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So I've been seeing my good friend from high school/college with whom I lost touch for many years. Everything has been wonderful. We asked if I wanted to be exclusive many weeks ago, and since then he has been (re)introducing me to his friends and family as his girlfriend.

Now, as a bit of mostly irrelevant, but slightly relevant background, my boyfriend was notoriously a no commitment kind of guy. He just kept women around casually for sex.

So to my question. His Facebook still says he's single. Personally, I always leave my status hidden, because I don't want to broadcast my relationships online. However, it bothers me that his says single. I want to ask him to change his status to hidden, but I know it's a silly request so I don't know whether I should just ignore it. I have absolutely no doubt that he's completely committed and once committed, he would never cross any boundaries with other women. I guess it's just because of his past that I don't like that he's still telling the world (via his status) that he's single.

Any thoughts?

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Well, I get your point. Females will back off if they see "in a relationship" or "married" as a status. My best guess is his status on FB is not even on his radar, that it's not a concern of his or something that has crossed his mind. But if it bothers you, it can't hurt to ask him to change it. All this social media is cause for relationship anxiety, in my humble opinion. It's just another layer of complication (or better yet - temptation). Good luck.

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I was always someone who was eager to change my status once in a relationship until my current relationship when I totally forgot about it for many months, long after we became serious it still said single on my profile. I finally changed it and I also forgot I had a profile on a free dating website and eventually removed that too. Perhaps he is like me and just hasn't gotten around to it yet or forgot what it even says. It's funny because this used to be something I would remember to do right away and I put a lot of emphasis on before I met my fiancé, and I used to be much more into Facebook than I am now. Perhaps he is the same way.

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So I've been seeing my good friend from high school/college with whom I lost touch for many years. Everything has been wonderful. We asked if I wanted to be exclusive many weeks ago, and since then he has been (re)introducing me to his friends and family as his girlfriend.

Now, as a bit of mostly irrelevant, but slightly relevant background, my boyfriend was notoriously a no commitment kind of guy. He just kept women around casually for sex.

So to my question. His Facebook still says he's single. Personally, I always leave my status hidden, because I don't want to broadcast my relationships online. However, it bothers me that his says single. I want to ask him to change his status to hidden, but I know it's a silly request so I don't know whether I should just ignore it. I have absolutely no doubt that he's completely committed and once committed, he would never cross any boundaries with other women. I guess it's just because of his past that I don't like that he's still telling the world (via his status) that he's single.

Any thoughts?


Who cares? Facebook doesn't make it official. He introduces you as his girlfriend to people you meet. Isn't that enough? Most people don't even look at that crap.


You obviously have some doubts somewhere....

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