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Whats going on here?


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Okay ladies, let's be honest here. We ALL are worried about being hurt or played, okay? But if you want someone, you let them know by reciprocating or messaging them back, or what the heck, message first, we are human beings here. You don't need to act all desperate and text ten times in a row, or be sitting around all day pleading for a text to come in, but give these men a break. If you like them, tell them...what have you got to lose? Playing hard to get only makes things awkward and sad. There are times where you shouldn't overthink things to the point of killing it all and just say yeah, I like you, can we get together soon? And then let the chips fall where they may. He might be the right one or he might not be, but life is too short for this on off and analysing and making him chase or it's not good enough. Just tell the man already that you like him and want to see him. Making things complicated is time wasting when it could turn out to be great or then you will find out it's not great and you can move on. Not difficult is it?


Pat attention to this gals.

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