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How to make him forgive me


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Ya you are right it is not cheating..but what is making him feel the pain is visualizing me with the other man..

That is his issue. He dumped you. Do you not understand what that means? He made the conscious choice to choose himself being alone than with you.


If he picks that he would rather be alone than with you how does he even have a right to decide what you do after he is done with you? He choose to be DONE with you.


I now am wondering what your issues are that you have so little respect for yourself...

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Ya i really want help please..it is not a relationship that i can get over and move on

If this isn't a relationship you can get over then you are going to have a very miserable life. You are extremely codependant and need professional help. Look into free therapy that your school might provide.

it is not that i don't have respect for myself..but this guy is so special for me..we've planned our lives together

If only you were as special to him, but your not. That is why he broke up with you. Did your plan for your future involve him breaking up with you? If it didn't those plans are broken, so it doesn't really matter what you planned. Life doesn't really let you make all the choices.


Just couldn't resist...

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Ruka... He is lying to you and he is playing with your emotions. I have done exactly what he is doing and he is having fun with you. He wants you to control you, then give you a little bit of hope, maybe have sex with you and keep you around and tell you that you being with another guy hurts him. (I know because I have done exactly what he has done) He keeps you under his control by saying I miss you and I would of come back, but I cant trust you, and things like that.


To counter that, you tel him that you know his game and you shut him down. Say good bye to him.

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I dont know if there is a reason i could give you that would make you understand. Why do people steal, why do people cheat, why do some people hurt others? Bad people do bad things and they dont need a reason why.

I think in his case he does it because he enjoys playing with your emotions and he enjoys having you like/love him. It gives him a boost or makes him feel good. He loves the control he has over your and its quite empowering to know that you can manipulate someone. The counter to that is not play. The more you apologize or question or do things for him to prove your love or devotion, the more he feeds off of it and the harder it will be for you. Its a very simple game actually. And all you have to do is tell him, I know what you are doing, You are no longer part of my life. Go away. Of course, he will hate to lose you so he will say something to get you back. But remember, all they are is words. He knows your buttons, your weaknesses and he is enjoying playing with you.


Best thing for you is to realize he is not the one for you. There is a guy out there that is better for you because you dont want someone like him.

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