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loving yourself.


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It took me a long time to learn to love myself because I didnt believe in myself at all. I thought I was "worthy" of just about nothing in life, mainly due to how my mother treated me. I figured out she never loved herself and she instilled that belief in me. I had to grow up and mature and learn to trust that I was a good person, worthy of the same things as other people and that I am just as good as the next guy. My husband loves me more than I ever thought anyone could and he helped me learn and believe I am a good person and then I learned to love myself.

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Loving yourself means you area able to say no. Saying no to people who are just looking to have their needs filled with no regards to yours.

Loving yourself means that when you are in a relationship you love yourself enough to know that you expect no less than what you are willing to give.

Loving yourself means that you are brave enough to walk away and protect yourself from harm and disappointment.

Loving yourself means that you enjoy your own company and are not reliant on the validation of others

Loving yourself means accepting your flaws and limitations and recognizing that it's all a part of being real and human.


I could go on. . feel free to jump in

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Loving myself means discovering and replacing all the critical voices of caregivers, cultures, political and economic systems that I internalized throughout my life to feel safe with kind, accepting and constructive views evolving from the unconditional love every child should be given. This doesn't mean re-emerging in the world as an unlimitedly entitled self. It means being able to see my mistakes and shortcomings and attempting to change or correct them without the hateful or punishing component of an inner voice that doesn't even belong to me. Loving myself means accepting that I was raised the wrong way the first time and raising myself a second time. When I feel I'm too late for certain things, it means recognizing that this is one of those critical voices and I should always give things a try. If I can't do it in the ideal way I would like to, then in ways that I still can.


Loving myself means seeing this process as one of action as much as words. Monitoring the negative voice and consciously replacing them until this becomes more automatic. It means developing new automatic thoughts that are kinder. Loving myself means working on stopping being my own persecutor and start learning how to be an advocate of myself.


Loving myself means saying "bleh" in a new way with a smile

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And just wanted to share this:


“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”

Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (Death: The Final Stage of Growth, 1975)

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Loving yourself happens when you say to yourself, Actually, I am not so good at that... and that's okay. In fact, its more than okay.

Loving yourself happens when you say to your parents (if only in your head) You did the best you could. It wasn't what I needed, but it was what you had. Thank you.

Loving yourself happens when you thank your obstacles for the strengths they helped create.

Loving yourself happens when you discover Wow! That thing I am not so good at? That is why I am crazy good at that other thing!

Loving yourself happens the moment the yin yang symbol begins to make sense within yourself.

Loving yourself happens when you let yourself win.


What do we do with all of that love? We become fearless because we know we will sometimes fail, and we know we will still love ourselves when we do. We step out into the unknown, we go to places we have never been but are meant to go, we become pathfinders and trailblazers. We become one of those people, you know the ones that other people say "I don't know what it is, there is just something about her/him." We become role models and community leaders. We don't try to do those things; they come to us and we embrace those responsibilities the way we embrace ourselves. Love begets love, in all things.

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