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Its been 6 months of games and im going nuts....


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Hey guys, i want to thank anyone who gives me a lil bit of advice on this post every bit of advice is appreciated..I want to start off by saying i was with my ex for 3 years and she broke up with me for cheating. These past 6 months have been a rollercoaster ride of emotions...first few months she would not talk to me and when she would she would cuss me out.but for some reason she wouldnt change her number and would still talk to me. She slowly then started accpeting my invitations to go out to coffee or dinner..Basically there has been a lot of progression because she now kisses me and other things.. and says i "sometimes" love you. but till this day says i dont wanna get back with you..i understand the trust is gone but ive turned my life around for this girl and she sees it..what more can i do to get her back in my life...ive tried to talk to other girls and it doesnt work...what do all these games me? sorry for the long post. thank you for reading

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Shes not playing games with you, she's taking things slow with you, because she doesn't know if she can trust you yet. Obviously she sees the changes you have made for her other wise she wouldn't even be speaking to you. Ohh, and talking to other girls...no no... you cheated on her with another girl. Any other contact with other girls is going to make her wonder if your going to cheat on her again. Relationships can make it through a partners infidelity, but it takes time, and lots and lots of patience.

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but till this day says i dont wanna get back with you.


The above quote is the important part. The rest is distraction. It takes 2 people to make a relationship work. She's told you she doesn't want to get back together with you. I wouldn't get back together with someone who cheated on me, either --- no matter what changes he made to himself or his behavior.


Take the hint and move on. From her other behavior it would seem she doesn't have enough "inner rhymes-with-witch" to completely cut you off. Some women are too nice to be that blunt, and it tends to confuse people.

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