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Ok heres my story i used to date a guy when i was 16 years old. We lost contact for about 15yrs, hes very successful and such a good man, hes stable and have everything i desire in a man, however he recently confessed the love hes had for me in years, which is pretty deep, hes such a gentalman, however i found out that my biological aunt has been deeply in love with him all the years he loved me, i dated him first and i later learned after we went out seperate ways my aunt confessed that she was upset with me, therefore she had sex with 3 of my exs she apologized. I accept and one was the guy whos in love with me now when they dated he and i had split .....she is 56 and hes 42 now, so being he and i hav the same feelings for each other, would it be wrong for me to date him and see were we end. Im i wrong for accepting his advances and wanting to be with him, when i no my aunt love him, should i just be considerate of her feelings? He dont communicate with her now, but part of me is saying go with my heart the other part saying maybe not.....what should i do and should i feel bad ?

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When the last time you saw him or your aunt? Are they still dating? Has he asked you out or does he want to have both you and your aunt as lovers?

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So I'm getting that you're now 30, hes 42, and your aunt is 56?? So, when you were 16, he was 27 and she was 41...? If you're from the US, he was not legally allowed to sleep with you. You aunt, who is much older than you, should not be having revenge sex with her 16 year old niece's exes. Get out of this situation as fast as you can. Both of these people sort of sound like predators to me. I agree with j.man. Expand your dating pool.

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If you think she's promiscuous that's her problem not yours, distance yourself from her and gossip about her. Date your high school flame. She hasn't had her hands on him in 20+ years.

that's the problem she struggles with keeping her eye on all the women husband in my family or other women husbands men, out of spite but I don't feel I should have to miss out on someone that truly loves me and vice verse
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therefore she had sex with 3 of my exs


I am from a different world ...I spat my marley into the next street at that bit ^^ ....all I can think about is my Aunt , who is 93 , seeking revenge


Personally I would give him a wide berth and anyone else who has been involved in any way with a family member ... but it is your call and if you love each other ...well ...the heart wants what the heart wants .

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Your aunt sounds pretty messed up. I'd stay far far away from her. Vindictive crazy people should be avoided and removed from your life. They are dangerous and you have no idea how they will harm you.


Other than that, what happened two decades ago, while you and him were both very young....meh.....


If you want to date him, then date him. However, I would suggest that you do take your time getting to know him and who he is and don't just make assumptions about him either based on the past or based on just current words and sweet nothings he is telling you today. Take your time getting reacquainted and be sure that he really is all you think he is, as opposed to one messed up man who is still single because sane women run away screaming from him.

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