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Torn; do I say something?


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So, heres the long story short. I was with this guy non-exclusively for 2 years, my

brain is wired to know him as my best friend and a sort of partner. A few weeks ago, out of no where, he decided he was done and needed space.


Originally, I was really sad, things were going so well and poof, now it wasnt. I was losing my best friend. But now? Now I'm pissed.


I'm so pissed it was so easy for him to walk away. I'm pissed I have to stay away frol social media because seeing his name makes me want to scream. I'm pissed he's sending me snaps of him hanging out with friends, considering he just up and dumped me and now bragging about. But most of all, I'm pissed I gave my all for him. Even though he didnt want it public, I went with it. I did everything to be there for him and try to be a better person and give all my love and support, to get over the bumps and look forward. He gave me half of that.


We talk in small bits, and he talks like nothing is wrong, like everything all fine and dandy, and I'm i'm literally fuming on the other side of the phone. i'm trying to be the bigger person and staying away from starting another argument and adding fuel to the fire. But I think I've reached my limit I need him to know how upset I was and how much you hurt me and how he is not the man I thought he was.


Should I say something? If so what's the best way to go about it in everyone's opinion? And if not what's the best way to get my anger out?

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NO don't say anything. Write it in a journal, write a letter, write it here, vent with friends but don't tell him how he hurt you.


He wanted the benefits of a girlfriend without having to have that title.

Leave him behind you and NEVER allow someone to do this to you again.

You are worth a title, you are worth effort and certainty.

NEVER settle for a half arsed attempt at anything. From this moment on, he's nothing to you.


I'm not sure how old you are but two years wasted is now in the past. Better two years wasted than two and a half years wasted, or three years wasted.

I hope you stay strong.

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Nope say nothing! If this man was able to drop you like a fly and not want your relationship to be public, guess what?....and I'm saying this to help you move on, not hurt you, he wasn't feeling it the way you were. Your feelings for him are a one way street. This is what I get from what your saying. So I would go all the way and act like he doesnt exist. Its gonna be hard, but IGNORE him everytime he contact's you, cut him out of your life. It will be hard at first....but then you can move on. I'm sure Your a wonderful person, you need to be with someone that wants to show you off, and treats you like the wonderful woman you are!!! Chin up, move forward and leave this guy in your past. Best wishes.

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Say nothing, block him so you don't have your nose rubbed in the details of his new life - and walk away without looking back. Don't continue to have any contact with him, or it'll hurt you anew every time you speak to him.


Learn from this or you're likely to repeat it in the future... if someone isn't prepared to acknowledge you as his exclusive partner, accept that he's just not that into you, and either move on or look for other partners yourself. Don't get heavily emotionally invested in someone who doesn't return your feelings.


Above all, if you ARE going to give and give in a relationship, do so freely and without the expectation of something in return. When you say

I'm pissed I gave my all for him.
accept that this is nobody's doing but your own, and make a decision that you won't be doing this again. You were the one who went along with it, and you should take responsibility for that. You need to forgive YOURSELF for this, as continuing to be angry with him will just bind you as firmly to this jerk as if you were still madly in love with him.


As Emarie80 says, leave this guy in your past, move on and find someone who's willing to give as much to a relationship as you need to get from it.

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