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sitting here with two bottles of pills. in despair


my ex dumped me. and i lashed out..he contacted my previous ex to have some sort of conversation that caused my previous previous ex to block me on social media.


Im bad at relationships.. i get dumped and i cannot handle the pain. they seem to have teamed up and are bonding over all the ways that I am mentally unstable. I m starting to think iam..im a perpetual failure at love. so many casualties in my wake.

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Settle down for a second and take a deep breath. Unfortunately none of us were taught how to be any good at relationships. It's just something we have to learn on our own. There's nothing wrong with you. The only way that I know of changing the results you're getting from your relationships is to change yourself. I know that seems inpersonal and you should certainly never change the core person of who you are but there are always things that your partner or SO are attracted to in you. I would focus on developing more of yourself. Take some time away from dating to work on yourself and just get back to loving who you are before you try to go and love someone else. I hope this helps.


to put things into a better perspective, there are millions if not billions of people in this world that would kill to have your problems. Just keep that in mind, and your problems don't seem to be as drastic. Life is hard, no way around it. But it's rewarding for those who perservere and win. Best of luck. Put the pills down please. AJ.

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In life there are many many many ups and downs. The bottoms are hard...and they feel permanent, like you can't get out and nothing will ever be good again. But the only constant in life is that it's constantly changing...so eventually those bottoms catch an uphill swing again and life is good again.


Suicide is permanent. It's a solution, yes, but you won't ever get to see what could have happened in your life.


I had a friend that committed suicide when we were young. He will stay forever 16...his parents will never know who he would have become. We will always wonder if he would have gotten married and had kids....his mother will walk around with a hole in her heart everyday for the rest of her life.


And as a mother....I can tell you, this will kill your parents. They will never be the same again- they will never recover. You should call them and tell them about how you're feeling. Tell them how you feel right now and that you need help. They'll do everything they can, I promise.

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It sounds like you are in a lot of pain. I think you might feel more intensely than most people. Like when you love you love hard. And when you hurt you hurt hard. This is common with people who have borderline personality disorder. Bpd people just feel more intensely. There are lots of good books out there. I hope this helped.

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