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I am now reading Stephen King's IT for some reason. I don't quite know how I got here. I think it's because my boyfriend was going to read the book, but then gave up before he started. So, I took up the flag. 

I've read this book before. I've actually had this book since I was 10 or 11. I bought IT, and The Eyes of the Dragon, and The Gunslinger from the Scholastic book club. They were a little beyond me at the time.

I read The Gunslinger and The Eyes of the Dragon within the last month or two. I didn't remember them at all. It's possible that I never got through them.

I've read IT, though, a couple of times. But probably not within the last decade. So, it's almost like reading a new book.

Anyway, it's good. IT's good. Stephen King is a good author, in my opinion. Sometimes his books get away from him--I think IT is actually an example of this, if I remember correctly--but he's still good. 

Right now, I'm in the part of the book where he's introducing the main characters. One of them is a successful author. He describes an experience the author has when he is writing his first bestselling novel, where he takes a moment's break from the intensity of writing and steps out into the frigid night air, giddy:


"Going to knock the shit out of it," he confides to the blowing winter dark, and he laughs a little--a shaky laugh. He is aware that he has finally discovered how to do just that--after ten years of trying he has suddenly found the starter button on the vast dead bulldozer taking up so much space inside his head. It has started up. It is revving, revving.

That's how I feel about my career! I haven't figured out how to start the big machine. But it is there, hulking in my brain, waiting. And I keep poking and prodding it, crawling all over it, trying to find the On button.

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I love Stephen King! One of my favorite authors.

5 minutes ago, Jibralta said:

That's how I feel about my career!

That's awesome that you feel this way about your career! It's great to have enthusiasm over what you're doing in life. It makes it so much tougher when a person doesn't like their line of work.

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27 minutes ago, Rose Mosse said:

Sometimes people just want to be heard. They don't need their problems fixed.

I think I once permanently injured a friendship because I didn't understand this.

My friend Rachel and I lost touch after we graduated, but reconnected through Facebook (along with a bunch of other girls) in 2009.

Rachel had gotten pregnant when we were in high school. It didn't work out with the baby's father. A couple years later, she met and married another man and they had a son together.

When we reconnected, Rachel had divorced the second man and was living with her her boyfriend Dave, and her two sons.

She and I lived pretty close to each other, and we started to hang out a lot. We'd walk our dogs together, go shopping together. Or I'd come and hang out while she babysat (she was amazing with kids).

Rachel was always complaining about Dave. I got the impression that he was lazy and checked out of the relationship. There was also some suspicion that he might be cheating on her. On top of that, she wanted another baby, and he kept putting her off.

Finally, I said, "Rachel, why don't you leave him? You don't like him, and you don't need him. He just leaches off of you while you do all of the work!"

I don't remember exactly what her reaction was, but it didn't seem negative--at the time! But that was probably the last time we hung out together without any of our other friends. I think it really bothered her that I said what I said!


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I loved I think it was called 11/22/63- if I remember right, his book about JFK?  So good.  Right now I'm reading a debut true crime type novel called Saint X - and so far really good too.  And one time I was watching The Shining  and..... realized we were staying in the same hotel room number as in the movie (!!!).  I've been reading a lot more than usual -doing books on hold and curbside pickup at my local library.  Just finished Lions of Fifth Avenue which was great and before that a memoir which wasn't so great.


On Rachel -in grad school I had a  good friend who whined all the time about her boyfriend - he wasn't committed/proposing.  I believe I said nothing  but after he proposed she dropped me - I think because I reminded her of when she complained so much.  

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1 hour ago, Batya33 said:

I loved I think it was called 11/22/63- if I remember right, his book about JFK?

Yes, I read that! It was a while ago... don't remember much about it, actually. Can't remember how it ended... I think I may not have agreed with the ending--that happens a lot with me and his books. But I did enjoy reading it.

1 hour ago, Batya33 said:

And one time I was watching The Shining  and..... realized we were staying in the same hotel room number as in the movie (!!!)

Ohh, was it room 212? Yikes 😓

Nota huge fan of the movie, but The Shining is one of my favorite books by him. So creepy. There's a sequel now, which I haven't read yet, Doctor Sleep. Another book by him, Duma Key, reminds me a little of the Shining... not sure why. But I liked that one, too.

1 hour ago, Batya33 said:

I believe I said nothing  but after he proposed she dropped me - I think because I reminded her of when she complained so much.

Rachel ended up getting pregnant by Dave and then breaking up with him shortly thereafter. To this day, I think she only really saw him as a sperm donor.

She ended up marrying another guy. I think that was 2017... She's kind of a maneater.

I went to the engagement party, the bridal shower, the wedding, her 40th birthday surprise party--it was a busy year lol.

Haven't seen her much after that. Almost saw her right around Thanksgiving, but then everyone's plans got all screwed up (as usually happens with this group of girls).

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I have a vision for my vacation. It will consist of relaxation, but also food and drink. Bad for the diet, but fun for the end of the year.

I bought some nice wines, cheeses, and charcuterie to supplement some of the Harry and David goodies that we received for Christmas. 

I am also going to explore the world of gin. It's never been a favorite of mine, but in recent years I have found its botanical notes (read: pine tree flavor) less offensive. So, I found some drink recipes and will take the journey.

This will also help me use up the juniper berries that I have. 

Our cousin gave us a deer. Our freezer is packed with roasts, chops, and ground meat. So, there will be venison burgers this week. I am in the process of making hamburger buns.

I will also bake some lagana bread and plan to infuse some oil with garlic and rosemary for dipping (and cooking).

God help me, lol.

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Over the last two years or so, I've been learning about the royal family. 

I don't recall what sparked my interest. Certainly not the tabloids--I find them revolting. If anything they've kept my curiosity at bay.

I think I started with the queen, and then moved on to the queen mother, then Prince Philip.... I sort of meandered through the periphery of the Royal family, mainly via whatever documentaries have been available on youtube.

I've avoided tabloid topics until recently, because I absolutely loathe the way that they insist on trying to control opinions. But after a couple years of getting a solid background on the last 150 years, I started making some forays into recent events--but only a little. 

I looked a little bit into the situation with Meghan Markle. I watched the documentary where she and Prince Harry toured Africa. I realize that I don't know the whole story (and probably never will), but I feel sympathy for them.

I also recently watched a few documentaries about Princess Diana, and I feel sympathy on both sides of that ordeal. It was sort of a tragic situation, especially when taken in the context of the larger story. 

My boyfriend and I recently started (and finished) watching The Crown. I really like the way that it was done. Unfortunately, we didn't realize there were only four seasons and blew through all of them pretty fast. Now we have to wait until 2022 for season 5. Boo.

I started watching Victoria, too. It's a quality program, but I don't find it as compelling as The Crown. It's a little too romantic for my tastes.


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Speaking of romantic... I just ordered Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel. It's the beginning of a very interesting series set in a prehistoric time, when Neanderthal humans and Cro-Magnon humans may have interacted.  

My mom had the book when I was a kid, and I ended up reading it. Then I bought and read the rest of the series--at that time, there were only four books. 

Jean M. Auel did extensive research for the books, and it showed. I learned about how people hunted and processed their foods, I learned about the various plants they used for medicines. The books were a chock full of information. Really, they were fascinating books.

There are now six books. I bought the fifth one a few years ago. I started to read it, but it's been so long since I read the other four that I couldn't get very far. 

I realized that I needed to re-read the first four (which I had done a couple times, just too long ago to remember anything lol). The problem was, I didn't have the first book anymore. Either my mom still has it, or she sold it when she moved. Either way, it's out of reach.

So, I ordered it the other day, and it's here now. I'll start reading it when I'm done with It. The only thing I'm not looking forward to are the 'romantic' parts. Quotes are for irony because they're really all-out sex scenes! I didn't mind it so much when I was in my teens because hey! I was curious.... but I think I'll find them to be a little much now. 

Oh, well. I'll get through.

I'm glad I'm finding time for so much reading. I think I must finally be relaxing into my life. 


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I've watched the movie, and I know the movie is no where near as good as the books. They condense it and make it all "hollywood". So it can be a major downgrade from the books, unfortunately.

But I did love the movie in the way of having a bit of insight as to how people from that time and age lived and what they went through.

It is really interesting and I would love to read the books as well. 

1 hour ago, Jibralta said:

I think I must finally be relaxing into my life. 

Really good to hear. 🙂 

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9 hours ago, SherrySher said:

I've watched the movie, and I know the movie is no where near as good as the books. They condense it and make it all "hollywood". So it can be a major downgrade from the books, unfortunately.

You are referring to Clan of the Cave Bear with Daryl Hannah, right?

I saw it once and thought it was really bad lol. But it's almost impossible for it not to be bad, given that the book is almost 500 pages (they are all that long!!) and it's just one movie.

My memory of it is very hazy, but I think part of it came down to the fact that there are certain elements in the book that would never fly with a mainstream movie audience--sort of the way it was with the Golden Compass movie (huge disappointment--I'm told the series is better, but we will see about that) and The Mists of Avalon

The movie makers eliminated the controversial bits, but in doing so destroyed the whole story.

I definitely recommend reading the books if you enjoyed the insight into that day and age. They are monsters, though. It's going to take me forever to read them all!

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45 minutes ago, Jibralta said:

I definitely recommend reading the books if you enjoyed the insight into that day and age. They are monsters, though. It's going to take me forever to read them all!

They sound really good! 

Yes, they chop and cut up so many books for the sake of the movie. It's the only thing I have for reference right now, but the topic is intriguing nonetheless.

"Monsters", yikes...I am a good reader, I have always loved reading books, but I'm not sure how well I would do on huge books.

I wonder if they have them on audio? 🤔

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6 minutes ago, SherrySher said:

"Monsters", yikes...I am a good reader, I have always loved reading books, but I'm not sure how well I would do on huge books.

I know.... I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with Stephen King's It at the moment....

Speaking of monster books, I just remembered that I'd also like to read The Stand again(ish).

And I just remembered a funny story about that book, which I will post presently.

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14 hours ago, Jibralta said:

Over the last two years or so, I've been learning about the royal family. 

I don't recall what sparked my interest. Certainly not the tabloids--I find them revolting. If anything they've kept my curiosity at bay.

I think I started with the queen, and then moved on to the queen mother, then Prince Philip.... I sort of meandered through the periphery of the Royal family, mainly via whatever documentaries have been available on youtube.

I've avoided tabloid topics until recently, because I absolutely loathe the way that they insist on trying to control opinions. But after a couple years of getting a solid background on the last 150 years, I started making some forays into recent events--but only a little. 

I looked a little bit into the situation with Meghan Markle. I watched the documentary where she and Prince Harry toured Africa. I realize that I don't know the whole story (and probably never will), but I feel sympathy for them.

I also recently watched a few documentaries about Princess Diana, and I feel sympathy on both sides of that ordeal. It was sort of a tragic situation, especially when taken in the context of the larger story. 

My boyfriend and I recently started (and finished) watching The Crown. I really like the way that it was done. Unfortunately, we didn't realize there were only four seasons and blew through all of them pretty fast. Now we have to wait until 2022 for season 5. Boo.

I started watching Victoria, too. It's a quality program, but I don't find it as compelling as The Crown. It's a little too romantic for my tastes.


I don’t feel any sympathy for Megain ( yes on purpose) or Hapless Harry. They want everything for nothing. They also scammed the Canadian government for 60,000 for their security when they had no intention of staying in Canada. 

I think the Queen needs to give them a stiff kick up the arse and take their titles away. 

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A lot of people in the UK and Commonwealth no longer give two rat bums about them for their dereliction of duties and their book which they obviously collaborated on which slags the Royal family at every turn. They also use their titles to get everything they want when it was against their terms of leaving. And Duke of Sussex , he hasn’t been in Sussex more than 5 minutes since being made Duke. 

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59 minutes ago, Jibralta said:

Speaking of monster books, I just remembered that I'd also like to read The Stand again(ish).

And I just remembered a funny story about that book, which I will post presently.

OMG, this is turning out to be a novel... I didn't realize how many old memories this anecdote would dig up. I will post eventually, maybe. But long story short: I started reading the unabridged version during the summer that I was 14, and stopped 25 pages from the end!!!! I never finished it!

Why, you ask?

Because I was alone in our vacation house and my stepmother had this box of wine on the counter. Franzia White Zinfandel. And I thought it tasted very good.... 

Four cups later, my eyes crossed while reading my book! My step-cousins came in, and I realized I was drunk. We had a brief, giggling adventure where I fell off my chair, spilled iced tea on my dinner, and then went to bed around 6PM 😂😂😂😂

None of the adults ever called me out on that, either--with the exception of an oblique remark that my stepmother made at some point later! 

I didn't wake up hungover, and it wasn't a bad experience, but I never picked up The Stand again!

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36 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

I don’t feel any sympathy for Megain ( yes on purpose) or Hapless Harry.

I am also one of those who doesn't feel sorry for Meghan.

I found her to be really manipulative. She also seems like one of these people who thrives on the spotlight always being on them, and I wonder if her main reason for marrying Harry was for the spotlight.

She has caused fights in the royal family.

(This is coming from the media so take it with a grain of salt), but it's been said that she's been jealous over Kate and constantly trying to compare and fight over any small thing where she feels slighted.

Apparently it's why William now refuses to have them (Meghan and Harry), be apart of anything to do with he and Kate. He's tired of his wife being badgered and criticized and watched so closely from Meghan who constantly makes sure she gets what Kate gets.

Don't get me wrong, I would understand if she felt offended due to it being vastly different and Kate always being favored, however, it sounds as though Meghan is being quite petty about things.

I dunno, I just always sensed an arrogance and entitlement about her that rubbed me the wrong way from day one. I was never a fan.

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6 hours ago, Seraphim said:

Don’t forget the UK public paid 30 million pounds for her wedding and she says oh no no no I am not going to be a civil servant in a tiara. 🙄


If she hadn’t married Harry she would still be a nobody. 

It seemed like so many people hated her before that though.  I get it that people would be upset they didn't uphold their duties or wanted to change/challenge protocol so much.  I don't know that much about it, but when it was really bad (after I guess they'd announced they weren't going to be royals anymore) I did feel sorry for them.

Also... I did notice she had only her mom at the wedding, and her poor mom just looked so alone and out of place.  Made me also feel sorry for her/them in that way.  It didn't seem like she had a great support system or upbringing.

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4 minutes ago, maritalbliss86 said:

It seemed like so many people hated her before that though.  I get it that people would be upset they didn't uphold their duties or wanted to change/challenge protocol so much.  I don't know that much about it, but when it was really bad (after I guess they'd announced they weren't going to be royals anymore) I did feel sorry for them.

Also... I did notice she had only her mom at the wedding, and her poor mom just looked so alone and out of place.  Made me also feel sorry for her/them in that way.  It didn't seem like she had a great support system or upbringing.

No one hated her before that. The UK welcomed her with opened arms. And people don’t remember what was said to Kate when she was dating William . She was called weighty Katie lazy Katie everything under the sun. She had to prove herself for 10 years. Believe me miss megain had it very easy. 

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15 hours ago, Seraphim said:

And people don’t remember what was said to Kate when she was dating William . She was called weighty Katie lazy Katie everything under the sun. She had to prove herself for 10 years. Believe me miss megain had it very easy.

^^ This is the part that sticks out in my mind. Meghan always focusing in on Kate and comparing and giving Kate a hard time, to the point of William bowing out on doing anything anymore with Harry and Meghan. 

Meghan kept pushing it from day one on making everything a competition with Kate and complaining loudly if things were not as she thought they should be.

It started to look like bullying. 

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3 minutes ago, SherrySher said:

^^ This is the part that sticks out in my mind. Meghan always focusing in on Kate and comparing and giving Kate a hard time, to the point of William bowing out on doing anything anymore with Harry and Meghan. 

Meghan kept pushing it from day one on making everything a competition with Kate and complaining loudly if things were not as she thought they should be.

It started to look like bullying. 

That’s the thing and if Megain didn’t get what she felt she deserved Hapless threw a tantrum. 

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Lol, this is exactly why I make a concerted effort to avoid these stories! They are too provocative. I think the media is awful, and their treatment of people is inhumane and unjustifiable, and I refuse to buy in.

Without being there, I have no real way of knowing what is actually going on. All I know for sure is that the main stream media is more interested in sensationalism--click-bait and ad revenue--than it is in truth. It is not trustworthy. 

So, I won't form an opinion about this situation for many years, after all of the hoopla has died down, and the truth filters out through all of the cheap thrills slag.

And I sympathize with Meghan and Harry. As a result of this media frenzy, people think it is ok to pick them apart and hate them and insult them. I don't think it's ever justifiable to fling hatred upon other people. I can't stand it and I won't be part of it.

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