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OLD for Real


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Has anyone else found an OLD site that has real profiles. All the reviews are horrible. Everyone says there are lots of fake profiles. I can personally say from experience that I am seeing this on Match.com. And I hear eharmony does the same thing. This is ridiculous considering how much eharmony cost. I'm getting frustrated and nearing the point where I'm going to have to go on singles cruises and spend Saturday night dancing so I can meet people. And the work, I may have to accept some blind dates (YUK!)

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"nearing the point where I'm going to have to go on singles cruises and spend Saturday night dancing so I can meet people. And the work, I may have to accept some blind dates (YUK!)"


Yuk?? How are those ways of meeting people more 'yuk' than meeting them on dating sites? Doing those activities would be 1000 times better than OLD, because they allow you to also have fun in the process and perhaps bring a few new friends into your life.

OLD may have been great in the beginning, it may still be for some people, but nowadays it is a haven for the player, the unavailable, the married, the crazy, the con artist, and the list goes on. I have nothing against using OLD as just one avenue to meet men, but the best way will always remain going out and about and living your life, so you can meet them in real life.

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Right on, Greta.


Geeze, how did the rest of us manage before OLD came on the scene. LOL.


No kidding! Gosh I miss those days, and there certainly was no shortage of opportunities, heck it was a challenge choosing which one to date first! (no multidating back then either lol)

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Have you even tried it yet or are you just psyching yourself out by reading reviews from bitter people who failed at it?


Personally, I had countless fun dates with real guys from OLD and my current LTR is also how we met initially. However, with OLD, you really need to toss out all ideas of romantic garbage, notions that you can get to know someone online, expectations that you should be impressed by their online profile, basically cut out all bs and just narrow it down to his pic doesn't make me cringe and his profile doesn't have glaring red flags, so I'll exchange a few e-mails and agree to meet him for a coffee or drinks asap. Stick with that and it works. If you are the type where you need to be romanced by a total stranger and will fall for things like he instantly loves you and you are his one even though he has never met you in real life and don't realize that only a scammer will feed you that kind of bs, then stay far far away from OLD because you will get into a whole lot of trouble with it.

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Problem is Dancing that the vast majority LIKE and fall for the scammer approach. Sad but true. It isn't even that people are naive but rather that they want to be told what they want to hear....




I don't know about vast majority....... plenty of men and women take the no nonsense approach and are successful at it. I think to assume that vast majority fall for scammers is a bit like saying vast majority of people with an e-mail address fall for the Nigerian prince scam. Sure some people do for various reasons, but more like a small minority rather than majority.

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I can only go, Dancing, by the experiences of people I know (many) in 3D who tried OLD, and it was a disaster.

And every day of the week I cannot get over how utterly naive such a huge number of people are, and by that I mean adults. However, we'll agree to disagree


I wouldn't touch OLD, not for money and not with a gun at my back LOL.


I suppose, Misty, that OLD is also blind date territory. You only "see" someone (who may not even be who they purport to be) on a computer screen, so if you then decide to meet them in 3D, it is "blind" so to speak.

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I have tried OLD and found that the men weren't really honest in their intentions and definitely not honest on only dating one person strictly for a serious relationship.

I know there are the few that have had good outcomes, but in my experience and hearing from friends, it hasn't been good. And yes the women can be every bit as bad.

Not saying this is everyone, though the good outcomes seem few and far between

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Misty, how old are you?


I ask because I met my boyfriend on OKC and there seems to be a decent # of folks on there in their 20s and even early 30s. I met a couple previous boyfriends on Match in the past. Have never done eHarmony - I was rejected years ago with them saying that "there weren't any matches for me" but I chalked it up to what I was looking for - not exactly mainstream I suppose.


There were fakes everywhere but I found them pretty easy to spot. It's just weeding out the people who aren't right for you.

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Yes, I've tried a few sites. As I stated I'm on Match now. But I read reviews as well. I was only asking if anyone has come across sites that have actual people. I know how to conduct myself online and week out the bull.


I was on Match and never came across a fake profile or a scammer......or maybe they never made it past my filters...I don't know. I can only speak about my own experience. A number of my friends were on there too and had good results as well, fun dates, no fakes, no scams.

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I've only found dates on OLD it's tougher for men. We actually have to deal with totally fake people hitting us up. Very easy to tell though. I haven't been on it for 4 years but will try again in a couple months. I found POF has real people but might not be what you want. Never had any luck with OK cupid but never really tried. Match I thought was a disaster never got a date on that till a woman hit me up. I just hate paying for them then cancelling my membership after a month or two. I guess it's OK though considering you get a partner out of it.

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I think someone has touched on this already but if you do go this route, you have to have thick skin and to watch out. I hate to admit it, but I feel I do very well on sorting out the scammers and liars etc..but one man I met on a dating site who seemed so sweet and sincere and shy, turned out the be one of the biggest players ever! And trust me, I am not easily fooled nor did I jump right into anything..it's hard to tell these days.

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Misty, how old are you?


I ask because I met my boyfriend on OKC and there seems to be a decent # of folks on there in their 20s and even early 30s. I met a couple previous boyfriends on Match in the past. Have never done eHarmony - I was rejected years ago with them saying that "there weren't any matches for me" but I chalked it up to what I was looking for - not exactly mainstream I suppose.


There were fakes everywhere but I found them pretty easy to spot. It's just weeding out the people who aren't right for you.


I second this. I was on OKC and everyone I met up with was real and "as advertised", for lack of a better term. I met my ex online and we dated for a year and a half. I also have friends who have successfully done OLD. One friend is currently dating a guy she met on POF. I've never tried that site, but she seems to have good luck there. I tried eHarmony for about five minutes and hated it. I said I wanted matches with no children. EVERY match it gave me was a single dad. No offense to all the awesome single dads out there, but I have been there, done that, and never *EVER* doing it again. eHarmony was a complete waste of time for me, and I don't know of anyone who's had any success with it either.


The trick is, like Fudgie said, learning to spot the fakes and avoid them. That's rule number one. Rule number two, at least in my opinion, is meet early. Don't email for days on end. You don't buy a car based on the commercial you see; you take a test drive. Same thing with OLD. If the ad piques your interest, set up a meet. This protects you from creating a certain image of them in your mind, which is often way off the truth and can lead to a let down when you meet them.

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I used OLD for a couple of years and only ran across one scam artist. You have to know how to spot them. I have had two extremely serious relationships from OLD and I didn't have to look very hard for one. Nice guys are all over OLD, at least in my area. You wouldn't think so, but it's true. Everyone here is very career focused so OLD thrives for everyone.

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