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Is it true that time always diminishes bad memories ?

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I'm doing NC and reached to the point that I no longer feel pain or heartache whenever I think about her. My sense of logic came back and hellll no, I realized that I acted like a fool post breakup.

All I did was:

- Pleaded once

- Text her friend for help once

- Write a sad facebook status (yikeeee)

After all I just fed up, sent an apology and just disappear.

And now I'm sooo embarrassed. Our relationship was not bad, I treated her like gold but the distance made everything seem hard, We fought over little things in last months and eventually we grew apart.

Is it true that time will erase all bad memories for both parties ? because the embarassment is torturing me.

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Okay guy, I talked to our mutual friend today, she said my ex is an attention seek, date a guy for serveral months and jump to another, she said that's I might be the rebound.


And now in retrospect, I can see that she had never invested in the relationship like I did, Rose colored glasses made me ignore every red flags.


But thanks to this, I give up the hope of getting back together, she's not worth it but now I'm dealing with a new kind of pain.


I loved her with all my heart but now everything we did together in the relationship seems so fake, all the "I miss you", "I love you babe"...seems so fake, I thought our relationship was meaningful and unique and turned out that it wasn't, it hurts like hell.

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