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So, I'm Officially Done


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I know a lot of you have been telling me to let this guy go (if you don't know what I'm talking about, feel free to look at my previous posts). I just couldn't. The idea of someone being into me, whether it was honest or not was intoxicating and I wanted to keep him around, but you can't hang on to someone who doesn't want to be held on to.


The past few days have been rocky for me. I've been an emotional mess for no reason. It was so stupid. I genuinely think that all of this has more to do with losing a potential friend and being lonely than ACTUALLY liking him.


So, he mentioned not wanting a relationship and that sent me off, but after I calmed down and cleared my head, I told him that he never actually asked me what I wanted. He just assumed that I wanted to date him after 5 days of actual contact and not just texting. He said I was right. I asked him what he wanted and he said he wants to be friends. Cool. Fine with me.

2 days go by with no contact from him (and again this is going from him messaging me everyday to this), so I message him. We talk a little while, just back and forth about the election, about just simple things and then I sent him something and he made a comment saying he was so proud of me (sarcastically) and I said (jokingly) why? You're not my dad, haha. And he just sent back "Alrighty". And I told him it was a joke and to lighten up! And I mentioned that he's just been so indifferent lately and it's VERY noticeable. He said that he's tired, he doesn't feel great and that he's just an indifferent person and he's not in the mood to joke.

Again, I should have left it there but I went off again. I basically told him that I've been trying to be nice and friendly to him and trying to keep him around and he came back saying that ever since he said he didn't want a relationship, I've been rubbing this friends thing in his face. That's what he WANTED. He made that clear! And I told him that I genuinely cared for him before and I even saved the long message he sent about all the issues he's having because I wanted to be able to help if I could. And I also told him he could delete me. He said he'd do no such thing which makes absolutely NO SENSE to me. He doesn't talk to me.


But at this point, I've exhausted all my efforts to be nice to this boy. And that's exactly what he is. A boy.

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Good call to delete him. He's just too fuzzy on what he wants and he doesn't sounds serious or interested. This way you can stop wasting your time and energy on guys like this and move on to interested guys who ar clear on what's going on.


But be clear on what you want, date first and don't try to keep a guy around with sex or being a fan.

he came back saying that ever since he said he didn't want a relationship, I've been rubbing this friends thing in his face. That's what he WANTED.
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Now keep this note on speed dial or whatever and when you start to waffle pull it back up. The fact is this is how someone who uses people behaves. They are charming and on when they want something from you and the rest of the time they go cold and indifferent. And it will drive you crazy, that whole hot and cold thing, so don't do it.


Delete, block, move on. This guy is not a friend.

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This man is seriously a joke. He is messing around with your feelings, enjoy's watching you squirm while he drags you along but STILL does not actually want you.

Why exactly are you allowing this? Please, have some self respect. He is never going to give you what you want and you seriously are wasting your time and self worth on this one.

By the way, if a "friend" of mine ever treated me this way, we'd no longer be friends.

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