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Ex-girlfriend wants to just be friends and then hopefully get back together


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Me and my ex girlfriend were together for almost a year. During the relationship we always loved and cared for eachother, but then I started getting possessive and needy. I even began feeling insecure and having trust issue cuz I have gained quite some weight during this time. Well Things started to get rough around 3 weeks ago when she said she needed some space but I didn't agree. So she started ignoring my calls and texting back really late. I would get mad and call her out on it. So about a week later I accepted that's we have a break, so we both agreed. But during that time she would still hug me and kiss me, we still had sex. Things got really rough this past Friday when I saw something in her phone, so I started demanding and screaming if she was cheating on me. Now I know she has never cheated and she wouldn't cuz she's a good girl. Anyways, I started being disrespectful and calling her names so we broke up. When she left I went into her gmail and changed the password so I can go into all her other social medias. I didn't find anything obviously and I shouldn't have done this but it was my insecurity taking over. So that same night I had to take her best friend home, and since she lives in LA an hour away from me I decided to offer her best friend a ride so we can talk. Basically her best friend told me that when she left my house she came to her and was crying and telling her she didn't wanna end things this way. So when I was about to go home, I get a text from my ex telling me to drive safely since it was raining. I texted her an apology and thanks for worrying about me but she never replied. The next day my ex calls me mad that why did I change her password, so I helped her change it back and apologized again. She was really pissed off at this. So on Monday at school i apologized again in person and she still seemed so mad but said I forgive you and walked away. So yesterday, Tuesday, I asked if we could talk and at first she seemed mad but she calmed down as we were talking. We started talking like if we were in a relationship again but then she said that what we could do right now is just be friends and then hopefully get back together. What is this suppose to mean? Is she friendzoning me?


I really want her back. What can I do to get her back? I can't go NC because we see eachother in class everyday at school. So far we have only talked about school work and that's it. So what can I do to win her back? I can tell she still loves me because when we were talking I got her to give me a kiss and tell me she loves me but she said she's not anymore cuz we're friends rn. In class she sometimes looks at me and her eyes get watery. I just wanna run up to her and hug her and kiss her. I don't want her to find another guy while we're "friends". What should I do??

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How old are you? You have some serious issues with insecurity, trust, control and anger. Changing the passwords, screaming and name calling are abusive behavior!!!!!


If she is smart, she will not take you back. Your actions are scary!


Get some professional help!

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You really invaded her privacy, I would never take a woman back that changed my email password in order to snoop through my social media. Also screaming and calling names is another fantastic way to lose somebody for good. You need anger management or therapy right now. You don't seem mature enough for a relationship at this point. Let her go.

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Friendzoning? You be lucky if she talks to you again Poor girl.


You've shown NO respect- look that word up.

A relationship takes time.. effort.. communication.. respect.. and a lot more.


I don't feel you're 'able' at this time.


I suggest you sit back and read all you've said here. Let it sink in about your actions towards this gal. And try to see that this is NOT the right way to treat anyone.


You have lack of trust and respect. A relationship will not work out when you're acting like this.


Youdo NOT try to take anyone over by acting so 'Possessive'... form of control is not good! But harmful.


To get her back? If she is smart, she won't.


Now-- back off, leave her alone and work on YOU. You need time on your own.. and while you are, consider some prof help for your actions.. cause this is all wrong.


You need time to work on Improving, when it comes to relationships and grow up a bit.. give respect & trust.. or they'll all end up this way.


I have NEVER gone into someone's phone.. gained their passwords, etc.. when involved with them.

I worked on trust with them, etc.

If I didn't trust and there were issue's.. then I had to accept it wasn't right and get out of it.


Life is an experience-- and I hope you learn.

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Sorry to say you don't need to "agree" when she says she wants space. You are acting abusive and controlling. Stop this.


Work on yourself. Get in shape, lose weight, clean up your act. Join a gym, start working out. Dress better, groom yourself better. Build up some confidence and self esteem. Work on your anger issues. Get some hobbies, interests, volunteer.


Get a life and stop stalking and abusing her. Get therapy ask your parents to take you. Don't become a loser.

she said she needed some space but I didn't agree.

I started demanding and screaming if she was cheating on me.

I started being disrespectful and calling her names so we broke up.

When she left I went into her gmail and changed the password so I can go into all her other social medias.

The next day my ex calls me mad that why did I change her password, so I helped her change it back and apologized again. She was really pissed off at this.

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