and I carried on with enjoying my evening with my friends.


I then messaged her the next day and asked her how was her day going and how was her night. But I didn't get a response.


I'd like to give her a call and ask her out but I feel if I do it too soon it push her further away.


Have i blown my chance or am i looking too much into this?


Has anyone experienced this before where someone you like just goes MIA?


Ask her out. I lose interest pretty quickly in messaging back and forth... if a guy doesn't ask me out or at least show interest in meeting me, I assume that for whatever reason he isn't interested so I move on.


Like right now there was a guy I met online, seemed cool, wanted to text, he kept saying he wanted to meet but as he hasn't made a move to physically meet up with me I have pretty much lost interest in even responding to him.

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Ask her out. I lose interest pretty quickly in messaging back and forth... if a guy doesn't ask me out or at least show interest in meeting me, I assume that for whatever reason he isn't interested so I move on.


Like right now there was a guy I met online, seemed cool, wanted to text, he kept saying he wanted to meet but as he hasn't made a move to physically meet up with me I have pretty much lost interest in even responding to him.


Yeah i see. I will call her and ask her out. Now if it goes to voicemail then i will leave her a message. I don't think i can do anything more after that i guess.

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Yeah i see. I will call her and ask her out. Now if it goes to voicemail then i will leave her a message. I don't think i can do anything more after that i guess.


Yes! There is nothing to be lost by asking... maybe a little bit of a deflated ego if she doesn’t respond... but at least you will have tried and made it clear with her, which is all you can do.


Good luck!

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Yes! There is nothing to be lost by asking... maybe a little bit of a deflated ego if she doesn’t respond... but at least you will have tried and made it clear with her, which is all you can do.


Good luck!

I called her but I could not leave her a voice mail.

So I messaged her and I asked her if she wanted to come for a drink on day xyz.

She responded. She said she was at a fitness boot camp so that's why she could not pick up the phone. She says she's not drinking for next couple of weeks.

In this case what should I do?

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Then you text 'OK, what about [ coffee, lunch, whatever] when you get back?'

So I messaged her and I asked her if she wanted to come for a drink on day xyz. She responded. She said she was at a fitness boot camp so that's why she could not pick up the phone. She says she's not drinking for next couple of weeks.In this case what should I do?

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I called her but I could not leave her a voice mail.

So I messaged her and I asked her if she wanted to come for a drink on day xyz.

She responded. She said she was at a fitness boot camp so that's why she could not pick up the phone. She says she's not drinking for next couple of weeks.

In this case what should I do?

I would stop trying. "I'm not drinking for the next couple of weeks" is her saying, "I'm not interested anymore". Girls can do a 180. Don't persist by asking here for coffee or lunch. If she wants to hang out, she has your number. Until then, move on with your life.
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I would stop trying. "I'm not drinking for the next couple of weeks" is her saying, "I'm not interested anymore". Girls can do a 180. Don't persist by asking here for coffee or lunch. If she wants to hang out, she has your number. Until then, move on with your life.


I've only just seen your post :eek:


I did ask her whether she wanted to meet for a meal or coffee or ice cream this week but i didn't get a response.


I guess you're indeed correct, i'll just move on.

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