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Is she attracted to me? Girl did something a bit wierd to me


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The other day I was in the school library minding my own business and doing my work. And some chick walks up to my desk taps it and then when I looked up, she looked me in my eyes for like 5 secs and then walked away, without saying anything. Also another time as we were passing each other in the hall she was looking right at me and playing with her hair. Anyways shes pretty short so I was looking right over her(and Im also shy so I sometimes avoid eye contact) and when she saw I wasnt looking at her, she turned her head around to see what I was looking at. (or at least thats what I think).


Personally I don't think it would be too much of a stretch to assume that shes attracted to me.


But what could she have been thinking about when she tapped my desk?


(I doubt shes shy, because a shy girl wouldn't even approach a guy they liked.)


So have any girls here done anything similar?

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She could have been cropdusting your desk and wanted you to know who it was. I am just kidding.


Why didnt you say anything to her when she tapped on your desk?

Well for one it totally caught me off guard, and two I'm pretty shy.
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