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Should I be cautious? Or cut the in half?


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I have friend who's a girl (lets call her jadah) and my boyfriend, Connor. Recently jadah has been texting Connor quite a lot from what I see every time his phone vibrates. Meanwhile, jadah rarely texts me.


She seems to initiate the texts according to the texts I see over his shoulder or when his phone just vibrates.


Recently I saw a text from her that says "we should hang out and watch a movie"


Omfg I lost it there. I gave him the silent treatment coz I'm boiling inside.



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I understand needing a minute to collect your thoughts/emotions so you don't overreact, but I would suggest that if that's genuinely what you need to do, remove yourself physically from the room/space until you're calm enough to address it. Don't linger around and make him guess what's going on - that's just manipulative.


How much do you value this friendship? Because it doesn't sound like she values it very much. I've had a friend go after my partner before, but she was sneaky about it and did it when I'd leave the room. Some people get jealous and need to prove they're as good as you are, or better, so they vie for your partner's attention. There's a term for people like this... Frenemies


Nobody wants frenemies. I'd block her and ask Connor to drop his communication significantly. She will get the hint

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I'm giving the silent treatment because I need to gather more info or things to say rather than come out as a b i t c h by coming out of nowhere.


No. Don't give him the silent treatment. if you aren't ready to talk about it - act normally and talk about other things. But just come out and ask "hey, isn't it weird that my friend Jadah is asking you to hang out?" Personally, i would ask my friend what's up as well. He might totally be innocent and she is trying to move in.

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WHAT THE HELL WOMAN..... GET OVER TO THAT GIRLS HOUSE! TAKE HIS PHONE WITH YOU....SHOW HER, ASK IF SHE IS THE SENDER OF THOSE TEXTS. Then smash the :eek:. And walk away and never speak to the low down no loyalty again. EVER. That is the reason i have no female friends, no close ones. Women are sly and it really hurts more to be hurt by a female mate than a male one i find. And most men cant be bothered being sneaky you just get what you see with most. If ya man has been playing up or encouraging her, walk away from him now too if you can. You deserve better!!!:friendly_wink:

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WHAT THE HELL WOMAN..... GET OVER TO THAT GIRLS HOUSE! TAKE HIS PHONE WITH YOU....SHOW HER, ASK IF SHE IS THE SENDER OF THOSE TEXTS. Then smash the :eek:. And walk away and never speak to the low down no loyalty again. EVER. That is the reason i have no female friends, no close ones. Women are sly and it really hurts more to be hurt by a female mate than a male one i find. And most men cant be bothered being sneaky you just get what you see with most. If ya man has been playing up or encouraging her, walk away from him now too if you can. You deserve better!!!:friendly_wink:
I would imagine there is more to why you have no females friends...
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I would imagine there is more to why you have no females friends...


Maybe that sounded harsh...but friends who are hitting on ya man are not friends they are trash. I had a few female friends who i thought were very loyal and bff sorta thing when younger and they did things to me i would NEVER do to anyone. Hurt me so bad i just gave up on ever getting that close to anyone ever again. But im emotionally damaged...i just hope this young girl can escape b4 she gets too hurt.

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