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Everything posted by thealchemist

  1. Well if we have a "get back together" post we should also have a "broken up for the Xth time" post I would bet money on which would be filled with more stories, and it isn't the GBT one. We advise against it because it is typically a bad idea. Not that ot always is, bit most often. If it was an uncontrollable circumstance or if a LOT of time has passes and both are totally different people then it has a shot. But if it is a routine "breaking up" relationship or their are just systemic compatibility issues then it is HIGHLY unlikely. When we tell you to just "move on" we say that because it seems that you would have a much better shot at happiness with a clean slate and not falling back into the comfort of a former partner. It also traps people from moving on when people continuously rehash failed relationships and limits their growth. But it is your life, do what you want. But it is silly to ask for people opinions then getting upset at them.
  2. I totally understand. I was so pissed at my old job when they did something similiar. I had asked for a raise for a year at my company and I just kept getting the run around. I could even show that my production value was twice that of the average chemist at our company and they still beat around the bush. I got a lot of bull excuses and all that. So then they give a position to an under qualified person and asked me to train him for 6 months to do a job no one but me and a manager knew how. I had a job offer a week later and turned in my notice. Told my manager he could train him. So then they offer me a 10k raise. I was either going to yell at them or laugh. I laughed. Then when he started to tell me why it is my fault and not his that I didn't get a raise earlier I just walked out of my exit interview. If they wanted to keep you and were intelligent about it you would have never been dissatisfied enough to start looking. They caused it and now just want the blame to be elsewhere. #uck them
  3. I went to a place like that to get some nice clothes for an event. My friends parents were paying for everything because it was their event and I didn't have any satisfactory attire. We came in wearing our work cloths. We were both in college and worked several part time jobs. We came in wearing our landscaping clothes, there were clean because this was before our shift. They actually refused to serve us and we had to get his parents to call. Talk about people out of touch with humanity. The original woman who refused us was the one that helped us after we were allowed in. She pretty much did nothing but make negative comments to us the entire time. She saw no issue in being rude so we were less than polite as well. We spent more money than I would be comfortable spending in 10 years on clothes. I grew up rather poor. We looked through charity boxes and shopped at goodwill. We got food from food kitchens and church donations. I still occasionally feel pain when I see food thrown away or wasted. It is inconceivable to me that people waste so much. I also don't understand why people care about what others wear. Or how someone is so arrogant that works in retail...
  4. My roommate and I were the only people in our group to have off campus housing the first year of college. We both lied on our forms and said we were living with our brother. We had been best friends for a decade already so it wasn't a huge stretch. So all our friends are pretty nerdy. Going into college we all had multiple home built computers. So we were the only ones with space, so we set ALL the extra computers up at our house. With a house of 16 computers and a lot of electrical bills we decided to ise them to make money. We got together and wrote a series of scripts that ran in tandem to essentially create a bot for WoW. So we set each computer up with multiple accounts and had 60 total accounts farming gold. We would then just sell the gold online en masse. When I sold off all my accounts and stopped I used all the money (a lot) to buy my wife her engagement ring.
  5. My wife and I play Wii and SNES together a lot. We really like Mario cart or party. My wife is a very good retro gamer so we do those together. Sometimes we play PC games like Peggle or Worms. My daughter now plays Peggle with me. Video games are a big past time for my family. We are potty training my daughter and if she poops on the potty she gets 10 minutes of Kindle game time. Camping/canoeing is our other big past time. Games can be dangerous. I actually quit playing World of Warcraft because it was one of the few games I had moderation problems with. In college my roommate and I would make a lot of money playing WoW. Payed all our bills when in college (except tuition of course). But to make $2k+ a month we played it a lot.
  6. I think videos games are no different than anything else as far as past times go. As long as moderated properly it doesn't matter. I laughed at your story because my wife got me D2(Diablo 2 + expansion)a couple years ago. Although I played D2 in 6th grade and not college...
  7. I think your boyfriend and I would get along pretty well... I just read your post from the video game OP
  8. "I think conversation fills in where vocabulary lacks. And sometimes a label tends to shut a conversation down. A list of definitions can leave little room for discussion." -jib I agree with this a lot too. The whole issue with that discussion has a lot to do with people rebelling against the terminology. Which I can understand because it is not representative of its meaning. I very much agree that labels limit the conversation and try to force everything into predefined categories. Humans are not so cut and dry. I'm a chemist so I have had many statistic and logic classes.
  9. Finally starting to warm up here. We keep having this high of lows and morels will start popping up. Our low this morning was 16 C.
  10. I hate looking for jobs. I got very ticked off at my last employer and started looking. It was the place I started at right after college, worked there for over 6 years. They promoted someone to a position that had no idea what he was doing and told me to train him for the next year. It was a promotion I had applied for too. The job required 5 years experience and a B.S. in biology or chemistry. I met all of those and the other person didn't. More importantly though I knew the job and he was clueless. So an admin who was totally pissed that I didn't get the job came and told me before anything official happened. So I took every bit of vacation that I couldn't sell back and took two weeks off. Got my resume up to snuff and sent out 150 resumes and did 15 interviews. I cannot tell who the satisfaction I had to give my boss my two weeks notice on my first day back form vacation. He flipped out and started screaming at me. The division I didn't get promoted to was the most lucrative side of the business. The person who took over screwed up so much they lost about 15% of the companie's revenue. They then had to sell the company to their competitor. Who then fired all 1200 workers and closed the science testing facility portion of the company. Now I have a job I love so much that I will be happy to work here for the rest of my life. I got a FIFTY percent pay raise and at 3 years I get almost 5 weeks of PTO. It might be a pain in the @ss to get a new job but if you feel that it is right it very well might be worth it.
  11. My sister is like that. She would go into public places when she was in a mood and go pick a fight with someone. She would normally carry a knife on her too. Overy aggresive people like that are so dangerious and unpredictable.
  12. That sucks. Infatuation fades at least. I've always been very curious to this though. My wife has had crushes a few times while we dated and I never understood it. If it was just an overt sexual connection that made you want someone like that I could get it. Or if they had a charismatic personality. But every time it was with some antisocial and unattractive person... Good luck to you.
  13. I've met only a handful of law enforcement in my life that weren't total @ssholes. I feel for you. My college roommates and I had a cop neighbor that was also a huge . We did not deal well with him.
  14. When I met my wife in high school we had astronomy together. She sat in the row in front of me. She had just came back from the bathroom and had sat down. I had a few squares of toilet paper from the roll we used to blow our noses'. I set it on her chair as if it had been stuck in her pants and fallen there. I then got her attention and pointed to it. She was rather embarrassed, we both had big crushes on each other at this point. It was actually what sparked me hanging out with her between classes.
  15. Cold iron is more of a cold and calculated rage. Hot iron is a more fiery and passionate rage. Not really sure if those are real terms My aunt married into a orthodox Russian family. They fit along with my Slavic family very well. Drinking and loudly having conversations is a family pastime when we are all together.
  16. I'm eastern European predominately. Very Slavic. My entire family and extended are extremely aggressive and violent. It is rooted in something genetic for us. I can simply tell by how they all interact. I am a lot different in my aggression that them. They are all hot iron whereas I am the only one in my family that is cold iron. But my family events as a child consisted of all the boys in my generation being told to go outside and beat the ever living sh*t out of each other. Me being the youngest in the generation with my oldest male cousin being 8 years my senior. My dad apparently was a tough kid (he was also the youngest) and they tried to get my "aggression" harnessed.
  17. I see it a lot. Very common misunderstanding. That and people doing "360s" on their viewpoints...
  18. Defcon 1 is most sever. 5 is everything is good. I dont know how chill of a world a 9 would be.
  19. In reference to your work stuff. Our structures are typically founded with very wide retaining walls and stuff so the rebar being bowed out some would make no difference because it can't be with 20% of the edge on either side. So you have to stick them in the middle 60%. For a 5 foot retaining wall with two rebar sets that is a good 3 feet of wiggle room on a 5 foot wall. It is so annoying when people get worked up about something because they don't have enough information. Then try to get me to tell them what to do when I see no issue and they think it is a catastrophic one. The worst part of my job is having to deal with the municipalitie's large discharges. I work mainly at a WWTP.
  20. With everything you said it sounds like we work in similar areas. I oversee environmental impacts around the water department. Filtration, distribution, then wastewater treatment. Human and environmental safety are always top priorities.
  21. Well we fix problems. I get told a problem and am asked for a solution. I love my job because of the creativity involved with fixing random issues. I make a lot of decisions as do most the lab and engie staff.
  22. I am a chemist for a lab and the only other people I work with are engineers aside from scientists. I am very curious what you mean?
  23. Don't be knocking the Beatles channel. It has only been a couple of months...
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