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Hello all. Me and my boyfriend have been a couple for around 6 to 7 months. Long distance relationship. We text and talk in the phone mostly. He is my first love and i dearly love him to the core. He has girl best friends whom i know. He met them before me of course. Not very long. My bf had given me his password for one of his social app. Which i guess he had forgotten about. I went through his texts out of curiosity of course. I read his texts with one of his girl best friends and got furious at a part. It was like, her ( my bf's girl best friend) asking my boyfriend to buy her chocolates when they meet. My boyfriend said he will and also told her that he will get her a specific chocolate which is good. Is my bf being all flirty? or am i being too much? Well, they did not meet i guess. If they did i would have known....by my bf. That girl was single at that time i guess but she has someone now. I feel too deep for everything. And i cant sleep thinking about this. Even though,this is just a small thing ....but i feel like maybe he is flirting n stuff...i feel insecure. But i do trust n love him so much. But that text broke my heart. ......I need advice....Thank you.

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Why would he give you passwords and why did you feel the need to snoop? Was there something fishy you sensed? How often do you see each other?

We text and talk in the phone mostly. My bf had given me his password for one of his social app. I went through his texts out of curiosity of course. my bf's girl best friend asking my boyfriend to buy her chocolates when they meet.
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I think if you dug through his messages and the worst thing you could find was him picking up something for a friend? The only thing you've found is your own insecurity. Which makes since. Long distance relationships are hard and they are very hard on people who are dealing with insecurity.

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Try not to anchor yourself to someone you rarely see when this is the time to enjoy and experience and learn from real-life, real-time relationships. Texting and phoning can get lonely and empty.


Tell him you need your freedom to grow and experience life locally. It's a lot better than cracking into people's messaging apps and trying to interpret things. Wouldn't you like a local guy to bring you some chocolate? Go on dates? Have fun?

Well we are far away so we dont meet up much. Just 18.
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I've picked up chocolates for guys before now. I didn't fancy them (chocolates or the guys) in the slightest. One of the problems with reading other people's texts is that you're taking them entirely out of context and you don't have the body language, tone of voice that tell you everything you need to know.


Stop snooping on him, and get out and about more. As Wiseman says, find yourself a local guy and get out and enjoy yourself.

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