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Video Girls Vs. The Real thing

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Ok, this is really probably the first time anyone has ever posted on this site a subject as corny as this, but i was watching a "Tip Drill" a video by the rapper nelly" the other day and saw all these hug booties on girls some were pretty and some were not. The graphic nature in this video was enough to give any 90yr old a heart attack. Huge butts just bouncing and mens faces in them. but besides that detail...I felt a bit insecure seeing as how I don't have a huge butt. I'm not flat but I sure wouldnt compare to the females in that video or others. I have a nice face, healthy skin, long hair and i'm in shape, but i'm not as curvacious as some of these women, so i felt a little down on myself. I am sure i'm not the only woman who has gone through this.



Clearly butts have become the new craze and sometimes i wonder if I am being judged as not as pretty as other women with more curves by men.


I'm not skinny and I'm not fat, but i'm not by any means" thick" as they say. So I wanted opinions from men and women on this.


Do you think a man would leave a woman who was lacking curves for another woman who had more?


Do all men prefer huge butts?


Do some men like women with smaller butts, and smaller breasts.


Should women feel inferior to other women with more curves. How does this work? Responses please. Thanks. (I know this is so retarded)

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You know, you can get a butt implant. (You know - those are real! )


Or, there are special... I don't know exactly what they are, but some types of undergarments that "lift" up your butt, in the same way a push up bra does... I've heard many celebrities wear them...


Oh gosh... some men like butts, others like leg, others like breasts, others like a pretty face, and on and on and on...


I think you can't feel too self conscious and you gotta make the best with what you were born with (plus or minus procedures, if you're into that...)

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In all honesty, the women in the video... uhhhhhhhh. That was soooooooooooooooooooooo gross. But anyways... the guys that I know like females with butt- but not to the point that its excessive. I haven't heard of guys leaving females for one with a more.....umm....curvacious body- but if they do they are shallow as _______ anyways!!!!

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GET OUT OF TOWN..no way, there are actually butt implants? Wow that is un.... I wouldnt dare, but i found that to be pretty humorus. I mean what happens if you sit on a needle or something, does one cheek go down flat again. I'm just being silly ofcourse but no really i wanted to know how come all of a sudden women are wearing less and less clothing showing more and more skin, and big butts are being used to determine a womans beauty as opposed to her personality, or brains. Can you understand my thoughts on this. Not to knock those with huge butts, because hey more power to ya, but what about the women who actually have better upper bodies, including face, but no butts. Do they get tossed aside, for women who are more..uh "gluteful" ?

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when it comes to the size of your curves - its' pretty much just genetic, so you might as well just accept it, yanno? I don't think ppl are a shallow as you are suggesting - like a man leaving a woman for someone with more 'curves'. I'm in the same boat, I wish I had a bigger butt, but I'd rather be this way, than the opposing choice (wishing to have a smaller butt). It's ridiculous to compare yourself to girls in music videos, huge boobs and big butts, and tiny little waists...excuse me while i giggle at invisioning myself wearing one of those outfits. No women should not feel inferior!

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That video is fetishistic, I would say! Nelly makes his point that he likes the girls that have a little something going on down there. I don't think that means that all women should run out and get a butt implant!


Guys know what they like, and it is normally the opposite of what they have at home or with their gf. Don't go changing to try and please Nelly, he may like you better as you are.

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I agree with DN: everyone has different tastes. Personally I've been attracted to both curvy girls and, for lack of a better term, not-so-curvy girls. I don't think many guys would leave a girl for someone who was more curvy, but then if they did, would you want to be with them anyway? As far as feeling attractive, go with what you've got, not what you don't. So you don't have a big butt (this is not necesserily a bad thing), i'm sure there's plenty of other things about you that are quite attractive.


Hope that helped,


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Ditto DN and Mtastic, we all have different tastes and preferences.


Large butts arent my cup of tea. Neither are large breasts. Like mtastic, I have my own preferences. Flat breasted women arent unattractive to me at all. Neither are women with small butts. The opposite is true. I only have 2 real limits - no obesity and no anorixics.


As for those sorts of videos, well, those sorts of fetishes have been around for a while now. There have always been people who favor such obstentious and over the top err.... assets.


The important bit is that women are a lot more than the pounds of flesh around their butts and chests. Same goes for men.



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If the video you mentioned is like some videos I've seen, don't bother to think of it. Plenty of guys just find that stuff disturbing. Be proud of who you are and don't worry about what others think. I'm sure you are a very attractive person and plenty of guys will like you, regardless of the size of your butt. It's not a person's butt, breasts, legs, etc. that matters. It is whats on the inside, your heart and personality.

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